Friday, March 15, 2013

The Crack Emcee gets an offer he has to refuse...

"You want to marry little old me?"
"I have to ask my congressman."


chickelit said...

In the epic words of Manfred Mann, he looks:

blinded by the light,
wrapped up like a douche
another runner in the night...

MamaM said...

Look for something left in this world
Start again

Come on
It's a nice day for a white wedding
It's a nice day to start again.

rcommal said...

Oh, for pete's puckered face.

chickelit said...


I'll see your Blind Lemon Johnson and raise you a Blind Willie Johnson.

chickelit said...

"If I don't read my will be lost"

chickelit said...

"If I don't read my soul will be lost"

[helps if you complete the sentence, Bruce--ed]

Titus said...

Happy St. Patty's day everyone.

All the drunks are in Southie for the big parade.

When I first moved here the one of my first memories were the Southie Parade and a Fag Irish group wanted to be included in the parade.

It went to the Supreme Court of Mass and of course they let the fags march.

The fags were pissed on thrown beers at and then immediately jumped on a bus at the end of the parade route where the village chased the fag bus and pelted it with eggs.

Fucking fags.


Titus said...

Now a so called Conservative Republican wants fags to Mary just because his freak of nature son likes hog.

Fucking sad.


windbag said...

How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman? None.

What's a seven-course Irish meal? A baked potato and a six-pack.

Happy St. Patty's Day, y'all. Our corned beef and cabbage feast was last night with the in-laws.

Chip S. said...

I'm following thru on your recommendation, windbag. Gonna have shepherd's pie w/ Guinness/Harp black & tans.

Titus said...

OMG the season finale of Girls was fucking incred.

So intense, lots of sex, nice tits bouncing while getting fucked.

Totally amazing.

Lena Dunham is a genius.

Love her so much.

I love Veep too. Julia Lewis is hilarious. She thought the pres was going to croak and was so excited about potentially be Pres. Frank Rich is doing an incred job in producing and writing for this show, natch.

rcommal said...
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windbag said...

He kinda looks like Casper the Friendly Ghost.

MamaM said...

For the number of times the words hater and hateful were used here by another, I found it affirming to read the following comment by TMink over at TOP: Setting the bar too low for calling a person a "hater" makes the name caller look borderline.

TTBurnett said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TTBurnett said...

Well, I don't like the word, "hater." I much prefer "lunatic." It has a quaintness and charm, especially if spelled with a final "k."

Sometime I'll tell you about Nat'ring Ned, a Lunatick in Bedlam, who wrote many a Speach for Parliamentary Members of both Parties during Sir Robert's Time.

Invective, considered in the Absolute, knows no Faction but itself; and, Ned, who kept a Magazine of Vitriol seldom equalled in the English Tongue, would have served for the most hateful Internet commenter of this Modern Age, were he conscious of Hate, or, indeed, anything else at all.

As 'twas, all a Politician, or a Grub Street Scribbler need have done on those Days when the Publick were admitted to Bedlam Hospital for a Penny, was to have ask'd such a Question as, "Ned, what think ye on the King of Portugal's late Speach?" An Oration worthy of Tully's Apprehension and as dramatick as Shakespear, then would have pour'd forth, ready for the political Toady's eager Pen, or the open Note-Book of a News-Scribbler. The Party against which such Animadversions were address'd was unimportant. 'Twas Ned's Genius, that all Factions could find something for Use amongst them.

I pray, therefore, Your Honors may well see, that even the most hateful-seeming Declamations, if delivered in the levelling Spirit of Adamancy against all, may find their Use, if properly chosen, even in the Discourse of such rational and well-bred Persons as your Worships have oftimes proven to be.

chickelit said...

Haß ist häßlich (hate is ugly) has a certain etymological symmetry about its verb, though perhaps it's more like an inequality. Not sure if it should be ≤ or ≥.

rcocean said...

I miss Crack.

rcocean said...

Belated comment on St. Paddy's Day. When did the Irish turn into such whiners? Everyone wants to be victim these days. If you're going to whine about Protestant Oppression in Amerika -every St. Paddy's day -you need to come up with a more current example than something from 1924.

Titus said...

I had an amazing past two days. I was in New York for work and just returned.

I was feeling a little insecure about my looks lately. I was saying to myself I don't want sex, but what I was really saying is that I don't feel that I am sexy so no good enough for sex.

But the past two days were major reinforcement. I had over 20 guys want me on the streets of NYC these past two days and they stopped in the street, said hi to me and walked toward me. The old me would of jumped at it but the new me immediately got a cab and I didn't bite on any invitations.

So this was great because I was obviously wanted on the street but more great because I did not act upon this shit.

My flight was delayed two hours and I watched Life Of Pie. An amazing movie-not as great in 3D but still fucking incred-I cried. I love MamiG and MamaG too-I know my Indian shit. You know, because I am married to an Indian, who doesn't actually practice Hindi, because he is really British and not religious-total Euro, but a brownie with a British accent. Do any of you know how hot that dichotomy is? You are expecting Abu from the Simpson, because he is brown, but get Bill Nighy-without the wrinkles and whiteness. I am in love.

rcommal said...

No matter the holiday or issue, rcocean is smugly there, sneering. From what I can tell, rcocean belongs to the smart, superior group eschewing such stuff. Full stop. Consistent, rcocean is. Right?

rcommal said...

I both saw and read rcoean's comments over at bloggingheads over a long, long period of time, on account of my being a bloggingheads fan (yeah, I know: whattasin, that!). So.

Trooper York said...

Gee all the rc's are fighting?

Can rc cola be far behind?

chickelit said...

Where is ricpic--the soothsayer?

Titus said...

I don't know the difference between rhardin rocean and rcommunal

MamaM said...

Where is ricpic--the soothsayer?

I heard he:

R eturned
C antankerous

More grist for the mill! Welcome home, ricpic. I'm currently in Ohio for the week experiencing wind chills of 12-14 degrees. No spring happening here, but none going on without me back home either, which is good news. After waiting this long, I don't want to miss the burst.

chickelit said...

@MamaM: If you're in NE OH, stop in and see Mr. Edutcher

MamaM said...

If he'd make me laugh as much as your chirbit, it might be worth a detour!

rcommal said...

I don't know the difference between rhardin rocean and rcommunal

No surprise there. I, at least, acknowledge that you, Titus, will always be way more welcome and popular than am I, and always so will it be.


*so it works*

rcocean said...

Moi Smug? Nope. Its just that every Holiday has turned in a damn whine fest by someone. I had an after work drink with an Irish-American last week and before I know he's jabbering about Cromwell & "No Irish need apply signs" from Nineteen-ought-five. His family's been in the damn country for 160 years - but he still thinks of himself as some oppressed Irishman.

rcocean said...

Don't get me wrong. I love the Irish, except when their killing each other over nothing, or yakking about Cromwell, or the Protestants, or how great Jack Kennedy was.

MamaM said...

If you're in NE OH, stop in and see...

I'd rather swing by and surprise the heck out of rhhardin, tell him how much I enjoy his quirky pictures and captions, and visit with the dawg.

chickelit said...

No surprise there. I, at least, acknowledge that you, Titus, will always be way more welcome and popular than am I, and always so will it be.

'Tis true in the sense that fogblather gives Titus loads and loads of face time here--but I suspect that that has little to do with "welcome" and "popular" and more to do with opportunity. JMHO

Chip S. said...

OK MamaM, but if he offers you a glass of his special "apple pie" moonshine, please get the hell out of there as fast as you can.

TTBurnett said...

rcocean: Around here, there's also your sainted Oirish Grandmother who had to scrub floors for skinflint Yankees. Of course, that's getting a little long in the tooth, even for Boston.

You might have had a sainted Oirish great-great-grandmother at this point, but it's a good bet no one can quite remember if it was the Saltonstalls or the Eliots she scrubbed floors for, or exactly what the Black-and-Tans did to your great-great-granduncle that made him prefer Southie to County Cork. Has anyone actually SEEN a Yankee in the past 20 years?

The IRA, on the other hand, was still collecting money out of bars in Southie 15 or 20 years ago, but that, along with the Troubles, faded badly when everyone in Northern Ireland realized that no one, especially the Brits, gave a shit anymore. The English overwhelmingly wanted to be rid of them, but still had Unionist crazies to contend with. Otherwise, it was, "Go suck a lemon, Ulster!" as a piece in the Telegraph had it some years ago.

("Yankees," BTW, are, in New England, the descendants of the original, Protestant, usually Calvinist, English settlers. "Yankee" means other things in other parts of the country, but if you find a Bostonian using the Y-word, it means people like the Cabots, Lodges, Saltonstalls and Eliots. If you can find any of them any more, they may or may not talk only to God, but you can be sure they're mostly not too long from seeing Him face-to-face.)

chickelit said...

...but if you find a Bostonian using the Y-word, it means people like the Cabots, Lodges, Saltonstalls and Eliots.

Don't forget Ruth, Gehrig, Dimaggio, Mantle & Berra. Speaking of which--isn't it that time of the year?

Chip S. said...

More like the Leveretts, Lowells, and Mathers, chickelit.

But how did Pforzheimer get in that group?

MamaM said...

OK MamaM, but if he offers you a glass of his special "apple pie" moonshine, please get the hell out of there as fast as you can.

No bike rides either!

Chip S. said...

I just noticed that even at TY the gay marriage posts generate the most comments.

Of course, it's much better when almost none of the comments in the gay marriage thread are about gay marriage.

rcocean said...

Why Should I care about gay marriage? I'm not gay and I'm already married.

windbag said...

As long as I live, I'll never understand homosexuality. I do, however, understand bachelorhood.

Chip S. said...

I'm bitter toward gays b/c the best man at my wedding was gay. I've never forgiven him for letting me go thru w/ it.

But I've gotta admit I'd take some small satisfaction in seeing him make a similar mistake,