Friday, September 21, 2012

Betty Rubble is a dirty girl

That's right. She is a dirty girl. She likes to walk around the cave naked fingering her nipples and moaning.

She is a moan at home mom with a vagina that speaks to you.

She is a dirty, dirty stone age girl.


windbag said...

Betty has a tattoo. Keeping Bedrock classy.

chickelit said...

You're obsessed with Allie, Troop.

This too shall pass.

MamaM said...

Laughing, windbag, while declaring the need for more artistry in Bedrock places. The word sits above those flowing stars like a lead balloon! More pot and waft needed. Same size, rigid-side letters don't cut the mustard.

MamaM said...

Pop and waft!

Although the other may well have already been involved.

chickelit said...

More pot and waft needed.

I thought for sure that was code for "Gary Johnson fan."

windbag said...

My son took a political match-up test and scored something like 98% in agreement with Johnson. I scored 92%. Johnson was my first choice before he switched to the Libertarian Party. No, my son doesn't smoke weed.

I don't get the Allie connection. The Betty Rubble gig pre-dates Allie's appearance here.

chickelit said...

I don't get the Allie connection. The Betty Rubble gig pre-dates Allie's appearance here.

Seem things are never as they some.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Other than saying she was against the anti Islam film, what happened with Allie. Did I miss something more?

Oh, and this weirdness on the NY Subway. I suspect this is a punked set up (sort of like what the Jackass folks would do). But the shower cap is a nice touch.

chickelit said...

EBL said...
Other than saying she was against the anti Islam film, what happened with Allie. Did I miss something more?

Who's Allie? All I see over there is somebody named oola using her ID.

MamaM said...

Whoever it is must have decided not to go with Queen Umpateedle. The Grand Wizer, adviser to the king, is still open.

I'm considering a change to MamaMatanuska or maybe MatanuskaM

chickelit, What prompted your change from chickenlittle? I like the new better. It reminds me of the little packets of multi-color mini chiclets we used to buy. A little went a long way.

Chip S. said...

Other than saying she was against the First Amendment, what happened with Allie.

Does that jog your memory?

Chip S. said...

There is no oola but Ulla, and Lee Meredith is her prophet.

Trooper York said...

This has nothing to do with the commentor formerly known as Alley Oop.

Windbag is exactly is just a continuation of the Betty Rubble Riff.

MamaM said...

Looking through the archives, in search of bird song, I was surprised to come across a post a year ago on the Algonquin I hadn't seen before, even though I was reading TY at the time.

It was interesting to note that the average post a year ago garnered 5-10 comments, quite a few with no comment, and the large ones mostly under 100 with 40-80 tops. An evolving blog, a dynamic community, with some things staying the same. Betty Rubble goes way back and appears to have been publicly pleasuring herself for a long time!

MamaM said...

MrM is filling mouse holes today, tiny cracks near the old windows where something with skittery feet enters and climbs the inner walls at night driving the cats crazy. So I need to get crack-a-lacking and join him in doing something suitably productive in preparation for fall. The season has changed here in MI with a clunk. Ninety degrees plus and airconditioning all summer and Boom, 60 degrees days dropping to 40 at night with darkness decending. The flowers that were drought blighted all summer are now going nuts producing masses of blooms. Nature is doing her best to make up for lost time and make sure there's enough seeds for another season. Somehow, this heartens me.

chickelit said...

@MamaM: Back in 2005 there used to be blog called "The Housing Bubble Blog" run by a guy in Arizona. I started commenting there because of the sky is falling ambiance at that blog. There was also a blog called LouMinati which I frequented as sort of a precursor to my regularity here. Lou had a mental breakdown or something and deleted his blog. He started it up again but I never went back as a regular. I was actually a little peeved because there was some real funny shit over there. I started reading Althouse around 2005 and began commenting there in 2006 or so and much more frequently around 2008 always as chickenlittle. When Twitter started up in a big way in 2009, I wanted to be chickenlittle but somebody already had the name and so I just started lopping off characters from that handle until I got something that they allowed. "Chickelit" it was. When I started my blog "El Pollo Real" I went by that handle for a while using the same account. The origin of that name is a different story. You will find comments of mine under that handle a couple years ago, but I've only ever had one blogger account. I changed my blogger handle to chickelit to conform with my Twitter handle.

MamaM said...

Good story chickelit. In 2005 I started with Protein Wisdom. JeffG had a crazy armadillo saga going then, along with some good posts and level commenting, in particular Maybee and a man whose even and easy style I liked who always signed his posts "regards". (HIs name was Ric Locke, and I found out recently through EBL that he'd written a book, Temporary Duty and died of cancer at July) From there I went to read Althouse, sort of became hooked (around the same time as I quit subscribing to magazines, and changed from newspaper reading to Drudge) and began commenting there soon after they met. Had also been reading TY for a while before coming over at the end of 2010. I've always been MamaM. It was my ebay acount name back in early 2000's. If I were to create a new online name now, I would choose something with less link to an emotional image or idea. But I've been through enough with it that I don't think I'll change it now anymore, not even for Matanuska

Chip S. said...

Who is Matanuska?

MamaM said...

Matanuska is the name of a fertile valley in Alaska. It connects back to the Big Pickle (Commenter Memory 151).

Chip S. said...

Ah. The clarity of an Alaskan winter day.