Thursday, December 22, 2011

Have Gun Will Travel


Fred4Pres said...

I like this show a lot!

Dust Bunny Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Dude said...

What's Palladian got to do with anything?

What's that? Oh, never mind...

AllenS said...

If my memory serves me correctly, didn't he pass out business cards? Must have been the only business cards in the old west.

ndspinelli said...

Fred, I also loved the show.

Allen, The card said: Have Gun Will Travel

Wire Paladin/San Francisco.

Who knew he was a gay caballero!

windbag said...

Miss Kitty passed along stuff, but I don't think it involved business cards.

Trooper York said...

I missed Fred yesterday so I figured I would celebrate one of his favorite shows.

windbag said...

Hey, Troop, I'm back early.

Trooper York said...

How did it go?

It must be fine since you can comment. Good show.

windbag said...

Thanks. MRI showed little damage, so I even flirted with cancelling earlier in the week. Surgeon said it was a mess, once he got in. Torn meniscus both sides, what was left of the cartilage wasn't good. Enough arthritis to supply a geriatric ward. Pain was much worse on this knee than the other. Not enough to make me take anything, just enough to make me cranky. But I can balance a laptop.

Fred4Pres said...

Windbag, I hope it goes well.

ndspinelli said...

windbag, Knee problems suck. Sounds like a knee replacement in the future? My father-in-law had both replaced by a good surgeon. It allowed him to golf into his 80's. But, when he had to get a shoulder replaced, it ended golfing for him. He was a tough hombre..bomber pilot in The Big One..Europe.

windbag said...

Thanks, Fred. nd, doctor predicts replacement in 5-7 years. Yipee. Pondering if I can make it in to work, if I pay my son to drive me. He would, despite the objections of my wife and crew.

windbag said...

My theme song today.

Original Mike said...

I used to watch with my grandfather when I was quite young. Thanks for that, Trooper.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear your knee is hurting Windbag, a torn meniscus will heal eventually. I'm sure your doc or nurse told you about the RICE protocol , that and anti inflammatories and time. Hurts like hell in the meantime though I bet.

Fred4Pres said...

Windbag, everyone I know who had knee or hip replacement loved it. I know that is not universal and I do not know that many people who have had it done, but the few I do know found its effects remarkable soon after recovery.

windbag said...

RICE it is, but I ain't happy about it. The first scope this spring revealed that the meniscus had broken away and was floating around, so nothing short of surgery would have helped. This one, the MRI didn't show much of anything, but I figured it was inevitable and opted for the surgery. Good thing, as it was in worse shape than the first knee. It's amazing to me how wrong the MRI was both times. Until he went in and took a look, the extent of damage wasn't apparent.

The surgery was held up by the anesthesia team. Couple of dummies sticking their nose in where it didn't belong. I've been on blood thinner since the first surgery, when I developed a DVT. They didn't want to operate because it's still present and I'm still taking the meds. Jerks. I think they even called C. Everett Koop before we went ahead with it.

By the third time they came in, I was much less jovial than before. They keep rehearsing who I am, my birthday, and what I'm there for...just to be sure. I informed them that the shaved leg, which the surgeon initialed already, was the knee that needed surgery, and the that unshaven knee, sans doctor's signature, was the one they were to leave alone.

First time ever that I was awake when they wheeled me into an operating room, but I was wide awake. The doctor strapped on a mask and told me to breathe deep and exhale completely. I did that about six times, then looked up at him. He sighed, tossed the mask aside and did something else. I defiantly stared at the ceiling. At some point, they finally got me asleep.

When the surgeon came back with the report to my wife, he mentioned that they had difficulty putting me under. I don't recall leaving the hospital. My wife said that I was pretty adamant that I was leaving right now, even though I couldn't understand why they were putting my shoes on me, and don't remember much else before flopping down in the chair at home.

I gave myself permission to use only one crutch this afternoon. Feels good to put weight on it.

windbag said...

Fred, I've watched enough others suffer from bad knees long enough to know that I would sign up for the next available slot if recommended by a doctor. I'm glad I went through with it. I was talking to some marathon runners who had total knee replacement and they were tickled. No more running, but they can walk w/o pain. 100 years ago, I'd be a cripple, so I'm thankful.

AllenS said...

Have New Knee Will Travel Faster.

chickelit said...

This was my dad's third favorite TV show, after "Sea Hunt" and "The Fugitive."

ndspinelli said...

Sea Hunt, Where Lloyd Bridges got the bends virtually every episode. But, I still loved it too.

Trooper York said...

I preferred Police Woman where Angie Dickensen got to bend over every other episode so Earl Holliman had someplace to slip in his nightstick.

Trooper York said...

"Wanted Dear or Alive" with Steve McQueen was another of my favorites. That was one cool dude and one cool show.

AllenS said...

Actually, "Wanted Dear or Alive" took place in Wisconsin during deer hunting season, last year.

Anonymous said...

Windbag, that sounds like a comedy of errors. Versed is one of the Induction meds, pretty potent usually, no wonder you were a bit "woozy", amnesia is common.

windbag said...

Allie, I slept off two doses of Versed completely before they finally came and got me. I had to crawl over to the operating table myself, don't recall having to do that before, unless I have and was woozy enough to not remember. First dose took me 30 minutes to shake off, the second took me about an hour, but I was fully awake by the time my turn came.

I had cataract surgery earlier this year and woke up during it. That was fun. They were talking about astronauts, so I piped up with my thoughts on the subject. It takes a lot to knock me out.

The Dude said...

One time I was having a vein removed from the side of my skull and the old surgeon, who had insisted on doing the procedure in a hospital, was having trouble finding the vein. I had had the same surgery done on the other side of my head a week or two prior, and since it was being done under a local, I could hear him fumbling and muttering. I said "Take a look at where the scar is on the other side, imagine bilateral symmetry and you might find what you are looking for."

He kept rootin' around, still finding nothing, making the incision larger and larger when a nurse walked into the OR - she gasped something like "Oh my God!" when she saw how the old timer was slicing up my head.

I piped up "I'm awake here."

She shut up and sheepishly moved along. Eventually, with the help of the anesthesiologist the old doctor found what he was looking for, cut out the vein, cauterized the ends he left in my scalp, then closed. I asked to see the specimen, he refused to show me. I sincerely hope he retired soon after that - the ol' duffer was beyond useless.

The surgeon who performed the first surgery was a meat ball surgeon who had spent time in Viet Nam during the war. He did the procedure in his office, it was quick, neat and over with in no time at all. And he showed me the vein he cut out. All around, a good surgeon.

Here's to guys who learned under stress and get the job done.

The Dude said...

The gun Steve McQueen carried in WDoA made a big impression on me as a youth. A sawed off lever action Winchester 1892 model with an enlarged lever loop.

Rossi makes a reproduction mare's leg, but somehow it's just not the same. Plus, the modern one is considered a pistol under federal laws, so where's the fun in that?

blake said...

Some folks favor Cowboy Woody.

Some favor Buzz Lightyear.