Monday, December 29, 2008

Hey this wood floats!

James Bond: [Plenty O'Toole enters Bond's hotel room] Well, if you'd like to come in, Plenty. Plenty O'Toole: Oh, how pretty, what a super place you have!

James Bond: Mmm... [Plenty kisses him; Bond unzips her purple satin dress and it falls from her, leaving her almost completely naked except for her purple high heels and her transparent pink panties]

Plenty O'Toole: [holding up a finger, moving back] Just give me one second, lover. [she walks into the bedroom]

James Bond: [Bond picks up her dress and tosses it onto a couch. He turns on a lamp and finds a goon pointing a gun at him] Good evening. [other lights come on, revealing another goon, also pointing a gun at him]

James Bond: Well, I'm afraid you've caught me with more than my hands up.

Plenty O'Toole: [being forced out of the bedroom by a third goon, her arms folded across her chest protectively] Hey, what the hell is this? A pervert's convention or something? [the other goons come over and pick her up, carrying her over to the window]

Plenty O'Toole: Now listen, you can't do this to me! Stop that! I've got friends in this town! [she is thrown out of the window and lands in the pool]

James Bond: Such a waste, I believe she was already wet.

(Diamonds are Forever, 1971)


chickelit said...

I forgot those lines first time around. Thanks for the mammaries

Meade said...

Now, back home again in Indiana, we would (get it?) refer to that as an "ample" bosom -- well-shaped, womanly, and, obviously, corn-fed.

Plenty delightful! (get it?)