Friday, March 29, 2013

Lie down with lambs....oh and Happy Easter

I got a marizpan lamb to bring over on Easter Sunday. It is a traditional Easter treat.

We still don't have any employees so we will be pretty busy. We are closing on Easter so everyone who is taking advantage of the sale will be coming in tomorrow.

It's gonna be crazy.

So if I don't get a chance....HAPPY EASTER!!!!!


ndspinelli said...

Happy Easter to you, your family and all folks here. Happy Passover to the Yids!We have a traditional German lamb cake[coconut white cake] when we're in Wi. Here in San Diego we're going to an Indian Restaurant on Easter.

ndspinelli said...

Easter brunches are lame. They sometimes have sunrise services on an aircraft carrier here in San Diego, but not this year.

chickelit said...

They sometimes have sunrise services on an aircraft carrier here in San Diego, but not this year.

The Midway is the only one open to civilians and it sits wrong for sunrise. It would better serve at sunset. They should do something from Mt. Soledad or Point Loma instead--they're better suited for sunrises

MamaM said...

Spring is just around the corner, with sunshine, blooming snowdrops and MrM powerwashing the salt off the garage floor as signs. More snow is predicted for next week, but it cannot last; the sun is too strong. Our real Christmas tree which has been residing on the three season porch since January is putting out shoots, which means the fourth season is finally on it's way out the door along with the tree.

As an affirmation of the "things are not as they seem" element involved with Easter and the resurrection of life taking place all around, I submit the following:

Octopus Magic


Mimic Octopus

May the Easter Blessing of new life and shape shifting be real and present as we enter into spring and other new seasons of change.

windbag said...

Way, way cool videos, MamaM. Thanks.

Titus said...

They had matza in all our lunch rooms today.

How do you all feel about gay marriage....kidding.

I seriously wanted to know how you feel about tip jars? The reason I ask is because my dry cleaners now have fucking tip jars. Where does it end?


ndspinelli said...

chick, They've had sunrise services on active carriers in past years. That would be in the bay where there is indeed a sunrise. I was prepared to attend one back in the 90's but an el nino storm caused cancellation.

Titus said...

When ever I go to a Cyprus Restaurant I eat octopus.

Poor Cybrus.

Your life sounds so Norman Rockwell Mamam. Did you know he is from evil Mass? I went to his musuem which is either in Stockbridge or Sturbridge (our town names are even fab) and purchased a plate with his thanksgiving meal pics for my mommy. Normy was kind of commie though.


Titus said...

Go Florida Community College!!!

And Michigan, wow what a game.

And Ohio State!

Now do it MSU.

ndspinelli said...

Stockbridge, not far from Alice's Restaurant.

ndspinelli said...

2020 Final Four

Phoenix University


Globe University


Chip S. said...

Khan Academy will rule in Ultimate Frisbee

Titus said...

But Mamam, were those octopussy created or did they evolve?

A great mystery.

But no mystery to me!!! God created them in there was absolutely no evolution involved.

I had to do two corrective actions today. Do you know how much time it takes to complete those documents? 5 pages with specific dates, and summaries and action plans. It all started to turn into a blur when I was typing create this and put together a calendar with due dates and measuring deadlines. The manager who did the initial writing of the document didn't do well so I had to rewrite the entire documents.

It's hard being strategic.

I was like this sucks

Titus said...

Mamam, at your age, do you and your elder hubby still bang?

Titus said...

Stockbridge is also home to Daniel Chester French who sculpted the Lincoln which is in DC. You know the one where he is sitting on a chair and pinching.

The history here is impressive and very rich and commie. On my way to work I walk by these amazing homes. I found out I walked by Julia Childs house and one of the most incred places is a block from my place. She is some major libtard bundler and Biden attended a soire there before the last election. She is someone who started the entire microloan industry.

Microloan means giving some third world shit 20.00 and they buy a cow which results in an entire community being fed. Microloans are so fucking Cambridge.

MamaM said...

Your life sounds so Norman Rockwell Mamam. Did you know he is from evil Mass?

Sure I did, Titus.

I used to get around more than I do now and have been to Stockbrige and Sturbridge, as well as Europe, Africa, Japan, South America, the Azores, Mexico and an assortment of Caribbean islands.

One of the things I noticed about the gay men I used to work with in MA was how provincial they actually were, doing the same things, eating the same foods, traveling in small circles to the same designated-as-fab-destinations, while passing off the same shit over and over and over again.

MamaM said...

Here's another fun but sad tidbit for the Rockwell File:

In 1953, the Rockwell family moved to Stockbridge, Massachusetts, so that his wife could be treated at the Austen Riggs Center, a psychiatric hospital at 25 Main Street, down Main Street from where Rockwell set up his studio. Rockwell himself received psychiatric treatment from the analyst Erik Erikson, who was on staff at Riggs. Erikson is said to have told the artist that he painted his happiness, but did not live it.

chickelit said...

One of the things I noticed about the gay men I used to work with in MA was how provincial they actually were, doing the same things, eating the same foods, traveling in small circles to the same designated-as-fab-destinations, while passing off the same shit over and over and over again.

Not just gays, but tourists and locals in general. How can I say this without sounding elitist? I'll give a couple examples. We have friends from Colorado who used to like to visit, but every time they did they insisted on staying some place "fabulous." First it was Santa Monica. They booked a hotel up there (they had two small kids like us at the time who've since grown up into teens). They invited us up. What a dump! The beach was crowded everything was more expensive than in good ol' Oceanside. Kids don't know different beaches! The next time they came out they stayed in La Jolla. Same story. Now I used to work in La Jolla, right near the ocean so I know it's beautiful. But that's a bit north of where they're staying. They were near the cove. Same story as Santa Monica. Some people just insist on "fabulous". I think it's because they care more about bragging rights or something, "I've been to La Jolla" etc. Or they're networking or something.

Here's the opposite. My wife's friend from HS came out to visit with a group from Arizona last week. They camped near the beach in Carlsbad at a state park. I knew about the park but had never been there. We used to be campers but we always went to the mountains because the beach was so easy to access. Anyway the beach camping is the way to go! It's a long strip on a cliff above the beach. A narrow access road runs through it. At night, everybody has a campfire, the ocean is steps away and you can hear it. 100 or so different groups and families are laughing it up, having a good time, burning marshmallows, playing their songs. You can walk along the road and see the diversity. There's a six month waiting list to get a site there

In Santa Monica and La Jolla, people sit outdoors at quiet exclusive restaurants and drink expensive wines and speak in hushed tones. When someone new arrives, everybody looks up to see if it's somebody "important" before going back to their earnest conversations.

ndspinelli said...

Amen, chick. Newport Beach is trying to ban campfires on the beach. Ostensibly it's about pollution but an LA Times piece pointed out it's just rich folks not wanting commoners on "their beach." In Ct. there are mostly private beaches and it sucks. There is an anonymous person who pays for the upkeep of the fire circles in SD every year when the city says they don't have the $'s to maintain.

chickelit said...

Nick- we go to the beach fire pits in Oceanside too. It's first come first serve so you have to get there early. A good time is now or better in the Fall when the water is still warm and the tourist crush is over.
I haven't heard a word about fire bans here. This would be tough to enforce. Many people have backyard chimineas. We did too until I built a proper fire pit.

MamaM said...

There, chickelit, is the difference between mindful neutrality and cruel neutrality, revealed in the difference between your story and mine. Mine, with an agenda and a dig, was a story set to provoke while yours comes through as a neutral story based on personal awareness through observation.

Not saying there isn't a place for both stories, as mine prompted yours and opened the door for something more, but there's no pretending it was without agenda.

When I respond to Titus as if he were gay, I fall into his trap, and end up distorting and maligning homosexual behavior along with him.

chickelit said...

Chirbit alert: Spinelli's Voice Mail

chickelit said...

@MamaM: Titus was pretty rude to you at 12:36 so he had it coming.

ricpic said...

Paint your happiness
Don't even try to live it,
Paint your wagon
Despite deep rut and divot.

chickelit said...

My parents took me and my brother to see "Paint Your Wagon" at the Big Sky Drive-in when it came out. That was the one and only time I remember my mom insisting that we leave a movie. I never saw it since--was there something unsuitable for children in it?

blake said...

Lee Marvin singing is unsuitable for audiences of any age.

Or it may have been the polygamy or wife auction.

Titus said...

Mamam, your comments were very hurtful to myself but also to gays overall.

We are human, just like you. We pinch, hurt, work and contribute to society.

Not everything is fab, which is a very sterotypical thing to say. Life is generally not easy for anyone of us and we all experience pain. And your tone was very mean.

I was shocked. I expected more and received patronizing and demeaning comments. Totally Alinsky.

But I always forgive because holding onto something for too long is bad. Chick, move on from Andrew Sullivan . Your obsession with him as bad as his obession with Palin's twat.

But I digress.

This is really about Mamam.

Personally, I have grown tremendously through the entire drama. My only hope is the rest of you find growth, peace and strength during difficult circumstances.


MamaM said...

And your tone was very mean.

Of course it was. Are you butt hurt or were your non-listening ears lopped off to a nub by someone with an ax to grind?

The answer, Titus, to your question regarding bang resides in the Triange of Love, where MrM and I live and bang around in the sweet spot.

According to Dr Sternberg every love relationship falls somewhere within the triangle since all love relationships are made up from the same basic mix of Commitment, Intimacy and Passion. Your experience of love will depend on the relative strength or weakness of each of those elements. Toward the center of the triangle is an area, the sweet-spot, where commitment, intimacy and passion are balanced.

chickelit said...

But I always forgive because holding onto something for too long is bad. Chick, move on from Andrew Sullivan . Your obsession with him as bad as his obession with Palin's twat.

I'm actually trying to help him and you too, dear Titus. Like it or not, Sullivan is a voice of the gays on blogs. He's politically dormant now regarding boogeymen and women (we'll see what he cooks up for demonizing SCOTUS), but I expect come election time he'll be out there again making unfounded smears against decent people like Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, George Bush--i.e., anyone he decides is against his agenda. Women like Althouse used to call him on his misogynistic bullshit regarding Palin and she was right to do so. A group of her commenters opposed her and stood fiercely for Sullivan and his methods. I fought them instinctively. I have a linked comment section where I took on Ritmo on exactly this point.

But now Ann Althouse has joined the same "bigotry brigade"--those who were on the wrong side regarding Palin et al. Scolding and shaming have replaced reason.

Titus, while I can forgive Sullivan for his transgressions, I can't seem to forget them.

Happy Easter! blessings, take care!