Saturday, August 16, 2014

Sometimes you just have to laugh

I am currently in two arguments because I am stuck in the store and I am bored senseless. The renovation is at a standstill as the idiot cab drivers are busy or something and I have to make alternative arrangements. So I am sitting in the store behind the wall and trying to be quiet because women who are talking about their unmentionables don't want a dude to hear them. I don't have to be in the front to sell because I have a full staff in anticipation of the new store starting.

Sooooo I went on Previously TV and continued my campaign to rough up Carole Radziwill who is a hero to a certain type of politically correct feminist who frequents that site. Of course it is one of the sites where they issue warnings and ban you at the drop of a hat. So you have to be careful and not speak the truth because the truth will get you banned toot suite. But it is still amusing to stick up for Aviva the leg throwing lunatic and battering around the "cool" hipster douche.

Then I went to Lem's joint to the Rick Perry thread where one of our favorite shit stirrers is taking a contrary opinion just to stir it up.  This is not the first time we have tangled recently and I am getting increasingly less amused. Then of course a dirty bird had to show up to shit all over the thread. Which is a giant warning sign to leave it alone. Now I can understand how a video of a professional with a reputation for drinking could make him upset because a video showing them drunk might be used against them. It could be used against a lot of people. Doctors. Accounts. Lawyers. Professors. It is why some of them stopped Vblogging.

I would love to make that point but I have a policy of not engaging these peoples.


Trooper York said...

Not that I don't like to stir the shit myself now and again. Just sayn'

MamaM said...

Some things are not quite as winky as they seem.

rcocean said...

Yep, Deb threw out some red meat and then when things got going, hi-tailed it out of there.

Wonder what she's going to do next.

chickelit said...

Trooper, what was that series of animated duck videos you linked to a while ago?

"Get a grip" got me looking for them but of course your tags rarely help.

MamaM said...

chickelit, if you're looking for the TY's links, you're on your own in no man's land. I was wading through them the other day and there was nothing to do but waddle away in overload mode.

The "Got any Grapes?" version of the Duck Song, is Bryant Oden's creation. Here

I thought TY had a "Got any Gripes?" rendition too.

MamaM said...

When a person says,"That's the thing about commenting; it's a head game," there's a good chance that's how it's being played. Which is fun and clubby, until the craziness starts hitting closer to home and the dog in the hunt happens to be one of their own, in the form of a rare clumber, a daughter in the military, a gay son, a father nearing death (multiple times) or a mom with an difficult to spell (for a Harvard grad) heart condition. Then cruel neutrality and head games don't cover the bare spots.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Is this Meade's sister?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

"Of course, that doesn't stop dickweeds and their sycophants from trying to use the Lehmberg video to play partisan politics."

Who are you talking about.

Is Instapundit one of those "dickweeds"?

Trooper York said...

He was talking about me of course. He wanted to start a fight in the hope that some of us would follow him to that dying blog. I had some really nasty things to say about a drunk woman being videotaped and losing their jobs but I exercised restraint.

If I dropped that bomb I bet there would have been over 200 comments.

Trooper York said...

I am not feeling well enough to get in these fights but lately Deborah has so incensed me that I have to waddle in swinging.

(Auto correct changed "wade in" to "waddle in" so who am I to argue)

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

You get well and don't worry about the Dog Fucker. I hope he steps on Ann's dick and poisons her relationship with Instapundit (who is not exactly aligned with Meade/Crack's Progressive Raaaaacist BS).

rcocean said...

I can't take Deb seriously. She just wants to create a fuss.

TTBurnett said...

What MamaM said.

chickelit said...

Snack cake or kak snake...that is the question.