Sunday, March 3, 2013


ricpic said...What that picture needed was Walter Brennan for comic relief. In fact, now that I think of it, every picture needs Walter Brennan for comic relief

Unfortunately, Walter Brennan refused to ever work for John Ford after his performance as Ike Clanton in
"My Darling Clementine." 

You see Ford had been such a sadist and ball buster that Brennan was furious throughout the film and vowed never to work with Ford again. When Ford would bust on him and say what made him think he was an actor....and Brennan would say "The three fucking Oscar on my Mantle is what!"

On the other hand they may remake this western with some half a mo guy who is love with a box of oranges and call it "My Darling Clementine" while he sticks his dick into some fruit. It would win Best Picture in a walk.


Chip S. said...

he sticks his dick into some fruit

I think you probably just gave the plot summary of every gay porn flick ever made.

Titus said...

I just watched a fascintating story on China on 60 minutes (I know commie propoganda).

They have been so much housing their are entire cities with these huge apartment built and no one living there. They have all been purchased but these commies purchased 5-10 different apartments and now the housing prices have tanked.

Huge malls were built all over the country and no businesses in them. The buildings are gorgeous but no people. It's like Detroit except the buildings are pretty they are not all nigs.

Titus said...

Where is Mamam? Love her.

Chip S. said...

You're being weaned, Titus.

Titus said...

I had to go to Harvard School of Public Health today to give a speech. 65% of the students were Chinks. They also had MD's, Dentist degrees and a whol lot of other degrees already. When I went to college that school was 90% white. They all have chinky names but go by "LeAnn" and "Sophie" and "Deena"-give me a fucking break.

What the fuck is happening?


Where is Mamam? Love her to death.

Titus said...
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chickelit said...

What the fuck is happening?

The younger cohort is either gay or terminally hip and decided to forego having kids, thus creating a vacuum.

chickelit said...

It's also one reason Palladian is homeless, Titus--a dearth of new students.

chickelit said...

I had to go to Harvard School of Public Health today to give a speech.

That must have been exciting, Titus.

I once gave an invited lecture at the Berkeley Chem. Department. There was a pretty big turnout and it was exciting because I was talking about my own completely original stuff. I think that talk got me a job or two later on.

I haven't spoken in public like that since 2007 or so. I'd like to do it again one day.

Titus said...

It wasn't exciting Chick. I like that the least of my job. I have to talk about the company and career opportunities and advancement in the organization.

I don't like it because they (especially at schools like HSPH) want to do more than we can offer them. I don't like talking to people or shaking hands either.

I am like that's great that you researched some bullshit but can you program in SAS, R CSharp and STATA? Also, you ain't going to write or research that much to begin with, sorry. And their faces look blank.

I believe all international students that go to Harvard or BU or MIT or Tufts or BC or even Bates and Wheaton and Brandeis have to prove that they have all the money in the bank already to pay in full for how many years they are going to attend as well as housing and food, etc. Which means they are already rich, so why fucking bother? Also, many of them, who don't work had very tony addresses on their resumes-gross. I kind of hate them.

Tufts and BU students are a little more humble and open to doing the grunt work. HSPH-not so much-they are too enamored by the name and don't live in reality. Also, Delloitte Consulting was in the room next door and there were much more popular, although they do make twice as much as we offer they travel 100% and don't have a life.

chickelit said...

Harvard Chemistry has suffered a bad reputation for a long time. There are lots of anecdotes but one of the worst and most egregious examples was a noted professor who had 2 or 3 graduate students commit suicide. The Department had to intervene and curb abuses.

Titus said...

The worst pricks are from Dartmouth. They are predominately white, entitled, legacies and 90% of them are in frats.

Tuck Business School is even more horrible. I absolutely deteste going there. I did MBA recruiting for 2 year many years ago and going to Dartmouth was always the worst listening to those shits. The town is gross too.

Titus said...

Dartmouth is by far the most republican too. They all want to be Investment Bankers and make big dollars.

Dartmouth has the worst Ivy town. Harvard and Colombia the best natch. New Haven is pretty much a piece of shit town too, except for the pizza. Once you leave campus you are in Ghetto Central. Providence has potential but they don't have the creative economy.

No one who went to Yale, Princeton, Brown or Dartmouth ever stay there. Peeps who went to Colombia and Harvard actually stick around. Except fucking Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, but they didn't even graduate-like it actually matters.

I know peeps think Ivy is all libtards but not Dartmouth.

Titus said...

Cornell is the least competitive Ivy but they have a diva HR program.

Titus said...

Is Mamam hanging out in some divebar in Dearbon wearing some halter top showing the gray haired tit pubes?

Where is that whore?

We need her for her sustanence.

MamaM said...

You're being weaned, Titus.

Fifty nine years of engaging with a self absorbed and mean spirited narcissist, and I still forget how sucky they are at the root.

The Dude said...

Stupid, mean, self-centered, illiterate, degenerate, confused, perverted, infantile, dishonest, demanding, insensitive and an insatiable bottom - yep, that's our old queen Steve.

But he is obnoxious.

chickelit said...

Steve McQueen? I kinda liked him as an actor. He played a good tough guy.

The Dude said...


ricpic said...

I can't program in anything. Luckily, I've learned to live cheaply and even travel relatively cheaply. Did I tell you that a cop just gave me a ticket for not wearing my seat belt? And this morning, chatting with my lesbian barber, who's a great gal and we have a good talk everytime it's haircut time, make no mistake those little human contacts are important, anyway she told me that when she was ticketed for not wearing her seatbelt, 9 years ago! the ticket was $80 bucks. So I figure I have to look forward to like $125 or who knows a $150 hit. Know how many groceries I could buy with that amount? Gone. Flushed away. Yes, with age I find my concerns to be more and more the concerns of the average Mack and Mabel I used to, God help me, feel superior to. Ya know, the folks Titus calls gross.

The Dude said...

The laws of physics are not just a good idea, they are the laws. I try to obey them.

Titus said...

59 years Mamam-that is awful. Are you talking about your hubby Mamam?

Let's talk.

What's going on in the marriage?

I am here to listen and help.

Love ya,

Thanks doll.


The Dude said...

Add innumerate idiot to my previous list.

MamaM said...

Stupid, mean, self-centered, illiterate, degenerate, confused, perverted, infantile, dishonest, demanding, insensitive and an insatiable bottom

Add mathematically challenged to the equation, along with smarmy.

The Dude said...

Smug and condescending, too.

MamaM said...
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MamaM said...

Innumerate precedes mathematically challenged but its addition increases the sum total.

MamaM said...

Grey hair: The indisputable physical manifestation of time marching on.

Time is the worst enemy of narcissists because it is outside their control, a greater force than they are, one to which they must defer.

chickelit said...

Grey hair: The indisputable physical manifestation of time marching on.

In chemistry, one's ideas, however beautiful, logical, elegant, imaginative they may be in their own right, are simply without value unless they are actually applicable to the one physical environment we have--in short, they are good only if they work! I personally very much enjoy the very special challenge which this physical restraint on fantasy presents.
~Robert Burns Woodward (Harvard chemist)


The Dude said...

"Some hae meat and canna eat,
And some wad eat that want it;
But we hae meat, and we can eat,
And sae let the Lord be thankit.

Rabbie Burns (Scottish poet)

rcocean said...

John Ford was one of those "He's an asshole but.." guys.

Some people can put it up with it because they consider the asshole a genius - or that he really isn't an asshole once you get to know him better.

But not Walter. He probably made tons of money on his TV shows and was happy not be around John Ford.