Friday, December 23, 2011

Why I can't get "X"cited about the "X" factor.

I love reality shows. Especially competitive reality shows. American Idol. The Voice. Project Runway. Top Chef. The Next Food Network Star. All of them. But for some reason I couldn't get into the "X" factor.

I saw the first two episodes and sort of lost interest. It was too much like American Idol and I found I really didn't miss Simon Cowell or Paula Abdul. They were back doing their same old shtick and it was really old. I would rather wait until American Idol comes back.

The "X"factor had too much of this mentoring bullshit where the judges push their favorites through. I like it better when the contestants can only fall back on their own resources. That's what makes the game interesting. That is what is going to make the next "Celebrity Apprentice" fascinating. I mean Teresa of the "Real Housewives of New Jersey" is on and she has nothing to fall back on. It is going to be craptastic.

I have only so much tolerance for bad music so I am saving it for the spring. We have the added bonus of the JLo custody fight and the chance that Steven Tyler might fall down again and break his hip. Now that's entertainment!


windbag said...


(Thought I'd fill in for Titus, since he's traveling and all.)

ricpic said...

I read on Page Six that Scherzinger is gone. That's all I know, but it makes me au courant, yes?

Oh, I also know (well, think) that the tit factor is not a big factor on the X factor. Glad I cleared that up.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Call me when they have some talented cows on there.

Like those Real Housewives shows you turned me onto.

blake said...


Izzat the guy with the cat?