Monday, September 17, 2012



Chip S. said...

Where's Waldo?

TTBurnett said...

I dunno.

But here's Ralph.

Titus said...

I just watched Here Cums Honey Boo Boo and thought it was amazing. Emmy's all around.

Chip S. said...

How fitting that it was you who picked that one up and ran w/it, TT. Made the whole bit a transcendental experience.

ndspinelli said...

Tim, Thanks! I started my morning laughing.

chickelit said...

@Tim and MamaM:

Deborah, who I assume doesn't have access to Troop's blog, left a message for you two at my blog:

Chick, big favor. Will you please ask Theo what was the name of those two beautiful pieces he posted at TY last year? They were very early church stuff IIRC. And also ask MamaM the name of those pieces that contained the notes of bird songs. Thanks, darlin', you rock.

You can answer here and I'll relay it or answer her directly over there, I suppose. I don't have her email.


MamaM said...

chickelit...TT/Theo was the link on this one. He'd written something about a primer I think that led to an article about teaching birds (larks) to sing over in Germany in days gone by. I can't find the article by google, and know the link is in the archives here somewhere. I'll see if I can locate it. I enjoyed Deborah, appreciating her perspicuity, levelness, and sense of fun.

This may connect back to William Bainbridge and flageolets. I'll keep looking. Yes...Small versions of this instrument, called bird flageolets were also made and were used for teaching birds to sing. I'll get back to you.

MamaM said...

another clue:

In this context it is worth mentioning the delightfully silly English pre-occupation with training caged birds to sing. The Bird Fancyer's Delight (1717) describes how this may be done with a variety of species including nightingale, bullfinch, blackbird, canary, woodlark, skylark, linnett, parrot, mynah bird and house sparrow by placing them in a darkened cage and playing a suitable tune to them over and over again on a bird flageolet or a small recorder..

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

This is an email that was forwarded to me today, so FYI (warning language):

Dear TLC,
First off - FUCK YOU.
Secondly, you USED to be called "The Learning Channel." Learning. Let me emphasize this point. If I click on your "Daily Schedule", I see shows about competitive cake making (Cake Wars), competitive home owning (Four Houses), more cakes (Cake Boss), midgets (Little People, Big World), people who can't stop breeding (18 Kids and Counting), pregnant women crying (A Baby Story), people who didn't know they were pregnant and THEN start crying (I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant), more midgets (Randy To The Rescue), catty judgmental gay guys (What Not To Wear), more babies (A Baby Story), bad parenting (Make Room For Multiples), more fucking babies (A Baby Story), materialistic brides with self esteem issues (Say Yes to the Dress), and in prime time, the pinnacle of what is wrong with America today - Toddlers & Tiaras (career path to 16 and Pregnant).
Thirdly, please explain to me, exactly what kind of knowledge can be gleaned from this human fucking train-wreck you call programming? Better yet, save your breath. I just saw the advert for your upcoming show "Make Room for Honey Boo Boo." If every single one of you douchecanoes isn't taste testing the barrel of a 12 gauge by Christmas, I will unleash an army of AIDS infected space monkeys to rape your fucking eye sockets.

P.S. Die in a fire.

The Dude said...

Well that's different. Space monkeys you say...

MamaM said...

AIDS infected space monkeys to rape your fucking eye sockets.

Bad enough for TLC to lose sight without adding something virulent to the bloody, emptied sockets where their means of vision used to reside.

windbag said...

That's funny because last week, when I was at the in-laws, I flipped through the channels a couple of times. When I saw TLC, I thought I recalled it was The Learning Channel, but figured I must have remembered it wrong. The letter is quite entertaining, that's for sure.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I thought some of you would enjoy that email. I did not write it SG, but I thought it painted that mental picture with words that you so appreciate.

The other EBL had this clip of Hitchens that made me laugh about the defense of free speech (at least at certain blog sites). But I did like Paladian's comments so I posted them.

Titus said...

I just watched the story behind Born Free and I cried.

Elsa is gone.

The couple that saved the lions were murdered by blackies.

Born Free
As Free As The Hog Grows
As Free As Cunt Pubes Grow.

Born Free.

I Was Born This Way Baby.


chickelit said...

Titus said...
I just watched the story behind Born Free and I cried.

The mashing of "Born Free" with "Dexter" (Season 1 or 2?) was chilling and unforgetable.

Trooper York said...

Isn't it funny that somebody has a post about Shlitz beer.

You make the call.

MamaM said...

Tribute to Cheezar.

Titus said...

Chick are you and Allie ok?

Born free.
As free as the hog grows
when it gets horny
and needs to blow.

thank you.


As an aside I was jerky jerkying the other day and I actually began to shake before I blew my sploo. Do you guys ever actually have your entire body shake when you blow?

Chip S. said...

I'm occasionally propelled backwards.

chickelit said...

Do you guys ever actually have your entire body shake when you blow?

Someone mentioned awesome hotel sex the other day. The great thing about about hotels is all the towels they give you to clean up mess.

MamaM said...

Magic Fingers Quickly Carries You Into the Land of Tingling Relaxation and Ease.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Trooper York said...
Isn't it funny that somebody has a post about Shlitz beer.

You make the call.

September 18, 2012 11:07 PM

I missed that. Who had that post?

I know you had a post on Schmidts. I remember the good old days, watching sports and drinking Schmidts. The beer that makes living in Philadelphia bearable (barely).

Is it appropriate to drink Schmidts and watch Here Comes Honey Boo Boo?

Chip S. said...

Yes, as long as you're not wearing a shirt.

windbag said...

I assume that watching Honey Boo Boo requires drinking something.

MamaM said...

If TT comes back to read this, I found my end of the comments and bird info deborah was asking for on a Sep 13/2011 post but the SirArchy stuff that went along with them appeared to have been deleted.

What I answered with over at El Pollo's involved my own personal comments w/deborah, with nothing from anyone else or TY compromised.

It was a fun read. I didn't remember what a good time I had back then in third person voice. The exchange took place during the height of the Carol Herman/"j" doings. Honey Boo Boo's got nothing on TY when it comes to reality and drama!!! Heck of a place, where the fun never ends!

TTBurnett said...

Sorry, chickelit, Deborah and MamaM, I've got to confess I have a hard time resurrecting anything to do with Sir Archy or his day. I vaguely recall the Bird Fancyers' Delight stuff, but beyond that, I really can't go. Most of my few musical links are on Facebook now.

I've been doing my best to forget anything to do with my former blogging life, except, of course, some of the interesting people I've been lucky enough to meet in this disembodied realm.

So, Sir Archy is dead and likely to remain so, and I'm afraid pretty much everything connected with him has, as far as I'm concerned, drifted off to remain quietly on the Astral Plane.