Monday, April 27, 2009

Today's gratuitous bath tub scene asks "Where the hell is that copyboy?"

Quick, get me rewrite. My work needs editing. Wait I know. I can just make some stuff up and the rubes will believe it. Time for another Pulitzer.


Penny said...

No love loss for journalists these days, but come on...They are not even in the same ballpark as the esteemed attorneys who run Washington and this country into an eternal loop of "law","sue", "collect" and repeat.

Penny said...

I HATE having to say this, but ...

Most Americans are making more money off their legislature or their personal attorney than they are over the sweat of their back.

Not wanting you to feel poorer or abandoned or anything of the sort, and NEVER feel guilty for not having worked hard enough or long enough. There is a "special interest group" working on your behalf as we speak in the 'hushed' chambers of Trooper York and his lovely lady, Lisa.

Those sentimental among us are wishing for something SEX AYE!

Nice balance to the "GOTCHA".

EXACTLY why I love you, Troop.