A million years ago there was an exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art, MOMA, called The Family of Man and this picture, which is hysterical, reminds me of the section of that exhibit with the heading, WE TWO FORM A MULTITUDE, in which all the photographs were of couples: a German burgher couple; a Chinese peasant couple; a very proper British couple; a western ranch couple and so on. So this is the stolid Russkie apparat and his babushka wife couple. Multiplied. Long winded I know but it's what occurred to me and I HAD TO SHARE. Does more babushkas than apparats mean Putin is a secret Mormon? Does or do?
My ex- saw that show - I am sure I read the book, I hope we never owned it. It's tedium personified.
Do - break down the sentence, leaving out words between the "do" and the plural subject. Does babushkas sounds like some of Troopski's Ruskie porn or something.
You're right. When I saw it I was a kid and it wowed me just like everything wowed me then. I had a hardon for Mrs. Peterson, my fourth grade teacher. That was genuine. All the rest fake.
I hate Sarah Jessica Parker, Robin Williams, Tim Robbins, Susan Saradon, the BJ Hunnicut guy, brussel sprouts, the Boston Red Sox, commies and well, lawyers.
All of the sudden I have a craving for bleenies, schlahznik and a schmeer.
I don't know about "admire". "Respect", maybe.
And borscht with sour cream, don't forget that.
I have no idea what any of those words mean. That's a line from the Preston Sturges movie "The Great McGinty" which I just saw for the first time.
Okay, I have heard of a schmeer, or schmear, but I tend to avoid such foodstuffs. We in the south, bubba, we eat goober peas.
A million years ago there was an exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art, MOMA, called The Family of Man and this picture, which is hysterical, reminds me of the section of that exhibit with the heading, WE TWO FORM A MULTITUDE, in which all the photographs were of couples: a German burgher couple; a Chinese peasant couple; a very proper British couple; a western ranch couple and so on. So this is the stolid Russkie apparat and his babushka wife couple. Multiplied. Long winded I know but it's what occurred to me and I HAD TO SHARE. Does more babushkas than apparats mean Putin is a secret Mormon? Does or do?
My ex- saw that show - I am sure I read the book, I hope we never owned it. It's tedium personified.
Do - break down the sentence, leaving out words between the "do" and the plural subject. Does babushkas sounds like some of Troopski's Ruskie porn or something.
I have thought for a long time Putin is a Hershey Highway dude like so many of those Nazi intelligence guys.
Well, if you have been to Hershey PA you know just how bad their chocolate is.
The real question is - does it go well with caviar?
It's tedium personified.
You're right. When I saw it I was a kid and it wowed me just like everything wowed me then. I had a hardon for Mrs. Peterson, my fourth grade teacher. That was genuine. All the rest fake.
Now a days Ms Peterson's replacement might just reciprocate ricpic
Troop, Putin plays with leopards. He digs pussy.
He digs pussy.
He thinks it's a riot.
He digs buttholes.
Is Johnny Wier[d] looking for a cuddle!
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