Friday, August 29, 2014

I don't want to mess up Lem's site.

I don't want to mess up Lem's site with my personal rants so times I keep things to myself.

I didn't want to rain on Chip's parade when he was praising Joan Rivers. I mean I can't stand her. She is truly the spawn of Cthulhu if not the beast herself. But why get in unnecessary arguments.

I call that growth.


rcocean said...

Joan Rivers can be funny - for five minutes - after which she becomes annoying.

Johnny Carson loved her, until he didn't.

TTBurnett said...

From what I understand of her condition, you should probably rough out another "Hell Needs a PA Announcer" post.

Shouting Thomas said...

She was funny as hell on Letterman, where she did her dry vagina joke.

chickelit said...

That was gracious of you, Troop. Suppose that I attacked one of your wife's favorite shows, would you stand for that?

Trooper York said...

Sure. She loves dinosaur shows. In fact she is going to force me to go to the actual movie house to see Jurassic Park.

Make fun of gym all you want.

chickelit said...

I hope Dino never shows up in one of your Betty Rubble posts.

That would be too Meade.

ndspinelli said...

That is growth, Trooper. I think Chip Ahoy is pretty thin skinned. I try and give fatherly advise and he gets chippy, as it were. I also see some growth between you and 60, which is a good thing.

To me, Rivers can be very funny. What I respect about her is her work ethic and how she paved the way, along w/ comedians like Phyllis Diller, for women. I do dislike River's daughter.

ndspinelli said...

"advice" I always make that mistake. 60 would have ripped me.

Trooper York said...

It's not growth. It is sloth and indolence.

Although it is funny to see Lawnboy failing away. I hope Shouting starts to ignore him as you suggest.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

edutcher commented at my site that Johnny Carson would come back for her funeral.

Just to dance on her grave.

I do not hate Joan, and every now and again she is funny (or right on a topic such as Israel and the Palestinians), but she is a miserable person and always has been.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am glad there is less and less Meade. Is there a dead pool on when Oldhouse gives him the boot or Meade kills and mummifies her and keeps her up in the attic?

Michael Haz said...

There is away too much attention paid to Alt and Merde. Seriously. Just ignore them. Your blood pressure will appreciate it.

rcocean said...

"where she did her dry vagina joke."

That's one thing they'll never be able to take away from Joanie - class.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

"A friend of mine asked his wife How old is @Joan_Rivers? His wife said Well, parts of her are 81."

Ruth Anne Adams said...

I gained an appreciation for Joan Rivers when I watched a recent documentary on her called "Piece of Work." She is tireless and I think quite talented in her own way.

As an aside, this past season on Louie, he had a scene with Robin Williams where they were the only two mourners at a funeral for Robin's piece-o-crap ex-brother-in-law. He and Louie bonded over their shared hatred of the deceased, but they both attended because they could not fathom a funeral with not even one mourner.

Joan also had an episode on "Louie" where she chided him for being lazy and quitting a comedy gig half-way through. She told him of all those years where she, gratefully, took work anywhere and now she was back in the big room. Louie took her advice and finished off the gig. And then he went to bed with Joan.

So I'm wondering if Louis C.K. is like a Dexter for aging comedians?

ndspinelli said...

Ruth Anne, We're doing a Louis marathon this weekend[No Jerry Lewis] and watched the Joan Rivers one last night. I also liked her documentary. Camille Paglia did a nice tribute in The Hollywood Reporter this week.

windbag said...

Is this Meade?.

ndspinelli said...


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

chick, was that Ann's bed they were in?

chickelit said...

@Evi: Why should I know??

chickelit said...

@Spinelli: I don't think it was Inga who dropped those weird Turley-esque comments at Lem's today. I think it was Meade.

Or else Meade = Inga.

chickelit said...

@Evi: OTOH, I've met Meade and his thighs aren't that thick. Not Jack Sprat enough.

ndspinelli said...

You could be right, chick. I made a comment that would have gotten a response from Inga and to date, there has been none. I said here previously, the best ball bust to TOP is to go to the blog of the person she is most jealous of and hates. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Michael Haz said...

Inga (also known as Annie) has cooled her jets at Turley's since I contacted Turley and provided a copy of her tweets threatening me. The tweets included "this is Annie form Turley's" and "you are on thin ice", adn "I have contacted Turley about you."

This happened maybe 30 minutes after my first comment at Turley's blog, and was unprovoked.

Turley responded to me that he had contacted her about her threats and stalking. I wouldn't be surprised if she showed up at Lem's, and I also wouldn't be surprised if it was Meade being his usual immature jerk self. Althought he'd have to be reading (and not commenting) at Turley's blog for his comments a Lem's to make sense.

My take is that it is all too damn much high school cafeteria behavior, and I'm at the point where I want no more of it.

windbag said...

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Experts agree.