Thursday, December 22, 2011

Trump this!

You know I started a whole long post about this thing that is going on with Althouse and Meade after I started to read her post today. I wanted to explain my thoughts and how I see it . You see it seems that her numbers are going down and fewer people are commenting. So to gin up some controversy she put up this post. It served her purpose. She got over 200 comments and counting. That is what she is all about.

I don't want to feed into her plans. Once before I got pissed and stopped contributing to her blog. She had her errand boy put up a comment to lure me and a couple of others back to her comments page. In that thread she called me a pussy and an asshole and a few other choice things. Which is fine with me. She might be right. I was foolish enough to come back there and contribute to her blog. That was a very bad mistake.

I admit that I love to make fun of her pomposity and hubris. It is a big failing of mine. I detest the overinflated egos of the credentialed elite that think they are all that and love to puncture their balloon. I have done it all my life and I don't intend to stop now. I can see how other people such as ndspinelli and EBL are enjoying doing it now. I say enjoy yourself and have fun. But I have gotten tired of it and her.

I want to segue away from this back and forth. Move on to more fun topics like Panda Sex and Charles Bukowski. I know the people who dislike Althouse and what that blog and comment community has become like to come here and vent. I understand it. Some of it is damn funny. But as I have said I am tired of her and her blog and all the stuff that goes with it. I don't want to give her anymore free content. Either by my contributions or by people running back and forth to keep this going.

I don't intend from this day forth to reference that person or that blog in anyway. Any post that can be read as referring to that fouled garden should not be read that way. it refers to something else. I have better things to do and more exciting things happening in my life than jousting back and forth with Meadhouse.

That is the past. It was fun while it lasted but it is getting too boring and lame. I don't want to contribute to her page views and comments. I leave that to people like J, Cedarford,Jeremy and all the rest of her favorites.

So take my name out of your mouth.

I ask that the people who are angry with Althouse take it up with her. She is not allowed in my world anymore. I won't delete you like they will but I prefer that we not discuss her and her consort. They deserve each other. The last few weeks have proved that. I predict an unhappy end to that story. But that is their problem not mine. Let them stew out there in Wisconsin and have a happy life if they can.

You see I was mistaken when I said Althouse is like Nixon. She is like Trump. And like Trump she is going to find out that dyed blond hair, pomposity and a vicious temperament is not enough to put on a show. That blog operated like the Celebrity Apprentice. You see there were a lot of guest stars that people wanted to see. They really weren't there to see Trump. Although he thinks that is why it is popular. His job is only to say you're fired. I didn't give ALtrump that opportunity.

I quit.

Now why don't you just run along and do the same thing.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I cannot trump that. You are a good person.

Anonymous said...

Every time you hear a bell ring , an angel gets his wings.

Clear as a bell Trooper!

dbp said...

I think this is a good direction to be moving in.

Trooper York said...

Thanks dbp.

Lots of new and exciting things are happening in the new year.

We need to move on to better things.

Let them look back and stew in their juices.

We have better things to do.

TerriW said...

I'm just here for the shopkeeper tales. Oh, and the restaurant stories, and tales of old time drinking. And the book recommendations. And the pictures of the really bitchin food.

(What's Christmas meal going to be?)

But what the hell, mostly I just listen in. Not much of a talker.

Trooper York said...

That's ok by me Terri. Lots of good shop stories coming in the new year. You will really enjoy them.

Thanks for reading. I appreciate everyone who reads or comments.

Trooper York said...

The Christmas meal is going to be pork roast over fanook (fennel) in white wine with prunes and apples.

Also roasted potatoes and a big salad.

The wife's family has health issues so I can't do the big Italian feast.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

This could go on this post or the other post Troop had today.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Well, this is the best final comment you could have about the fiasco... although I do think her attempt at Trooper Trutherism was farcical enough to be a final word of sorts of its own... on her own sanity.

I read that this morning and had to comment. But I don't do that until I'm on my own time. So I commented on the other thread, and wondered when she'd claim that you were not only behind the identity of J., but behind the identities of Santa Claus, Tinkerbell, and The Tooth Fairy.

Yes, narcissists probably deem even negative attention as better than nothing. But to feel like her latest, most absurd stab at an attack wasn't more a comment on her sanity (or lack thereof) than it was on anything having to do with you, well... Just take a step back for a minute, man. That kind of insanity speaks for itself.

Trooper York said...

It's all water under the bridge to crazytown. Some people just don't get it and never will.

We have to let it go.

No good will come of encouraging them.

Next thing you know they will be showing up at your kids soccer game in a copy of your bikini. Just sayn'

Michael Haz said...

Actually, I am J. Or was that Spartacus? I forget.

Trooper York said...

Really I thought you were Bobby Elvis on Sons of Arnarchy?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I Am Legend.

But only on Thursdays. On Fridays I'm Norm from Cheers.

ndspinelli said...

I am the walrus.

windbag said...

coo coo ca-choo,baby.

windbag said...

Happy Christmas Adam, everyone!!

windbag said...

Don't Look Back, folks.

Tank said...

Wha happen?



Just sayin.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Mrs. Trooper has obviously knocked some sense into Trooper.

And Tis the season for Peace to all. Merry Christmas!

chickelit said...

Ritmo Re-Animated said...
I Am Legend.

I saw that. Yippie, Yippie, yo-ti-yay!
