Monday, March 30, 2020

Communist plans to shut down Churches.

Communist Mayor Bill De Blasio has stated that if Churches or Synagogues hold religious services with more than ten people he will direct the cops to disperse them. If they do not comply he will seize the buildings and permanently throw the houses of worship out.

In America. In 2020.

Bishop Dolan is silent. All of the Catholic church is silent, The Jews are silent. De Blasio doesn't mention the mosques so maybe that doesn't apply to them.

Did we throw out the Constitution? Did we repeal the Freedom of Religion clause?

Where is the outrage? Where is the push back?

Where are the Americans?


windbag said...

The mayor in our town doubles as the town fool, but De Blasio makes him look like a genius. Where are all the brave firefighter journalists who should be howling about the assault on the 1st amendment? Oh, they agree with him.

In a similar vein, I'm expecting the snake handlers to continue to hold services. I mean, if you can pick up a rattler, what's a little germie wormie?

I told my wife when this all began that this was going to be a test of our civil liberties, and crap like this shows where the left wants to take this. The question I want to see asked is what are the criteria for other threats to public health and well-being? We've faced worse threats in the past, and are experiencing worse threats right now, yet we haven't surrendered our rights and shut down the economy in order to combat them.

There is a balance to our reaction to every threat out there. We could ban all traffic during the time that school buses run to minimize the possibility of accidents. Afterall, if we can save just one life... That's not feasible, practical, or rational. So, what's the criteria? When is someone going to hit the panic button again and shut everything down? We can't keep doing this.

When the government meddles with the economy, it has a massive effect. But they assure us that they can tap the pendulum with a sledgehammer, stopping it in equilibrium. Nonsense. By the dictates of the government, suddenly 3 million people are unemployed. This needs to end as soon as possible.

chickelit said...

There is a community pool where I live which I use on a daily basis to cope with back pain. Last week the HOA sent a memo that they were shutting it down. I continued to use it despite an 8 degree drop in temperature after the shut off the heating. I was practically the sole user anyways, so the activity almost defines social distancing. Today after work, I went for my usual swim and found the gate chained shut. I sort of expected that. So that is my personal sacrifice in our time of national sacrifice.

The Dude said...

Bolt cutters are your friend, CL. I can loan you a pair.

chickelit said...

Breaking in would only enrage the do-gooders trying to protect me from myself. I'm more concerned with finding a "dry" routine to replace my swimming. High impact "vertical" stuff like running isn't really an option. I still bike 15 mi a day and they can't take that away from me -- yet. Power walking might work.

chickelit said...

I will respectfully request a partial refund of HOA fees.

chickelit said...

Part of what's going on here wrt loss of civil rights is "how Chinese can we be." Someone is watching and taking notes.

The Dude said...

That is true, and I wasn't really suggesting breaking and entering - I mean quarantine is one thing, solitary is another.

I just watched The Shawshank Redemption - that's a cheerful little flick about how to succeed when one is imprisoned, just sayin'.

chickelit said...

After a day of moping in denial about not swimming, I invented a "dry" routine to get me through. But I practically forget what it feels like to really sweat while working out.

It's slowly getting warmer out here which I believe may slow the spread (though I never understood that from a chemistry POV). But beware South America as they move into fall and then winter.

chickelit said...

I lied: That was two days of moping and denial.

The Dude said...

Swimming in de Nile - I don't recommend it.

chickelit said...

So much for nice weather. We've plunged back into cold and wet darkness for the next few days. You won't be hearing about droughts for awhile.