Friday, February 7, 2014

Have a little faith.....It will get better

We all need to have a little faith. Most of the people who post here are people of faith of one sort or another. But if you are not that is fine too. You have to find what helps you get through the night.

Faith is so very important to so many of us. That's what makes it so disgusting when manipulators who have none try to take the words of your faith to use against you. To say that you fall short of the doctrine and dictates of your faith. What they don't realize is that we know we fall short. Man is born of original sin. We try our best to over come but the ocean is so big and our boat is so small.

When haters throw your religion in your face you have to take a breath. Try not to just beat them down the way you want to do with your first impulse. You know that they don't believe. They just want to use clever debaters tricks. I just ask what Delbart askes.

Have a little faith in me. It will see you though.


ricpic said...

I guess this is obliquely about faith: yesterday morning I was approached by an oldish woman who immediately went into a story about being stranded: "I live in Rochester and I don't have enough gas to get back home and couldya, mister, couldya?"...and I didn't, I didn't handover the $10 or $20. She was black. Rather nondescript in appearance, not an obvious wino or addict. Not threatening. But something rose up in me and no, I couldn't. If she'd caught me 30 years ago or even 10 years ago she would've been in luck. But I feel no obligation anymore. Not that I believed her story, but even if I did believe her story...

If it's a sign of being disconnected from the human race, okay, I'm disconnected. But I'm wondering, what do you think, is it always right to give and always wrong to not give?

Trooper York said...

It is an individuals choice. Some days you think you are getting ripped off but you give anyway. In these really cold days you might run into a homeless person who looks like they are freezing and you might give them some money. They might take it to buy drugs or booze. What I do nowadays is if I see something like that I might go and buy a sandwich and give it to them. And I have been cursed out for that.

You have to do what is in your heart.

Trooper York said...

I will say that I never got an argument when I gave a homeless guy coffee or soup. That is always appreciated for some reason.

ndspinelli said...

ricpic, 98% chance the "I need gas" plea is horseshit.

ndspinelli said...

We always try to give our leftovers from restaurants to a homeless person as we're walking to our car. It is always appreciated.

Trooper York said...

I think the perfect response to the plea of "I don't have gas" is to give them some Taco Bell.

The Dude said...

The "gimme money for gas scam" is a classic. Once had a "minister" try to pull that one on me - bub, you are talking to the wrong guy. Go ask your "flock". And leave me the flock alone. He looked insulted that I hadn't fallen for his baloney.

windbag said...

Some hippie chick with a nice rack hanging out approached me at a gas station when I was on my way to Atlanta one day. Need gas scam. I turned her down. She probably thought I was gay after I turned her down. Prior to that she probably thought I was desperate and an easy mark.

Once we were approached by a woman with one leg in a wheelchair who tried to clean our windshield. I turned her down. We were in Atlanta with our kids on the way to Six Flags. I didn't want my kids to think I'm a heartless bastard (which I am, but I don't want them to think that), so I pointed out that there were probably a dozen ministries within a two-mile radius that would help that woman out. I also pointed out that there is no reason for anyone in America to have to beg on the streets. There are jobs and there are places to go for help. Of course, that was before the commies took over the federal government. There might be a reason to beg these days.

blake said...

Some folks need a good beatin'.

It's not just a public service. It feels good.