Tuesday, March 24, 2020

It's like butter.

Everything goes better with butter.

When we went to Trader Joe's last week there were some shortages. Not many eggs. Sparse stocking in the bread aisle. Not a lot of buttter.

You see we like the Trader Joe's brand of butter. It is relatively inexpensive and tastes great. But they were out. They only had unsalted. Fuck that shit.

Now I was stuck out in the car and was shopping by Face Time. The wife and daughter have banned me from the store since the Post Office fiasco.  The wife was inside and asking me questions about what to get. So when the butter was gone I was able to get her to buy the Kerrygold! What a score.

Kerrygold is just about the best butter on the market. Imported from Ireland it is as good as it gets. I love it but don't usually buy it because it is pricey. Necessity is the mother fucker of a budget. So we got some Kerrygold and I am in pig shit heaven.

With us being stuck inside I am cooking up a storm. Spaghetti Bolognese. Corn Beef and Cabbage. Swedish Meatballs and noodles in a brown sauce. Chicken Francese. And you know what makes that all taste so much better?


I had been holding back on the butter because of our health concerns. But if we are going to die from the Kung Flu we might as well enjoy ourselves. Amirite?

No excuse me while I go out and make an apple pie. With a shit ton of butter.