Thursday, December 15, 2011

Seriously Bob!

"So Bob why were you late again tonight?"
"We had a big problem with the group. People are fighting. Mr. Peterson and Jerry the Dentist started fighting and rolling around on the floor. And Carol started to cry and kept eating and puking like a crazy person. I hate the fuckin' holidays."
"Really Bob. Whatever. Let's go in the bedroom and fuck before our stupid neighbor comes in and starts telling lies about he used to be astronaut."


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

That reminded me of the old bull, young bull story.

Good times, good times. A lady never tells.

rcommal said...
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rcommal said...

"So Bob why were you late again tonight?"

[You missed one (of two):]

"We had a big problem with the group. People are fighting. Mr. Peterson and Jerry the Dentist started fighting and rolling around on the floor. And Carol started to cry and kept eating and puking like a crazy person. And the horse that had been beaten so long was so dead even the glue had dried out beyond use."


"I hate the fuckin' holidays."
"Really Bob. Whatever. Let's go in the bedroom and fuck before our stupid neighbor comes in and starts telling lies about he used to be astronaut."
"Sorry Emily the mood is gone too."

rcommal said...

Yep: Can be read in more than one way and it is intended to be.

Happy Homestretch to the Holidays, all.

chickelit said...

How's the baking/oven situation, r,l?

rcommal said...

It's fine, chickenlittle. It's just a glitch, soon to be overcome, not a long-term problem, even potentially.

windbag said...

Why would anyone in his right mind be late (AGAIN!!!) with Suzanne Pleshette waiting for him at home? Maybe he should see a shrink.