Friday, August 8, 2014

They hate Catholic's don't they

Every night we come home and we are exhausted. I get dinner ready and we sit down in front of the TV to veg out while we eat dinner. Now you have to be very careful what you put on while you are watching TV while you eat. Almost every drama or cop show has a gruesomely murdered corpse that they have to look at like it was death porn. Last week it was the Bridge where they had a corpse that they brought to a taxidermist who put beetles on it to eat the flesh. It would make you puke.

So generally we put on a half hour comedy. It might be stupid but it least it doesn't make you puke. Or maybe even the Real Housewives which might make you puke but not from the disgusting dead bodies. We are always on the look out for new shows to try on Netflicks or On Demand so we have something new to watch. Especially now that it is the summer and repeat season. So when I see a new lawyer comedy with Kelsey Grammer and Martin Lawrence I figure lets give it a shot.

What a big mistake.

The premise in the pilot is that Martin is getting divorced and giving his wife everything because he cheated on her and felt guilty. Kelsey Grammer plays a corporate shark who convinces Lawrence to let him be his lawyer so he won't get screwed. Now the wife has moved out and guess where she moved? Into a rectory.

That's right the rectory of a Catholic Church. These idiots sneak into a church and then a rectory passes all kinds of old school religious statues and paintings and candles and what not. They sneak into the priests room and go through his dresser and what do the find? Rubbers.

So they go on and win the case because the wife was having an affair with a priest. One of the lines was "Why did my wife hook up with the only priest who wasn't gay?"

Now why did they have to do that. The wife would more likely hook up with a minister since most American Blacks are Protestants. Martin Lawrence is Baptist. They could have used any profession. Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief. But they picked a Catholic priest because it is part of the gay agenda.

It is obvious that the writers and producers are gay because the next episode the partners go undercover as a gay couple to make sure they can get married and are not discriminated against. So they have to attack and ridicule the Catholic Church because they are one of the few societal forces standing against gay marriage and various other perversions. So they have to spread their propaganda in this failed sitcom. It is just a slap in the face that they can use Catholic imagery and sacred items so cavalierly.

I will never watch anything that Kelsey Grammer or Martin Lawrence is in again.


Chip S. said...

You may be over thinking this.

Comedy 101 says, go for the twist. If your tv wife cheats on you w/ a doctor, that's not funny; it just means she's working her way up the food chain.

If she cheats on you w/ a minister, he's just another in a long line of sleazy southern preacher stereotypes.

But fucking a priest? Edgy!! Esp. w/ the birth control angle.

There's probably a three-way involving a nun in this show's future.

windbag said...

Even edgier: they fuck in the parking lot of Hobby Lobby.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm proud to be a member of one of the few institutions that continues to dissent from the madness, the Catholic Church.

rcocean said...

Well, they don't like White Evangelicals either. And usually black ministers are out-of-bounds for the obvious reasons.

Surprised KG is involved. Read he was a conservative or something.

blake said...

Grammer is a Republican.

MamaM said...

It is just a slap in the face that they can use Catholic imagery and sacred items so cavalierly.

Jan and Stan called, worried about Brother Bear again.

Bamm-Bamm managed to pump out a vigorous "Yabba Dabba Doozie!"

And Marilyn and Laura both blew kisses and waved, their way of agreeing that entertainment and politics drive the show.

Uncle Herman was unavailable for comment. Rumor has it that he was busy figuring how to go about doing it sideways.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

You should cut some innocent people's heads off (in the most cowardly way) and then right in righteous protest…

Oh wait, you are Catholic, not Muslim.

My bad.

chickelit said...

@Troop: IIRC, you told us that your own TV show was a cramped by a gay agenda. I recall Titus conforming that. How can anyone working in the industry avoid it?

Trooper York said...

The thing is Kelsey Grammer owns this show. It is his production company that made it and he hired and approved everyone.

He was not a hired gun. He was the man who made the decisions.

windbag said...

Grammer lost me when he sold out Woody and Buzz.

Seriously, though, he lost me during his Frazier show. I forget the details, but there was an episode where a baby is born (or something). John Mahoney (the guy who played his dad) made a comment something like "It's amazing how one minutes it's a blob of tissue, the next it's a baby." Never watched another show.

Trooper York said...

I was on PreviouslyTV talking about this and somebody sais "What did they do I didn't notice anything?"

I said "What about the Rosary beads that they tied to the four posts of the bed and said they were used to tie up the priest during sex play. Or the fact that they used a chalice and pyx in a comedy bit."

Ask yourself if they would have done that with a Torah or a Koran?

rcocean said...

The Catholic church's reaction to all this puzzles me. They never seem to strike back at all this anti-Catholic MSM stuff. Don't know, but then I'm not Catholic.

Of course, the Mainstream Protestants don't either - but no one cares what they think anymore. Even they don't care.

Michael Haz said...

Catholics don't behead people, and don't organize to take away the livelihood of someone who votes the wrong way or donates to the wrong cause or candidate.

Catholics belong to the actual religion of peace. We invented the university, the library, the hospital, the scientific method, and accounting, to name a few things.

Remember when AIDS was first diagnosed and people thought it could be transmitted by touch, by sharing silverware, etc? The only healthcare providers who would touch, clean, feed, and care for terminal AIDS patients were Catholic nuns in hospitals in New York and San Francisco.

So let Grammer and Lawrence have their fun. They don't know the big picture, only that ridicule makes money. And don't wait for the Mo is a pedophile episode.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Here is how DeBlasio's NYC is doing with Catholics