Saturday, August 18, 2012


Wait a minute. Mitt Romney picks Rex Ryan to be his vice presidential running mate? WHAT THE FUCK?

I mean the guy is a loser. A blowhard. He never gets anything done. What they are going to make Tim Tebow Secretary of State?

Plus the Democrats will be making a big thing out of him sucking his wife's feet! I mean the guy is a fucking pervert!

What the fuck was Romney thinking?


Chip S. said...

It's a major step toward securing a foothold on the presidency.

Trooper York said...


It's a toehold.

Chip S. said...

We've gotta get in step on this.

The Dude said...

I was hoping Troop would mention this - I imagine Rex is going to be very busy for a month or two. Then he will fire Dirty and lose the Hispanic vote and there goes the republic.

blake said...

I foresee new job opportunities for Dick Morris in this new administration.