Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Check out Curvy girls on Nuevo TV

There is a new plus size show on Nuevo that premiere last night called "Curvy Girls." It is a lot like "Big Sexy" as it is a sort of soap opera with plus size models instead of fashion show like "Big Brooklyn Style."

One of the things that is really interesting to us is that we see a bunch of people we know from the Plus industry on the show. The editor of Plus Model Magazine was on the first episode and it was amusing about how she talked about getting the industry to use "bigger" models but didn't hire the bigger girl that was on the show. Also the two con women who run "Full Figured Fashion Week" were on and were as sleazy as they ever were. It was a hoot.

When we displayed our line in the "Plus Fashion Night Out", Lisa got to meet Lorna Baez who is one of the stars of the show. She sat with Lisa and Nicki Gomez from "Big Sexy" as they all compared notes about how fucked up television production is and how they lie their fucking asses off. We talked about all three of them doing some Youtube videos which would link up the audiences of the three shows. I am setting up a Lee Lee's Channel and it will be out soon. Maybe we can generate some buzz. Their interaction was great and there was a lot of positive energy. And a lot of truth. Not TV bullshit. Maybe we can put some reality into reality TV.

Check out "Curvy Girls" if you get a chance. It is a fun harmless show. I wish them the best.

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