Monday, March 11, 2013

Deep Titus

I had to go to the Boston Harbor today for a very strategic meeting with Key Opinion Leaders.


I fucking saw a humpback whale. It really is hump backed. It was swimming all hump like-total Hunchback of Nortre Dame.

I got horny watching the humpback whale swim, with it's huge hump. I ended up Jerky Jerky (alone) at the Legal Seafood (nearby) bathroom. I was thinking about the hump back going up and down and me riding on it with an erection and then finally splewing on it's hump. After the jerky jerky I reflected and though about red staters in flyover country who don't have access to seeing whales and I felt sad and then wiped the chiz that show all the way to my face. The load consisted of 4 "gulps" of load that was pretty intense.

Sometimes you just have to blow a load.



Titus said...

Troop, I just saw you new likely mayor on CNN. She is a big dykey lib but also very rough and blue collar-but that could by the dyke part of her.

NYC will elect the first woman/dyke in the largest city in the country.


And her father is a big military guy. So is her dykey wife's father.

In Cambridge our mayor is a black dyke, before that it was a fag black Cambridge. I always say to my friends when we are walking the streets of Cambridge, "let's hold hands" because it is one of the few cities in the U.S. where we can do it and noone would give a flying fuck, except Kalamazoo, right Mamam?

The world really is changing.

Trooper York said...

Thanks for sending my that photo of you for the post.

I know MamaM was curious as to what you look like.

Chip S. said...

That's it. No more clam chowder for me at Legal Seafood.

MamaM said...

I know MamaM was curious as to what you look like.

Sorry Cholly, I already have a clear picture, much less blurry than TY's.

As for Kalamazoo, I'm unfamiliar with their flying fuck protocol.

Titus said...

How about Marquette or Grand Rapids or Lansing Mamam?

MamaM said...

Although I've had intimate contact with all three, none have yielded a flying fuck.

Titus said...

Saginaw? Pontiac? Escanaba? Anywhere? Hello? Can we get some fabulousness in Michigan?

How about Flint or some other hell hole in that state?

And all the Ann Arbor talent flee immediately after graduation, natch.

Certainly not Detroit....BTW so sad about the Motor city. My deepest sympathies Mamam.

I heard that city Michael Moore lives in temporarily (natch) is somwhat cute.

Give us some fab Mamama!!!!!

Titus said...

Ypsilanti perhaps?

Where is that seventh rate college called Central Michigan located? How about another horrible educational place Western Michigan?

Please Michigan, do the work that is needed, ignore the fucking Jeff Daniels commercials.

We are rooting for you on the fabulous East Coast...not really.

Chip S. said...

MA gave the world Albert DeSalvo. MI gave the world Tony the Tiger.

Serial killer or killer cereal?

As Jeffrey Dahmer would've said, that one's a no-brainer.

Titus said...

Sault Ste. Marie Michigan is gauche and backward and quaint but Sault Ste. Marie Canada is really fab.

Come on Michigan, get with the program. You have a republican governor!!!!! You should be amazing by now.

Same with Wisconsin which is not adding any fucking jobs from the republican governor. So much for the 250,000 new jobs-I thought you peeps were job creators! And don't blame it on previous admin's that is bad!

BTW Mass's unemployment is 5.9-not bad compared to the rest of the shitty country. By the end of the year is will be 5.0 which is pretty fucking good for a commie state.

Now lets see some tits in this place

chickelit said...

In my experience, Michigan people are the best part of that state.

chickelit said...

I found that story about Provincetown MA high school having to close rather sad. I wonder who caused that.

ndspinelli said...

We were haaving a family reunion in Falmouth. It was in June, mid 90's. They had lists of grads for all the Cape H.S.'s. P-Town had 8, and all had Portugese names. They're the only ones depositing semen where it was intended.

MamaM said...

depositing semen where it was intended.

But...but...butt...Legal Seafood is full of great catches!

Titus said...

Ptown has become an international destination for world class and very rich fags, artists and dykes.

The good news is the housing prices are astronomical.

And more underperforming schools should close.


Titus said...

Is semen being deposited in the mouth ok?

Do any of you straighties enjoy a blow job?

Titus said...

I don't look like George either, very mean.

What is your real pic of me Mamam? Do you want a peeky weeky?

MamaM said...

Do you want a peeky weeky?

No thankee. The viewee I have is safish.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day Titus.