Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Are you ready for some Football!!!!!!

THE WORLD CHAMPION FOOTBALL GIANTS will begin the defense of their title against Tony Romo and the rest of the homo's on the Dallas Cowgirls.

THE WORLD CHAMPION FOOTBALL GIANTS will also celebrate their latest championship as they won the Super Bowl last year.

 I did mention that the Giants won the Superbowl and are WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!!!!


(Oh for you loser Packer fans they are having a Marathon of Honey Boo Boo tonight so you can catch something that will remind you of your team).


blake said...


I'm not ready yet.

Come back in 15.

john said...

They will be playing against Willie tonite.

ricpic said...

Hey, maybe A-Rod can save the Jints. Cause he certainly can't save that other team.

The Dude said...

Well, they suck so far. But the refs suck even worse.

Michael Haz said...

Yawn. A Peewee League football game tonight.

As a frequent checker of the betting line, I noticed here that the Giants are 23-1 favorites to win the Super Bowl.

And the Packers are 6-1. No other team has been given better odds.

The bookies know, they always know.

ndspinelli said...

Your Yanks are folding like a $4 lawnchair, just like the Red Sox last year.

Trooper York said...

Youse guys have to take a chill pill.

The Yankees will be just fine.

The Captain will lead them through the playoffs.

AllenS said...

Do I smell de feet for the gints?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop, losing to the Cowboys always sucks. Need I say it: Tony Romo. I am sorry.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

We can talk more on Sunday after the 49ers get whooped.

The Dude said...

Wait until next year!

Michael Haz said...

That was a pre-season game, right?

ndspinelli said...

All Eli could say after the game was "Shazam" and "Gollllly"!

Trooper York said...

One game boys, one game.

A mere bag of shells.

The Dude said...
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Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I do remember that the Giants got off to a rough start last year.

That said, they will go down like the Edmond Fitzgerald on November 25, 2012.

The Dude said...

They lost 7 games last season. But they won when it counted. Go figure.

Darcy said...

Sorry about the game, Troop.

Well, I only had a four day week to get through to start my new hours (9:30-5:30) and this extra two hours a day is officially kicking my ass.

Boy, did I have it good. I have to buck up though. I need the money. This is the new reality.

Anybody want to drive over a martini? Extra dirty?

blake said...


The hard part is going to be keeping that little glass upright for the 2,000 mile drive.

Darcy said...

Hehehe. That was kewt.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The legend lives on from Westchester on down
of the big swamp they called "The Medowlands."
The swamp, it is said, never gives up her dead
when the skies of November turn gloomy.
With a load of overpriced charter seats and way expensive eats,
Met Life stadium was a bone to be chewed
when the "Gales of November" came early.

The team was the pride of the New York metro side
coming back from some victory in Indiana.
As the big teams go, it was bigger than most
with a quarterback and linemen well seasoned,
concluding some terms with a couple of preseason games
when they got taken out by Romo.
And later that season, when the big game approached,
could it be the GB wind they'd been feelin'?

AllenS said...

Hang on, Darcy! You can do this. Think how much this extra money can do for your wants and desires. Well, you might have to wait for the weekend, but still... :)

Darcy said...

Aww. Thanks, Allen.

ndspinelli said...

Where do dumb Brooklynites go when there's a tornado? Probably the rooftop for a better view.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ndspinelli, very funny! And true. I say that since I did attend a few hurricane parties that were pretty much that.

Of course with a tornado you generally don't get the advance notice to stock up on salami and drinks.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop, what is happening with BBS? Any renewal? Any pickup by others?

ndspinelli said...

EBL, When I was a teen we got drunk @ the Ct. shore watching a hurricane come ashore. It was a weak Cat. 1.

MamaM said...

Elvis has left the building.

TTBurnett said...

Not with a bang, but a whimper.

Chip S. said...

It's been a rough week for The King. First the Jints lost, then he hadda listen to Boston fans talk about how the Yanks are choking like a terrier on a chicken wing.

Let's hope he had a nice time w/TTB, and spinelli was able to get him past the maitre d' at the best Eyetalian joint in the Hub.

In the meantime, tits and chimes.

MamaM said...

In the meantime, tits and chimes.

Colons too! Let's hope the TY's not experiencing a lethal back up of one kind or another, especially of words.

...the music legend's longtime friend and physician, Dr. George “Nick” Nichopoulos, has put pen to paper for the first time and revealed his belief that it was chronic constipation that actually killed the King of Rock and Roll...According to Dr. Nick, the autopsy revealed that Presley’s colon was 5 to 6 inches in diameter (whereas the normal width is 2 to 3 inches) and instead of being the standard 4 to 5 feet long, his colon was 8 to 9 feet in length.
“The constipation upset him quite a bit because Elvis thought that he could handle almost anything, he thought he was really a man’s man and he wasn’t going to let something like this … he thought that this was a sign of weakness and he wasn’t going to be weak,”

TTBurnett said...

Well, actually, I e-mailed Troop, but heard nothing back. My wife, older son, and I went out for a good Mexican dinner, and have had a great weekend since. Not a peep from Trooper.

I thought we were going to be stuck in Andover on Friday night, but, as I e-mailed Troop, we were off the hook and free to join him. We were pretty exhausted from a long day getting my other son settled and going to school events. This involved lots of walking around a very big campus (and a fair ways off of it) on a hot, humid day. I, for one, was ready for some refreshment, but no Trooper and Lisa to share it with.

My younger son is getting settled at school. Classes start Tuesday, but he has a lot of meetings and events first. He'll be doing Commons (cafeteria) duty starting at 7:00 AM, and after that, he's off to an 8:00 AM German class. He has English, Math, Music, and PE classes otherwise, and is running cross-country and, with any luck, singing in 3 or 4 ensembles, including the a cappella group. I often wish I was young again. That's fine, but if I had to do now what my son's going to do, I'd be dead in 3 days, maybe 4.

I hope this hasn't happened to Trooper.

TTBurnett said...

BTW, if you want to see the scene we were greeted with when we got to Andover on Firday, here it is.

The kids with the tie-dyed t-shirts and painted faced are "Blue Keys." They're "responsible for leading the orientation program in the opening week of school, attending athletic events, demonstrating school spirit and mentoring new students throughout their first year at Andover," or so says an article in the school newspaper. There's also Gunga, the blue gorilla mascot. Every school has a mascot. Why not a blue gorilla?

Sure enough, after everything was over late in the day, and we made our way back to Tom's dorm to pick up our van, Tom was met by a responsible-seeming, but tie-dyed and face-painted kid who was his Blue Key. As we maneuvered our vehicles out of the driveway, we left Tom, his Blue Key, some of his new dorm-mates and a friend or two, all appearing to enjoy hanging out together on a humid, late-summer evening.

Mom kept her sunglasses on for a long time on the ride home, and I had an odd coughing fit that required several Kleenexes. But we're okay, and I'm sure Tom is, too.

MamaM said...

Seeing our firstborn off to live on his own away from home was a good but difficult experience, TT, and reading your story brought some of those feelings back. He was older than your son when this took place, but he's thriving now and its my hope the vibrant young man you dropped off will do the same.

This realization from the other thread touched my heart: He's finishing packing as I write this, and I'm taking a deep breath, realizing he's only 15 and may never live with us full-time again. It took me back my own similar moment of awareness, when my heart acknowledged what my head knew to be true.

Even though he's come and gone several times since, the first time he came back felt special, as if something vital I'd been missing had been returned. From my journal, two years ago:

My son is home
The oldest boy
Returned today

The awaited call
Came through
“I'm here”
And I left
To find him
Standing right there
By the curb
As if he dropped
Out of the sky
As if he’d not
Been living his life
Somewhere else
This morning.

Why should I
be so lucky
So blessed
To see him
Alive again?
To find him
Waiting for me?

He greeted me
rubbed the old dog's head
threw his bag
into the back
climbed in
gave me a kiss
And we quickly
pulled away
from the curb
headed for home

Now he's back
In his room
His computer
Swimming later
With us

And a part.

The Dude said...

Brooklynites do not travel well. They can't understand why they are no longer in Brooklyn.

My oldest son left home. He headed to a bar to get drunk. He was 30.

I left home when I was 15 and last I heard the people who lived there are all dead. Happy endings are possible.

Michael Haz said...

The NFL officials are on strike. This has totally messed up my NFL Officials Fantasy Team. And I had Ed Hotchuli this year! Stupid referees.

The officials who called the Green Bay / San Francisco game Sunday did about as well as Stevie Wonder would have if he was an NFL referee. Idiots.

I blame them entirely for Green Bay's loss. No other reason is possible.

Michael Haz said...

Plus, the Lions won. How could that be anything other than bad officiating? :)

windbag said...

Something about fall and transitions, eh? My son has worked his last shift for me as cook. He's going to work for the software development company where my wife programs. They'll pay him much better than I ever could, he'll come home clean, and he gets his first start in the industry to which he aspires. There's a little nip in the air here in the mountains and the leaves will soon be turning.

TTBurnett said...
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TTBurnett said...

Thank you, MamaM, for those well-written words of experience. It's good to hear from someone who has trodden this path before.

Chemistry! I forgot to mention my son's taking Chemistry. I know it will warm Chickelit's heart, but it's another reason I'd be dead the first week.

Yes, as Windbag says, there's a nip in the air, and I'm looking for the first leaves to turn in a few weeks. It happened so suddenly-- basically this weekend. It was hot and sticky Friday, the last golden day of summer, with families and kids on the lawn in the shimmering heat under a pale blue sky. By Sunday, it was cool, clear, and the day seemed a half hour shorter.

ndspinelli said...

Tim, It was tough taking a child to college, high school I imagine to be exponentially tougher.

ricpic said...

I left home when I was 15 and last I heard the people who lived there are all dead. Happy endings are possible.

Oh for this one rare occurrence
Gladly would I give ten thousand pieces of gold!
A hat is on my head, a bundle on my back,
And my staff, the refreshing breeze and the full moon.

That's a poem by Dwight Goddard. It's the American hobo ideal, which probably wasn't what you were getting at, but that's what popped into my head as response. There is a connection of course but being a considerate type I won't torture it.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Is it possible that Troop went to Boston and suddenly had a crisis when he realized he was a Red
Sox trapped in an Yankee body? After typing that and reading it, that sounds more like a Saturday night foreign object in a cavity emergency room visit, but I mean existentially.

Chip S. said...

Maybe he took that Fenway Park tour and passed out from the stink of old urine. Or it could've happened at the Cask 'n' Flagon--same clientele.

ndspinelli said...

I could see him stuffing a salame up his ass.

MamaM said...

Maybe he lost his bearings.

The Dude said...

He has joined Bissage in the land of wind and ghosts. We'll miss the ol' bastard.

Hope no salami is served at his wake, just sayin'...

Trooper York said...

Boston sucks.

blake said...

Troop is in da hizzy!

Anonymous said...

Ooo, who is Hizzy and does Lisa know?

The Dude said...

Oopie, while I think your politics are retarded I must say you made cogent relevant points over at TOP WRT weight and insulin. I just finished Gary Taube's Why We Get Fat and you were right on the money. Thanks for stating the truth, for once.

Now if you would only figure out that spending trillions of dollars we don't have, on corrupt projects run by crooked cronies, and then suggesting that you can take my money and property to cover for communist totalitarianism is wrong, then maybe we could talk.

Anonymous said...

For once?!?! I always state the truth, as I see it;)

Oh I just played into someone's hands. Hey I don't like crones or cronies. No matter what their political bent.