Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hey Phil Simms......Just shut the fuck are a disgrace to the Giants you putz!

So Phil Simms had let it be know that he will kowtow to the politically correct douchenozzles who want the Washington Redskins to change their name. He has let it be know that he will only refer to them as "Washington" even though they have retained their historic and traditional name. What a politically correct pansy!

He says he is not taking sides but by doing this he is taking sides. He is taking the side of the politically correct who run grievance racket where they get to determine what you can say, do or think in this country. He is a disgrace to the Giants and I have lost all respect for him. Even that epic loser former Jet Boomer Eisason is using the Redskins because that is their fucking name.

Eli Manning has just solidified his place as the greatest Giant quarterback of all time!


ndspinelli said...

LOL! What happens when Gomer comes out in support of Simms. You gonna go w/ Norm Snead as your new guy? Actually you should go w/ Tarkenton, he might be more of a redneck than you and Sixty.

Trooper York said...

Eli is not going to do that. The dude went to Ole Miss for crying out loud!

ndspinelli said...

So did Shep Smith

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Actually the Redskin's owner should change their name: To the Washington D.C. Pederasts and put Harry Reid's mug on the helmet.

The rule of Lemnity said...

This controversy is separating the men from the boys.

chickelit said...

How long before mental midgets find the name "Giants" offensive?

chickelit said...

Lem said...
This controversy is separating the men from the boys.

Isn't that what they said about Sandusky and Penn State?

ndspinelli said...

chick is en fuego.

chickelit said...

Who you callin' a "fuego," finocchio?