Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Camel Toe Corner....We are number one!

Congratulations to Memphis State for winner the USA Camel Toe championships that were held this week in Las Vegas. There winner routine was was the finger me Elmo routine.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

If her feet and hands were like her face she would have one toe on each limb...

chickelit said...

Penetrating incite, Troop.

Aridog said...

Troop...are you okay? Seriously, the vibes are not good. My first concern is for you...all other issues aside. Take care and talk to us, we really do care.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

What's going on with Trooper?

Everything ok I hope.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop, you ok?

windbag said...

I'm guessing he's swamped at the store. Work never ends.

ndspinelli said...

He commented @ Lem's yesterday. Don't start calling the hospitals.

Aridog said...

Windbag...I think you are right. What he and Lisa are working to accomplish is a brain exhausting body straining proposition ... e.g. opening the back store plus establish a wholesale operation, all the while running the regular business.

He did mention in passing (forget what thread) that his crew working on the back store had to do something else for a bit, thus stalling that project. Stuff like that can wrack your brain. I spent a period in the private sector (heavy equipment) and the day to day alone made me nuts...returning to the Army was like a vacation until that too got very complex with the newer people not really knowing anything and far fewer trainers to go around.

Anyway, Trooper is a thoughtful guy who really does know how to turn the other cheek. There is no reason he should ever have liked me or invited me here, because of the ugly things I had said about him back in my TOP days. I was dead wrong, admit it, and one day he reached out to me...and here I am. I don't forget stuff like that.

I think it is mostly important that we periodically reassure Trooper that we give a shit and ask how things are. When he is ready, he will tell us...a better story teller I do not know :)

ndspinelli said...

There is some thawing of the ice between Sixty and Trooper over @ Lem's. I hope that continues.