Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The job continues

We are running into problem after problem with the back store. Omar and his merry band of taxi drivers are not exactly the best contractors. Now I knew this from the get go and I knew I would have to get someone to fix some of the more egregious mistakes. So that is just one set of problems. His partner is complaining because he totally underbid the job. So sorry douche bag. I told Omar to make him sweat a little but I would pay him a little more for the extras we put in. It is only fair. But they have no idea how to bid a freakin job.

I guess building a hut in Bengla Desh is not as complicated as an upscale lingerie store.

The real problem is with the cameras.

I got ADT to install the cameras. This was after the installer solicited my business to do it on the side. He wanted to charge me about $100 less than the company so why would I go with him when I don't get a warranty. But they were totally fucked up.

Then sent the Crack Emcee over to install the cameras with his helper trainee Luther Vandross. The surly installer spent most of his time going back and forth to his truck while he let the trainee do most of the work. I was short hander so I was in the front of the store so I couldn't be there to stand over them. At 3pm the guy comes over to me and goes "We are finished. Three of the cameras don't work. Sign here and give me a check." I go "What do you mean they don't work? You were supposed to make them work. That is why you guys came here."

He didn't have an answer. Needless to say I didn't sign anything or pay anything. I called the salesman to ream him out and had him come look at the job. I asked him why did my wall look like fuckin' Frankenstein's neck?

I mean why did he do that when he could have just went under the overhang. You know why? Because he didn't give a shit.

I was grousing about this in Marco Polo and Marco told me to call his guy. He is coming to redo the job on Monday. I am going to call ADT and tell them to stick their cameras up their ass. I might even cancel the alarm system if I can get out of the contract.

It has been an all around bitch to deal with them.


rcocean said...

Its amazing how many people will do a Half-assed job and then DEMAND you pay them in full. Or even worse, over-charge you.

ndspinelli said...

That horseshit happens much less in the Midwest. I blast the white bread nature of the Midwest but it has the best work ethic in the US.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Sometimes hiring a general contractor (a good one) and paying the higher price upfront is cheaper in the end.

Just saying.

ndspinelli, you get what you pay for everywhere. But I agree the work ethic is better out of major cities.

chickelit said...

We are running into problem after problem with the back store.

Par pour le course for French bordello.

chickelit said...

I mean, it's a titillating place to work, but they may imagine French work standards.

chickelit said...

My suggestion for improving the work ethic/efficiency would be to strap the mannequins and the meat puppets in Brunhilda-attire and lay off the French lazy-fare stuff.

blake said...

"El Dorado" is on Netflix.

John Wayne is wearing a rose shirt.

blake said...
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Chuck said...

We had some locals start painting the outside of the house in Saugerties back in June. I jokingly said they'd be done by Labor Day.

We are up here now with a week till Labor Day. Now I am hoping they will be done by Columbus Day!!!!