Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Shut up bitch before I show you some Kung Flu fighting!

Did you see that latest interminable press conference where some liberal cunt was ranting at the God Emperor because he was calling it the Chinese Flu? She lied about dozens of attacks on gooks and chinks because of people being pissed that the entire economy was shut down because mamasan wanted her bat soup in the wet market in Wuhan. This is what they have to worry about..

I will admit that China had one good idea. They threw out all of the liberal media form their country. President Trump should do the same with the Times, the Post and the Networks. Just have science and technology reporters asking relevant questions. Not Democratic talking points. Listen Lincoln did it in a national emergency. If you are going to shut the bars you can at least shut these fucking liberal pie holes.

1 comment:

windbag said...

Ignorant bint. She'd have a cow if she saw a Chinese fire drill.