Saturday, August 11, 2012

Stop staring at my tits.....

I am cock Robin not a red breast.

You talkin' to me?

What the fuck?

Don't make me come out there.


Anonymous said...

Somehow that bird reminds me of Spinelli.

Chip S. said...

Nah. Lance Berkman all the way.

The Dude said...

Jesus, 12 years in parochial school and you don't even recognize a cardinal when you see one.

Where's my ruler?

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, As ChipS said, Lance Berkman a St. Louis Cardinal. Now..put that ruler back in the drawer, Sister Sixty!

Trooper York said...

Dude it is a gay cardinal. So it is a Robin as in Batman and Robin.

Plus we don't have any animals in Brooklyn other than pigeons and rats.

And Moolies.

Just sayn'

Anonymous said...

Gay Cardinal? Oops, sorry Nick. The expression in it's little beaky face was what reminded me of you.

ndspinelli said...

LaRussa was a gay Cardinal, and Lance Berkman is a little light in the spikes.

Allie, I actually have a round dago face.

MamaM said...

...I actually have a round dago face

The pic accompanying "Deep Titus" above also reveals a big nose for snooping and a large but ever diminishing chest due to tracking considerations.