Friday, March 29, 2013

I don't know what you gave up for lent....

 I gave up pizza.

It was very hard not to eat pizza, especially on a no meat day like Good Friday. I always liked Lent because that was the only time we were guarrantied a pizza when we were kids. Getting a pizza was a big treat back in the day and we really only had it on a Friday night. It cost three dollars for a whole pie back then. Slices went for ten cents a piece.

I like to get a slice every time I pop out of the store. Go to the bank...get a slice. Go to mail a letter....get a slice. Go to get paper towels from CVS....get a slice.

So I am pizza deprived.


Titus said...

You must fold your slices right?

I never saw that until I came out East.

ndspinelli said...

Trooper folds his dick, then his slice. They're both limp. The floodgates are open, a lot of pent up ballbusting is exploding!!