Thursday, September 20, 2012

Commenter Memories Number 151 Mama M wins first prize at the 4h club

Back in the day MamaM was a noted horticulturist.

So to speak.


Chip S. said...

I see she likes big pickles, but I advise caution in this case. HPV can lead to cervical cancer.

The Dude said...

Paging AlgonquinS...

AllenS said...

So, I was eating dinner and one of my molars just cracked. CRACK! That's just how it sounded.

I called the local dentist in New Richmond where I've had work done before, but they only work half days on Friday. Soonest time to get in would be Wednesday.

Then, I called the place in Stillwater, MN where they did a root canal on a tooth that was capped at the NR dentist, but they DON'T WORK AT ALL ON FRIDAY!

Made an appointment for Monday at the Stillwater place, and then remembered that the bridge from Houlton, WI to Stillwater is out, so I'll have to drive all of the fucking way down to Hudson to cross the St. Croix river.

I'm back working on the 1980 Jeep project and trying to fix where the outside door handles attach to the door, because the screws that hold them on, broke off, so I'll have to cut that part of the doors out and fix it that way.

Other than that, things are going good.

Trooper York said...

A cracked tooth sucks Allen. I just cracked a tooth a couple of weeks ago and the dentist yanked it and talked me into a couple of implants.

Pain city.

I mean I took the drugs but it hurt for a couple of days later after the dope was out of my system.

AllenS said...

If he can't put a cap on it, and it needs to be pulled, then that will end it right there.

The Dude said...

The tailgate handle on my Tundra came adrift due to failure of the plastic around the screws that attach it to the metal of the tailgate. Price a new one, the realized that with about a dollar's worth of stainless steel cap screws, two nuts and a bit of cutting I could through bolt the handle right back on. Not factory beautiful, but it's a freakin' pickup truck after all.

No current tooth issues here other than reminders to make an appointment for cleaning. Soon, my pretties, soon...

MamaM said...

MrM had a molar with a previous root canal that cracked this spring. He had it removed and opted not to do anything more than let the hole heal. Apparently, one missing molar doesn't cause too much problem with shift and bit, but more than one missing is another story. I hope it goes well.

Why was Sixty paging AlgonquinS on a big pickle thread??? This "things are as they seem" theme isn't working so good for me.

AllenS said...

Maybe if AlgonquinS was invited to the blog, he'd respond in the affirmative.

MamaM said...

I see she likes big pickles

I do! I like big produce!

When I was in first grade, my teacher showed us a picture of the World's Largest Cabbage. She said it had been grown in the Matanuska Valley in Alaska. What a name! What a cabbage! I must have liked the sound and been so impressed with the size that I brought this Big News home to share with the family at the dinner table that night. Not a wise move, It didn't go over as planned. My elder sister and brother considered themselves to be the sole owners of All That Was Worth Talking About, and they decided not to believe me. I was crushed. All we had back then was a red and blue set of 1954 encyclopedias back then, no internet, no back up. Not even a TV! (Not til I was 13) Nothing but my word against their perception of gullibility. Where my parents were I this, I can't say. It must have been one of those situations like the cartoons, where all the parents hear is a distorted Whaah Whaah Whaah sound while the kids wrangle on about their personal Rosebuds. Years later, after AltaVista, when Google became my friend .I sent them both the wiki confirmation:
Matanuska-Susitna Valley is an area in Southcentral Alaska south of the Alaska Range about 35 miles north of Anchorage, Alaska.[1] It is known for the world record sized cabbages and other vegetables displayed annually in Palmer at the Alaska State Fair.
Their response, "oh you were soooo serious and funny back then"!!! Some things never change.

windbag said...

I had two molars extracted today. Both had crowns, so I spent a crapload of money to delay the inevitable.

I'm the youngest. I will always be the youngest. My sisters still try to pull rank on me. I'm amused because it hasn't worked since I was about 8. Forty+ years later, and they haven't learned the lesson. Old farts.

AllenS said...

Looked it up on Google and it's called the first molar that cracked. Lower right.

AllenS said...

That's also the only side of my mouth where the wisdom tooth didn't grow. The other three wisdom teeth are doing fine.

The Dude said...


Dorothy Parker.

Algonquin round table.

Lead a horticulture...

Never mind, if you have to explain it, it ain't funny.

chickelit said...

Never mind, if you have to explain it, it ain't funny.

Alternatively, you could just call us all stupid.

Look, much of what I post as comments cracks me up. I don't think much about what flops unless it flops with me.

Chip S. said...

But you can make us think.

windbag said...

I don't think much about what flops unless it flops with me.

Isn't that one of those deep thoughts by Titus quotes?

MamaM said...

But you can make us think.
The Algonquin link was a pickle I wouldn't have figured without the clue. I'm familiar with Parker and the quote but knew nothing of the Algonquin Round Table before tonight. With the four H's eluding me, horticulture wasn't in the picture.

Interesting link. Their group of writers, critics, actors and wits...engaging in wisecracks, wordplay and witticisms lasted 10 years.

chickelit said...

windbag said...

Isn't that one of those deep thoughts by Titus quotes?

Actually, I was echoing blogfather who once said that nobody else gets his best stuff.

Or something like that.

MamaM said...

Claussen pickles were shown to snap under pressure, whereas unidentified competing brands merely bent without snapping.

Possible snap if a chainsaw is used, but no bend in that pickle. The babe with the legs appears to have plenty of zest. What exactly she's doing in that get-up is unfathomable.