Sunday, August 3, 2014

Lying Liars and the Lies they tell

You will remember the little dust up we had last week where Shouting Thomas said he blocked Crack, Meade and Althouse for sending him a fund raising letter for Crack. It seems it was written by Crack and went out under Lawnboy's email. Well someone else got the same email and sent it to me and gave me permission to publish it in it's entirety. Check it out:

Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 10:12:51 -0700
Subject: The hand's rising up from the grave - again!

Hey Everybody,

Just a note to say, if you haven't seen or heard from me lately, it's because I took almost a decade off to get my head together after my divorce from the "spiritual" murderess who killed three people. Yeah, no shit. Since then, I've lost my Mother, my God Mother, my babysitter (Maya Angelou) damaged my back in two places, and recently broke a finger. Yeah!

To some of you - if I've been a mystery - figure it out. 

Anyway, I'm back in SF now, and that's resulting in a bunch of new recordings - here's the beginning of a bit o' fluff, inspired by "The Case For Reparations" by Ta-Nehisi Coates, and the blog We Are Respectable Negroes. It's called "Kick The Duckets (The Reparations Song)". 

It's just getting started, only two verses with no middle eighth, and (without mastering) requires headphones for hearing what I'm sending you - but you've GOT to catch the bass (base) on The Crack Emcee's songs - come on. 

Feel free to pass it around to potentially interested parties as an early promo for what else is coming. 

I'm also still doing my blog, The Macho Response, but woodshedding on music's interrupting the flow a bit. (I'm writing furiously, because there's also a sort-of Dap Kings kinda band thing beginning, with rehearsals starting in a couple of weeks - and I'm doing all this with no money so it can't take forever.) 

The death of Trayvon Martin, and those blacks we've seen murdered since, have triggered a re-awakening that "colorblindness" is deadly in the American context - allowing it's racism a free pass - so (with the ability to reach the conservative readership TMR has acquired during my wilderness years) it's aesthetic has shifted to a more-or-less urgent, Stokely Carmichael, go for the jugular approach, rather than my original idea about Bob Moses in overalls. It could still happen, but my thoughts are on how surreal America is, to make such a brilliant man suit up to die, and I wouldn't dare risk directly offending him. Everybody else, sure, but not him. I feel the debt.

Speaking of debts - the hat's still out - as artists and musicians have done for eternity. When I can stop, I will, and after The Beatnigs, Broun Fellinis, and Consolidated (fingers crossed) being back in SF will mean I can do this again, end getting knocked around by "life,"  and return a lot of favors - with interest - and some good intimate moments. Until I die, Folks, until I die.

O.K., that's me, take care - and hugs all around - it's really nice to be back. I'll be seeing some of you around town, I'm sure:

I feel like I've come in from the cold,



Trooper York said...

This was just for youse guys general information. I know we all knew that Shouting Thomas was giving us the straight poop. Why would he lie?

On the other hand Leisure Suit Larry's whole life is a lie. Notice how he called for a deletion and then shut right up.


Trooper York said...

Lem had asked that Shouting post the email on the blog but I think he rightly shrugged it off. He doesn't have to prove anything to anybody. Certainly not to me.

It is interesting the others got the same email.

Michael Haz said...

That burst of indignation was hilarious. As was Lem's "I'll be away for a while" reply.

Trooper York said...

Comedy gold. Comedy gold.

Chip S. said...

Yes, it's a fundraising msg, but I don't see how it's an email from LSL.

Looks more like Crackpot sent it to a list of people whose emails he had, w/ Larry at the top and everyone else bcc'd.

Michael Haz said...

Which character is real? The angry panther wannabe who calls everyone racist, or the sincere, friendly guy who wrote the email?

rcocean said...

I don't know about anyone else, but being called a racist always opens my wallet.

rcocean said...

And of course, as a white man, I can't wait to get a hold of Crack's "Reparations song" inspired by Ta-nishi Coates (never forget the hyphen or the "e" in Coates you honkies).

I look forward to playing it, while I fork over some of salary to Bill Crosby, Tiger Woods, and The "O" man.

rcocean said...

"Bill Crosby, Tiger Woods, and The "O" man"

Like Tennessee Coats - they were poor black men who never had a chance in AmeriKKKa.

ndspinelli said...

I'm w/ Chip. You know my contempt for LSL, but this is not dispositive.

blake said...

Reparations: I owe someone money because I look like someone who did something bad to someone that the guy shaking me down looks like.

Trooper York said...

Hey you make the call.

But why did Lawnboy back down so fast?

MamaM said...

Because he looked like an ass going after Lem.

He likes to bark and show his teeth.

rcocean said...

Reparations: If you're dumb enough to give it, I'm dumb enough to take it.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

So, ST was not making it up.

Good thing I didn't jump the gun there.

Thanks Trooper for clearing this up.

Trooper York said...

Shouting Thomas is a vey honest guy.

Except if you are on a Filipino dating site. Then all bets are off.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

If you are going to pay reparations in the future, why pay Crack anything now?

The email is not terribly surprising, what is funny is Merde's reaction to ST and then trying to intimidate Lem. Meade is a mendoucheous pustule.

And Troop, I know you rarely drive, but I am mildly shocked you never learned to drive. You know that will never work in Florida. People drive there who are on hospice.

ndspinelli said...

Trooper, That's a good question about lawnboy. My take is more basic. Bullies back down when you stand up to them. Particularly girlie bullies like lawnboy. He was probably shocked Lem told him to go shit in his hat. When I'm investigating people I envision them as they were in high school. Lawnboy was the weasel nobody trusted.

chickelit said...

Heh. For once and for real I'm taking Blake's advice and just staying away from that stage over there. Althouse and her insiders love Crack and so let them have him.

ndspinelli said...

Evi, I went to college w/ NYC dudes like Trooper. They didn't drive and thought NYC was the entire universe, just like our buddy.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Just remind Lawn Boy that under his influence Althouse is not behind blogs like Legal Insurrection. in traffic Heck of a job Meade, heck of a job.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

chick, I am surprised you lasted over there as long as you did.

windbag said...

I couldn't finish Crack's manifesto. Didn't exactly push myself to try. Those people are fucked up. I'm not sure if they're insane, but seriously fucked up in the head.

If I can take a short turn toward things spiritual, Jesus said that we are to love God, and our neighbor as ourselves, implying that we love ourselves. I'd begin to place the blame for a lot of liberal thinking on white guilt, but I think it goes deeper.

They simply loathe themselves and are desperate to raise themselves on any handy foothold they can find. White guilt is an ugly form of racism that is masterfully played by both sides--the NAACP and the Dems. Unfortunately, normally sane people play along at times. It casts a wide net and provides many opportunities to snag victims.

But, I think that the root cause is that these people simply hate themselves.

Aridog said...

That text is what I received and mentioned it back when. My version was split at the 5th paragraph, with the 6th and onward in a Internet text link. No matter, the same, word for word.

Good for Lem in not being intimidated by LSL's attempt to censor another blog. F' extrodinaire.

My relationship with Crack is a little odd, though he once harshly criticized me as an ardent racist, made me the subject of a post actually, one that slammed TOP no less (funny stuff happens all the time) down the road we managed to talk to each other, literally, not just on the web. He found me very different than the image he portrayed earlier. That said, we don't agree on much, but on some issues we concurred that a solution was necessary and we both made it happen, privately, and it will remain so.

Where he appears to be headed now, it is opposite to what I know from my own experiences in the USA and in foreign lands. It is as different as the debate with little Debbie on a Lem Thread vis a vis Israelis.

blake said...

They've taken such a huge hit since last year. After a couple of months with heavy Glen pimping (May, June) squeaking above 700K, they're back in the 600s.

The year prior to the commenter diaspora, they routinely broke 1M.

What's interesting to me is that Insty's "comment of the day" used to routinely come from Althouse. Not so much these days.

Michael Haz said...

It's been interesting that on a few topics I've read through recently, Alt is now deleting some of Crack's comments.

What's interesting is how they got posted in the first place, since all comments are moderated. Maybe M allows them and A deletes them.

Aridog said...

Let me count the ways I consider anything on Althouse or by Meade or Crack et al...blah blah.

Oh, wait...the number is zero.

Gee, that was easy.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Michael Haz said...
It's been interesting that on a few topics I've read through recently, Alt is now deleting some of Crack's comments.

What's interesting is how they got posted in the first place, since all comments are moderated. Maybe M allows them and A deletes them.

August 4, 2014 at 1:24 PM

I never understood CMC's hostility to Instapundit, but given Althouse's special relationship with Insty, it really makes no sense for them to cuddle up with CMC. Of course, Instapundit probably looks at CMC with the same sort of amusement that God does with blasphemers (if he even notices him at all), but still, without Instapundit, the decline at Althouse would just accelerate.

Michael Haz said...

Looking at today's comments, perhaps CMC could find work if he devoted as much time to finding an actual job as he does to commenting on AA.

Subsidized blogging. What a country.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

You know what Ann says Blow me

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

He is a perfect contributor to TOP.

blake said...

CMC is palpably jealous of Insty.

Neither he (nor AA for that matter) have ever understood that Insty is, first and foremost, a careful and respectful protector of his audience's time.

To see what I mean, compare AA's Amazon blegs to Insty's. Insty's don't even feel like blegs. (Probably because they're not.)

First and foremost, CMC wants people to pay attention to him. His justification for this is not compelling. Either he's not as talented as he thinks he is, or New Age is not quite the scourge that he insists it must be.

So he looks at Glen and accuses him of being aligned with the forces of evil, a patsy for Big Magic or something.

But the simplest answer is just burning jealousy.

ndspinelli said...

blake, The 7 Deadly Sins explains almost all the dysfunction in our world, envy being a big one. It's how I made my living, as guaranteed clients as an undertaker.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Wow. Go away for a few days to look at hot rods in Reno and you miss least somethings.

Which thread was that at Lem's?

Darcy said...

I'd like to know which thread too.

Michael Haz said...

DBQ and Darcy - The first comment here.

Darcy said...

Thank you Michael. Lem handled that perfectly.

rcocean said...

Trooper needs to learn how to drive. Otherwise, he'll end up a 70 y/o in Florida, going 25 mph in the left-hand lane, with both turn signals blinking away.

Michael Haz said...

I'd pay to watch Spinelli teach Trooper how to drive.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ndspinelli teaching troop to drive with a smart phone videoing it from a window cradle. It would be epic viral video.

ndspinelli said...

I think our driving lessons would be perfectly civil.

Michael Haz said...

It would be like Ed Norton teaching Ralph Kramden how to drive.

chickelit said...

Wasn't Ralph Kramden a bus driver?

chickelit said...

What I want to know is whether this lack of drive is intergenerational in the York family. Did the 19th century Yorchetti (or was it the O'Yorks) ride horses or did they ride in hansom cabs?

Trooper York said...

I come from a long line of non-drivers. My Dad did not drive. My Grandfather did not drive. I am a fifth generation non-driver.

That is what illegal immigrants from Bengla Desh are for.

MamaM said...

ndspinelli teaching troop to drive with a smart phone videoing it from a window cradle. It would be epic viral video.

The new business needs a lemon yellow convertible with the Booby Trap logo loopily painted on both sides, Trooper at the wheel, ND in the passenger seat, patiently explaining and cringing, Evi in the back seat with her hair blowing, tossing out fripperies like candy, while MHaz motors ahead on his bike clearing the way, and Aridog stays packed in the trunk like a secret weapon in case Crack shows up. What Windbag's going to do in his two tone underwear is anyone's guess. Maybe he and whoever else has a dog in the hunt can work on refreshments and music back at the store.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troops is like Caine in Kung Fu, he is walking the earth.

blake said...

In search of a glass of wah-ter.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Well maybe not walking the earth, but at least walking a bit more around Brooklyn.

Chip S. said...

He needs a badass walking stick.

Ivory handled, I think.

chickelit said...

blake said...
CMC is palpably jealous of Insty.

I'll see you that and raise you a "it's black on white racism."

Cards and race don't mix well, but can you name a single white male CMC has had a good word for? Especially one who stands alone and apart from a manipulable white female?

blake said...

Well, sure he's racist. I actually don't recall him talking about anyone other than himself, and his struggles.

rcocean said...

"I actually don't recall him talking about anyone other than himself, and his struggles."

I suppose he's never found any subject more interesting. You have to admit, he never lacked for an audience, although the "responders" at the TOS, seem to have thinned out.

rcocean said...

"I come from a long line of non-drivers. My Dad did not drive. My Grandfather did not drive. I am a fifth generation non-driver."


rcocean said...

"I am a fifth generation non-driver."

I call this unsupported hyperbole, since no one "drove" before 1900.

Trooper York said...

Well we didn't even drive donkey carts because we were so poor.