Monday, March 11, 2013

Shaadddup woman!

Katherine McClintock: [after walking out of her bedroom to find G.W. and Mrs. Warren at the bottom of the stairs] What's going on here?
George Washington McLintock: [Intoxicated, with Mrs. Warren sitting on his lap] Now Katherine, are you going to believe what you see, or what I tell you?


chickelit said...

Troop, I thought you might enjoy this and perhaps you can even date and ID the source.

Chip S. said...

chick, that was a damn good impersonation, but I still like "Trooper Zone" best.

MamaM said...

Another round of tuna chumming, or maybe humped backed whale humping within the cramped confines of a chowder stall by those who find their worth in the measure of spent splew.

When it comes to discerning purpose among tunas, it pays to remember only the cleverest are chosen to be starkist.

Derailing thread after thread (as Ritmo successfully does) with load after supercilious load not only qualifies as good faith commenting but also apparently impresses as clever expression.

The definition of good faith as presented does not match the reality of the outcome, no matter how artfully it is explained.

Then again, the one who said there was no way jose he'd ever darken that garden door again, is back in the pasture spitting into the wind and flapping a red dress on a stick at the glaring bull.

Chip S. said...

I know Ritmo can be irritating. And lately he's awfully eager to pick fights w/ chickelit. And that ain't right. But--and I guess I may be the only one who'd ever say this--I think Ritmo is the best lib commenter at TOP.

garage is usually just a game of whack-a-mole, w/ one false claim replaced by another as soon as the first one's debunked. And roesch-voltaire just posts half-truths he pulls from sites worse than garage's sources, then disappears when called out on his crap. The rest of them don't seem to have anything to say at all, except to call cons dumb.

But Ritmo will stand his ground and respond to what's said. Now, for sure he's rude to most people, but lemme tell ya--a couple of times I've been on the wrong side of the TOP far righties, and it ain't a minuet. If I got a steady diet of that shit, I'd be a potty mouthed SOB too.

Oh, wait.

chickelit said...

"StarKist" is not looking for tuna with good taste nor even good faith comments who taste tuna. There's the rub that both "Charlies" get off on.

chickelit said...

But--and I guess I may be the only one who'd ever say this--I think Ritmo is the best lib commenter at TOP.

You may be alone there, Chip. I simply find there's no reason for his constant over the top style and his insufferable, conceited smugness. I used to sorta like Ritmo but now I just think he's an asshole.

And show me the straight male guy who ever got that bent out of shape over gay marriage or that insistent that gay rights equals the civil rights issue of our time. There is something about Ritmo which is utterly disingenuous.

chickelit said...

I assume that Ritmo still has access to TY. If he shows here, I don't want him to turn this bar into a shouting thomas match. I would simply recuse.

chickelit said...

On second thought, Chip, I'm pretty sure that Inga would agree with you that Ritmo is the best lib commenter on TOP. So you may not be alone after all.

Chip S. said...

If that's the only other option, shut my mouth and call me Greta Garbo.

Chip S. said...

chick, I posted one comment one time in which I stated my view on gay marriage. Since then I've made a point of skipping those threads, so I've never seen Ritmo in action on that subject.

Anyway, the best lefty commenter is like the best colorblind painter. We have to make allowances for any of them, and each of us will probably overlook different things.

Trooper York said...

I think the best lefty commenter there is Robert Cook.

Trooper York said...

MamaM you must realize that Trooper York will never go back there.

His zany happy world is forever gone from TOP.

However Baron Zemo is an entirely different person. Meaner. Nastier. Able to let loose zingers that Trooper held back.

I contain multitudes.

And not just because I am a fat bastard.

Trooper York said...

I don't want to respond to the execrable Inga. She wants attention so the best way to handle that is to not give it to her.

Trooper York said...

I did notice that the execrable Inga and readeriam got into it.

You can't win when you engage the She Wolf of the SS. She will drag you down.

It's what she does.

Chip S. said...

Inga will never end an exchange w/ a simple, and appropriate, apology when failing to do so is likely to trigger a double-digit series of comments about her.

Titus said...

Do you guys like Tuna TarTar?

Personally, I don't but I love saying it.

Let's all say it together...."I will have the tuna tartar".

Titus said...

One of my fave meals any time is Eggs Bene. Love it with Lobster or Crab or Tomato or Spinach.

Love Eggs Bene.

I love eggs really runny too. Scrambled is ok but give me a fucking runny egg any day. The more there is to sop up the happier I am.

I also thoroughly enjoy Lobster Mac and Cheese, so fucking fab. With Ritz Cracker crustys, natch. Speaking of which I pinched this morning and did not wipe the entire loaf out and midday I could feel some throbbing so I reached in, pulled out some dried poop (attached to but hairs, such a freeing feeling) and folded it and looked longingly at it. Then I smooshed it against my fingers and watched it miraculously turned into a million pieces...and flicked it on the carpet of my corner office and smelt my fings, natch.

Someone came into my office and closed the door five minutes later and I was paranoid they smelled poop.

I love baby smelts too.


Titus said...

Did I ever tell you guys my about my first job out of college?

I worked at a publishing company (subsidiary of Time Warner) and the president of the company wanted me big time.

He would take me to all the fancy restaurants in the city back then Olives, Clio, Radius, Rialto, etc. He drank a lot, was British and could not get enough of me. He had fellow Brits name Julies visting and we all went out and partied all night. He always told me he did not want me though.

He lived in a 5000 square foot apartment on Beacon Hill. I would take him to gay bars, find the nearest dealer, and snort coke in front of him, and then he would myteriously leave the bar and come to my office the next day apologizing and wanted to see me again.

Well....I was young and poor so I got him to give me boatload of money and then I immediately stopped seeing him because I didn't want to do him. I spent the money on an entire summer coop in Ptown, with all food, drinks and travel and cover charges included. The money also paid for my rent for 6 months.

He invited me to Wimbledon and Rome, Costa Rica and Super Bowls. I never attended because I didn't want to be alone with him. He came from more money than he made at the company.

Anyways, I left the company and went to another company and he told me he had cancer and was going to die and he needed the money back. I was like no way what a liar. He threatened to contact the lawyer at my new company. That was like 15 years ago. Well I looked him up and sure enough he died of cancer 12 years ago.

Have you all lost any respect for me? I was only 25 at the time.



The Dude said...

Can't lose what you don't have.

chickelit said...

Well....I was young and poor so I got him to give me boatload of money and then I immediately stopped seeing him because I didn't want to do him.

I should have given the dude his money back.

chickelit said...

Not me, you

The Dude said...

Character will out.

chickelit said...

MamaM said...
Brain warp: the untimely result of being a hop, tick and a squeal too close to the vortex created by the mind and imaginations of Titus. Warning...warning...warning: At this time you are one chirbit away from being TOTALLY TITUSIZED!

Is Titus viral?

windbag said...

Titus spoke of runny eggs. I think that the best taste on the planet is runny egg yolks sopped up with toast. Better than ice cream. Better than tapioca (although it's a close second). Better than rum (did I just type that?). Poached or over easy or soft boiled. As long as the yellow stuff flows.

windbag said...

Disclaimer: the previous post in no way contains any veiled reference to golden showers.

rcommal said...

You can't win when you engage the She Wolf of the SS. She will drag you down.

That's your take. I view it differently. I think I got the better of it (even if you think otherwise;--do you? Really!). I got to express some stuff I wanted to express. She expressed not only what she did, but what she always has from pretty much minute one. (You guys liked all that, remember, starting pretty much from *that then* and for a notable period of time, thereafter. Remember?) She's who she is. I am who I am. And also so all of you are who you are. And so it they say.

rcommal said...

You all embraced a pretty, foreign troll, but rejected the native dwarf with warts. 'Tis the way of the world, and don't I know it. So, OK.


chickelit said...

I never rejected you, r,l.

MamaM said...

MamaM you must realize that Trooper York will never go back there. His zany happy world is forever gone from TOP.

I'm clear on the above, but stuck on the meaning of "is" in the third declaration. I've an easier time regarding BZ as a different character or a morph of TY than I do buying into the notion that the Baron is an entirely different person, because he appears to me to be springing from the same font, stoup and/or receptacle of baffoonery and greatness as the Circus Master himself.

Regardless of how many times the ol' appelkuchen, mitocondriallie, Oop-Oop-Oops now I'm Inga changes her picture, her dress, her presentation and her tone, the same vibration eventually emanates and the same underlying character and behavior patterns emerge.

I was under the impression El Jefe's Big Gripe against TY was based on the perception and presumption of "bad faith" behavior and intent on the part of the person commenting under that name.

Maybe that's not the situation and The Pair was really intent on tweaking the controls in the hope a new, meaner, nastier version would show up with a fresh bucket of loose zingers. Who knows? Whatever rings the chimes of those involved, it is their business to conduct. When that business is made public with announced policies that don't play out, and pronouncements that don't fit the picture, that's when the floor opens for the expression of opinion to complement the clamor of whale humping and random shouts of "Shaddddup"

That said, I do recognize that TY's zany, happy world is gone forever from TOP.

MamaM said...

rcommal, with regard to the "you guys" and "you all" references, there were several commenters here (two of them female) who did not succumb to the siren song. Even though Queen Bee behavior was identified early on, it took a while for the repeating cycle of junior high antics and abuse to show up with more clarity. During that time some fun interactions and engaging conversations took place between the bursts of drama and accusation, with several of the old guard "legacy commenters" joining in the purple toed folies. One of the positive results was an increase in response and communication between commenters.

windbag said...

Sorry that I don't follow the drama closer than I do, but is Inga the new and improved Allie? Perspective.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ rcommal and MammaM

Yes. The Queen Bee behavior, that I pointed out, is often invisible to the guys. It is sort of like being color blind. We, women, can see the behavior and describe it but it is like trying to describe the difference between pink and rose to a color blind person.

I was also accused of being another person, of stalking [as if I have the time or the desire] and other stupidities regarding someone who seems to think more highly of herself than is deserved.

Difficulty buying into the notion that the Baron is an entirely different person, because he appears to me to be springing from the same font, stoup and/or receptacle of baffoonery and greatness as the Circus Master himself.

Another reason that I don't/can't post under different personas. Like Popeye....."I yam what I yam".

chickelit said...

I'm with DBQ. If I tried posting under a different name, I'd have so many tells I'd last about 10 minutes before being outed.

That being said, I suspect that some may be talented and deceitful enough writers to pull it off. But for heaven's sake, why would somebody post as the same personality under a series of different names? That I do not get.

chickelit said...

I mean, my different pseudonyms--chickenlittle, El Pollo Real, chickelit, have all been consistently--and I hope recognizably--fowl.

Trooper York said...

I apologize reader if you think that I thought that the execrable Inga came off better. You definitely did and I did not mean to imply otherwise.

It is just that she drags everything into a dispute about her. Behavior that you girls all noted at the time.

Men are stupid. We don't notice things like that. We didn't get it until DBQ pointed it out. At least I didn't get it.

In fact the only reason I befriended Allie/Inga was because she was dukeing it out with the Nutty Perfessor and the enemy of my enemy is my friend. At least for a while.

Trooper York said...

I think the perfect analysis of the whole mess was on the thread MamaM was talking about. A series of posts by sorepaw laid it all out perfectly.

Trooper York said...

I got disgusted and busy and went away for a while. But that doesn't mean I can't change my mind.

Of course I think they want my participation as they put out chum to get people like me or Titus to comment because they know certain topics compel us to voice our opinions.

So going in under a different name lets the low information stupid readers not attach these thoughts to Trooper York. They can stand on their own. As they should.

You are not the same person you were three years ago. At least not entirely the same. Experiences and situations and life change you. Change your outlook. So you can change what you want to say.

MamaM said...

Regardless of which character shows up to execute the delivery, the phrase "cooking with gas" succinctly (IMO) captures the essence of the person making the comment and may even imply intent. It made me smile. I'm good with change. Just don't ask me to buy the different person routine or extol the clarity and virtue of a randomly administered "good/bad faith" policy.

Trooper York said...

I am not asking you to buy anything MamaM.

Well except a dress if you are so inclined. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

And I only say "cooking with gas" to freak out the Jewish members of the congregation.

Trooper York said...

I like to keep everyone on their toes.

MamaM said...

Well except a dress if you are so inclined. Just sayn'

I may be in line for one of those winter coats in cold storage if the weather keeps up. Fresh layer of snow on the ground this morning with a 23 degree high.

"Pushing the stove" is the electric version of that expression.

MamaM said...
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MamaM said...

Here you go, from the rounds of FB, the perfect video to go with the "cooking with gas" theme:

Undercover Jeff Gordon

Titus said...

Chick and all I feel incredibly guilty and sad about what I did to this guy.

Probably the worst thing I ever did in my life.

I actually think about it daily and have deep regrets.

Seriously, I was fucking bad and really wrong and stupid.

I took advantage of another human and that is not me, really. I think about calling his relatives-all of whom I met and apologize and give the money back.

When I have sex it is mutual and there is no manipulation but this was different.

But my concern is that I will open really horrible wounds.

What woud you all do?

BTW I think I could be interested in being a birder. On my walk to and from work I stop everyday and become obsessed by some bird doing something. Birds are cool. I am especially interested in birds adapting to urban areas. I am fascinated by birds making use of the human world.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Chick and all I feel incredibly guilty and sad about what I did to this guy.

That is a start. Realization.

There are some instances and things that I did that I feel so incredibly guilty about. Things that I thoughtlessly and carelessly did that today make me cringe. Some things that I wish I could take back forever. Things that I think I should probably go to hell for.

We probably;y all have this.

However. You can't go back and fix it. All you can do is go forward and try to be a better person than you were when you (and I) were dumb shit stupid selfish idiots. Which we
ALWAYS are when we are young.

What would you all do?

Leave it the fuck alone.

MamaM said...
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TTBurnett said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

Titus said...
One of my fave meals any time is Eggs Bene. Love it with Lobster or Crab or Tomato or Spinach.

I rarely order Eggs Benedict out unless I get assurance that the hollandaise sauce is the real deal. Here's my recipe which I translated for Darcy: link

TTBurnett said...

To combine gas cooking with female competition, I propose an annual Sylvia Plath Memorial Bake-Off to be held at Madison, WI.

Prizes will be awarded on the basis of expeditiousness, originality and exquisite results.

Chip S. said...

ooh, TT! I didn't know you wielded the verbal scalpel w/ such dexterity.

Have you considered returning to TOP as, say, Red Skull? That place needs a good cutter.