Thursday, June 26, 2008

Blogging Heads with Amy Winehouse and Tyra Banks.

Banks: Hi I am fashionista Tyra Banks and I am joined on blogging heads today by Amy Winehouse from a crackhouse in Mayfair. Hi Amy.
Winehouse: Hi Naomie. Please don’t throw your cell phone at the camera okay luv.
Banks: It’s Tyra Banks not Naomie Campbell Amy, I know you are high but get your black supermodels straight allright.
Winehouse; Whatever you say Iman. Hey is David Bowie a poofter or what? I heard he went on a midnight ramble with Mick Jagger and they…
Banks: Let’s focus for a moment you addle headed whore. We are here to talk about fashion and the recent appearance by Michelle Obama on the View.
Winehouse: Is Michelle the girl who lived in the house with the Olsen twins and those three gay guys…cause I haven’t seen that show in a long time and…
Banks: No you stupid hose bag, Michelle Obama is the wife of presidential candidate and major hottie Barack Obama. She wore a very inexpensive dress on the view that lead to a lot of comment on the Web and on various talk shows. A lot of people remarked on how well toned her arms are and how she loved to show them off.
Winehouse: I never show my arms if I can help it.
Banks: I wouldn’t either with those tracks you worthless junkie.
Winehouse: Hey cut it you biffa tramp…you are just jealous cause you are a big fat tub of goo.
Winehouse; You’re just a square, you just don’t get it…you just aren’t as cool as me dearie.. I’m the coolest hep cat out there….
Banks: Don’t make come out there, I’ll rip what little hair you have out of your worthless empty head.
Winehouse: Blah, Blah, Blah (lights up a crack pipe and takes a long hit)
Banks: Listen to me you stupid skank (hurls cell phone at camera)

Screen goes dark.

Tune in next week as Mickey Kraus debates the Iron Sheik.

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