Our old friend Meade is continuing his trip through the highways and byways of middle America with his lovely bride. They are enjoying the sites and the best fast food that America has to offer.
It just seems that someone is not up to the task.
Tssk, tssk.
Road blowin' tahts what we're talkin'
Anybody scene ricpic lately?
Hey, Chicken Real...or Real Chicken, I just got back from a trip to Yellowstone and parts of Montana. But the big news is that on the road I went into a Subway and almost got beat up. The thing is I had been on the road for like 8 hours and probably looked like hell but the minute I walked into the Subway a teenager from hell (female division) started to stare at me and wouldn't stop staring at me. And of course she was with her teenager from hell boyfriend and another female and male teenagers from hell couple. Anyway I got my sandwich and then went to fill the cup they give you with water. And she was still staring at me. So instead of being smart and not staring back I stared back at which point she barked "What you starin' at?" Not having Troop's wit, instead of coming up with a comic defusing line I said something about her having stared at me since I came in and what's your problem at which point the boyfriend was in my face calling me a freak (which hurt because I probably looked freakish at the time) and me calling them all trailer trash and as I said above almost blows. So I'm still coming down from that. Because in reality I'm a timid soul and can't shrug that kind of inevitable crap off. I should go for self-defense training...but won't. Maybe I'll start carrying pepper spray.
ricpic: My 12-year son loves Subway so much he would eat every meal there if we let him.
We've long since given up paying him allowance in $US; instead we pay him in units of Subway gift cards.
I'll bet your son gets more interesting sandwiches than my usual: tuna fish with tomatoes, onions and spinach...and no dressing. It's the only way I've found to stay semi-healthy on the road.
Well I approve of his obsession because they do have fresh-looking ingredients and he's omnivorous enough to put together a good sandwich with everything.
I got him off the "meal" combo which had to include chips-now we're working on his soda addiction.
tuna fish with tomatoes, onions and spinach...and no dressing
That sounds like something I'd eat.
Yes, Subway has the healthiest sandwiches, which, given my blood pressure, I've got to learn to love.
My teenage sons put Subway just behind Quiznos for reasons I don't understand, but they're at an age and condition (active and in shape, thank God) where fat and salt don't loom large or even at all.
However, I've always found the Subway shops themselves slightly creepy. I don't know, maybe it's the decor, but there's a sterility about them that bothers me. They also seem to have more quietly desperate help than most fast food places. It's almost like there's an "Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter" sign over the door. Of course, my cholesterol count bothers me more, so I don't have much left but hope.
Ricpic, I think your story illustrates why I've become an echt East Coast type. Why anyone would want to have anything to do with flyover country, or anything west of Framingham, for that matter, escapes me. It's dangerous out there! They talk funny! And, what's worse, you actually might meet a Republican!
Horrors! I'm staying inside 128, where it's safe.
...there's a sterility about them that bothers me...
Some of the food joints I've seen could use a dose of that!
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Hey we don't like that kind of talk around here Meade!
Sorry to hear about your problems in Subway. It is the New York thing. Even though you are long removed from the five bouroughs I bet you still give off that New York vibe.
Or it could have been the Yarmulke.
I love Subway Theo, but your kids are correct. Quizno's have better toasted sandwiches.
Both are far superior to other fast food outlets. You can get a tasty sandwich. I always order two at time.
Ripics tuna with lettuce, tomatoe, onion and mayo.
AJ's Philly cheese steak.
A extra large coffee and I am good to go.
It was the propeller on top of the yarmulka that did it.
I checked into opening (re-opening a closed one, actually) Quizno's about three years ago. What a hellish company to be involved with. After digesting their 400+ page contract, I decided to let the "opportunity" pass. They make Satan look like Chamberlain.
My son took a self-defense class PE this past semester. The instructor literally taught them to kill. He is prepared mentally and physically to maim and destroy in a situation that deteriorates into violence.
Jeez the headline could have been a head scratcher had it read "New York Man Beaten in Montana Subway!"
I have heard the Quizno chain and its franchisees are hurting bigtime. So you may have dodged a bullet.
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