Friday, March 27, 2020

Lets get pounded!

What do you do when you are going stir crazy! You stir up a batter and make a pound cake.

We  haven't been out so we can't get a fresh dessert. We like a nice dessert at the end of the day. Maybe a piece of cake. A few cookies . Fresh fruit. Even an Italian Ice. 

So since we are stuck in the house I have been baking. Something I don't like to do because it is all so scientific. Measure this and only add that. I don't believe in science so it is very hard for me. I like to cook because you just  throw stuff in on a whim. You have a general idea but you can always throw in something to make it better. My motto is always more is better.

This brand of gluten-free pound cake is really great. I added some lemon zest and it came out great in my Valentine heart bake pan. This is the brand: 

This company also has a pretty good chocolate chip cookie product that I made a couple of days ago. 

Severed with a little coconut cream it is a perfect end to another day of confinement. 

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