Sunday, March 22, 2020

I got your shelter in place right here....

I can't believe that so many people are listening to the panic being spread by the mainstream media and stopping their life. I had to go to the Post Office to bring our on-line sales this week. Of course the wife insisted I wear gloves and a mask. We got the mask from a nurse we met in Stop and Shop earlier in the week. We were talking about it and when she heard about my health status she went to her car and got us masks. So the wife forced me to wear one.

When I got to the desk the half a retard who works there was wearing a mask and gloves too. Of course was touching everything and then rubbing his bald head so I don;t think he protected jack shit.  Still and all the office manager was there. I used to know him when he was a lowly mailman and my office was in Rockville Centre. He goes "Jim I never thought you would be wearing a mask."
I said "Well I know I am going to die because of the corona virus. Not from getting sick but because I am going to get nagged to death."

You see my wife and my mother-in-law are the Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig of naggers. They never stop. This bullshit panic has them going crazy. Then when I posted this to face book my daughter started rage texting me from Florida about not going out. What a fucking mess. Somebody is going to have to pay for destroying our economy for a flu bug that is going to end up being slightly worse than a normal flu season. I just can't believe how people give up their basic civil rights so easily when the government decides to tell them what to do. Don't they know when they give up these rights it is very hard to get them back. Look at what happened after 911. After that mess they passed the Patriot Act where they set up the bogus FISA court and spyed on the phones of most of America. You think they would have cancelled that after what they did to Trump and the people on his campaign. But no they are going to renew it. The only thing stopping them is Senator Ron Paul. I don't know if he can hold the line.

This bogus crisis has tinpot dictators trying to control every aspect of our lives. They are destroying businesses and peoples lives. The cure is a lot worse than the disease.


windbag said...

When this nonsense started, I told my wife that this was a test run on our civil liberties. It's crazy all over. We went for a walk today at the Greenway that runs along the river in town. When we stopped to talk with people we know, they all maintained the six foot buffer zone that everyone seems to have adopted.

All except for one guy, and he's a retired nurse. He was as normal as ever, even slapping me on the arm when we were chatting. Great guy. He was a widowed dad in the early 70s. Said he'd go to the park with his kid and pick out good looking women, then send his kid over to start up a conversation. They'd ask him where his mommy was and he'd tell them she had died. He said they couldn't shed their clothes fast enough after hearing that. Anyhow, we talked about hockey and how the Bruins ought to just be awarded the Cup, since they were in first place when this shit hit the fan.

Times like this I'm glad I deleted my facebook account. Everyone is suddenly an expert on everything and happy to tell you what to do. The overreaction to this virus is going to cost more lives than the virus itself. All the suicides from bankruptcy.

My sister lives upstate in the middle of a field, yet the State of New York demands she stay away from everyone and stay off the roads. She's already away from everyone.

Years ago our county put up "convenience centers" to collect the trash. They used to just set dumpsters along the road here and there, but decided it was better to only have a few staffed places with a few dumpsters. So, this friend of mine was dumping something there and the attendant said, "Now, you know I can't let you dump construction material here. You gotta take that to the landfill." My friend didn't even look at him. He just said, "The question isn't whether you can let me, it's a question of if you can stop me," as he finished unloading his trash.

That's what we need more of in the coming weeks.

Trooper York said...

Exactly right.

I am too old and sick to lead this fight. I hope somebody does.

edutcher said...

OK, a couple of things.

First get yourself a viral mask if you want to be safe (you're in that demographic, let's face it). The protective part is plastic (I get all this from you-know-who). The kind you have is so you won't infect people. You need the kind that will protect you from being infected.

Second, I don't think as many people are panicked as Fake News wants us to believe. The Lefties may be because they try so hard to buy that dreck. Also, with so many going stir crazy, you're going to see rebellion.

The kids (yes, them) seem to be leading the charge. Some of it's dumb, but this may be revenge for Comrade Andropov's counter-intel offensive in the 60s. In the immortal words of Bette Davis, fasten your seat belt, it's going to be a bumpy ride.