Sunday, August 3, 2014

Finally we finished off Japan!

And we didn't even have to drop the big one!

We worked like dogs last week to finalize the Japan order. We had to run to the Container Store to get boxes since Amazon fucked up the delivery of the delivery boxes we had order.

We had to box up each part of the order with a packing slip and an invoice.

We were in the store until three in the morning on Sunday night and delivered it in midtown on Monday.

Of course I had to call on my faithful Bengali companion to transport it to the office. He had to leave me sitting in the drivers seat while he went upstairs. I almost shit my pants. I don't know how to drive and would have to eat the ticket if the cops or worse the brownies came along. Luckily nothing happened.

Mission accomplished!


ndspinelli said...

Great feelings of accomplishment is as good as sex. Congrats.

rcocean said...

All praise to our new Japanese Overlords!

rcocean said...

I hope the Japanese are satisfied. Otherwise, hari-kari might be the only possible response.

windbag said...

So, from your perspective, the Manhattan Project is complete, and the package just needs to land in the right place in Japan.

blake said...

Wow, that's really exciting.

If they like it, that could be a kind of mixed blessing, huh? =P

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Congrats... when is the big opening?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

From Guadalcanal to this.

What a country!