Tuesday, March 5, 2013

They craves it!

So we are going through the Amazon Prime on my Smart TV and they have a bunch of free old movies available to watch. All of the Dukes best are available. Fort Apache. She Wore a Yellow Ribbon. The Searchers. Liberty Valence. Sons of Katie Elder. Red River. Angel and the Badman. Star Packer. Pittsburgh. They are all there.

So we went through and chose some as our favorites so we could download them quickly without searching through everything. And what do if find. "Mandingo."

"Mandingo" is one of my favorite movies of all time. With Ken Norton, James Mason, Susan George and the incomparable Perry King! This is the original that Tarrentino ripped off for "Django." It is the best southern plantation, sex with slaves, fight to the death movie of all time.

If you get a chance you should check it out.

Highly recommended.


Titus said...

I want that black piece of meat.

Would you fucking look at that bode.

Fuck, he is hot.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Tarentino shamelessly stole from Mandingo.

rcocean said...

Plus James Mason brings that touch of English class.

Chip S. said...

Plus James Mason brings that touch of English class.

always and everywhere

blake said...

Tarantino is a rip-off artist.