Sunday, March 3, 2013


We finished all the episodes of "Downton Abbey" and "Brotherhood" on our Amazon Prime membership so we were looking around for something to watch that wouldn't cost us any money. There are a lot of great shows to watch but they are about 2 to 3 dollar a pop.

So we decided to watch the original "I Love Lucy" shows from the very begining. They are the perfect late night before you go to sleep fare. The wife won't let me watch "Justified" or "Game of Thrones" right before we go to sleep so it is a Housewife show or a sitcom. Lucy is funny and low key and not so loud so you can go to sleep right afterward with a smile on your face.

Good stuff.


Chip S. said...

I find that a few swigs of Vitameatavegemin work quicker.

Chip S. said...

I love Lucy's theme song. The cowbell syncopation is inspired.

Chip S. said...

Hey Troop, speakin' of splainin' thins, I read today that Bloomberg was booed at the St. Patrick's parade in the Rockaways. I found this baffling.

No, I'm not baffled by people wanting to boo Bloomberg. And I'm not baffled by why they'd invite a Jewish leprechaun to march in their parade. Fuck it, it's New York.

No, I'm baffled by why New Yorkers celebrate St. Patricks' Day two weeks early. Nobody needs that much of a head start.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Try House of Cards on Netflix, if you have that monthly subscription. It is really good.

I think we are going to break down and buy the Downton Abbey current season and buy Game of Thrones. We never did renew our HBO subscription since they pissed us off by cancelling Deadwood. Dumbplumber has his principles.

The Dude said...

The way they ended Deadwood was abrupt, to say the least. Thank goodness that shopkeeper found work as a US Marshall in Kentucky, just sayin'...

I hear his wife runs a car wash in Alberquerque where she launders money from her new beau's meth business.

windbag said...

Skylar is a whore. Hank is the anti-Walt.

windbag said...

I never liked Lucy. Whining, lying, and obnoxious. I think I watched every show and remember many, but it just never clicked with me. Maybe I'm a communist or something. Her talent was apparent, just not appealing (to me). Once, just once, I'd like for Ricky to have snapped and yelled STFU in her face.