Friday, December 23, 2011

Hey here is a holiday know where you can put it!

Ho, ho, ho you knuckleheads. Here is another annual Christmas time poll.

What is your favorite Holiday movie:

"Miracle on 34th St" which is basically a commercial for Macy's (which is a rip-off store so in the spirit of Christmas you should shop in your small independent boutiques)

"It's A Wonderful Life" which is about the first bank bailout due to mismanagement by liberal dogooders.

"A Christmas Story" which is the story of a kids first gun (that he wants to get before he gets a real one for high school).

"Bad Santa" which has midgets and anal. Need I say more?

"Silent Night Deadly Night" where a crazed homicidal Santa murders slutty coeds in the true spirit of Christmas.

So pick your favorite holiday movie and have some Egg Nog. (Pssssst. Darcy says she has some mistletoe).


Anonymous said...

Of course being a Liberal, I choose it's a Wonderful Life, the best Christmas movie ever.

Anonymous said...

Oops on the capitalization.

Trooper York said...

Sure you are all for those bank bailouts!


Harsh Pencil said...

Miracle on 34th Street. And it's not a commercial for Macy's. They are quite clear that Macy's is just trying to make a buck (NTTAWWT).

windbag said...

I gotta mull this one over for awhile before voting.

Trooper York said...

I know it is a tough choice.

Dead slutty coeds or midgets and anal.

Now if we had a movie about dead slutty coed's getting anal from midgets we would have something!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I like them all (well except the slasher santa movie, but we are not talking about my twin and her consort anymore).

windbag said...

Do you have any idea how hard it is to vote against Natalie Wood?

dbp said...

I have always thought of Trading Places as a kind of Christmas movie and it is my favorite. Elf is pretty good too.

rcocean said...

Scrooge (1951) is my favorite, but among those listed I'll go with the slutty Co-eds.

windbag said...

I thought maybe this was what you considered a holiday Pole.

ricpic said...

The liberals turned Bedford Falls into Potterville.

Not that that's a problem for this lover of Bad Santa.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Off topic for this movie list, but one of the best current event holiday rants I have seen this season.

rcocean said...

It wasn't the liberals, it was the Liberaltarians. They turned it into Potterville.

It was the magic of the Free market at work.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I second the 4:10 PM motion.

ndspinelli said...

#1 A Christmas Story

#2 Bad Santa

#3 Elf

#4 Christmas Vacation

#5 All the other smarmy Christmas movies

I'm sorry..I still have a little testosterone flowing through my veins!

Darcy said...

It's A Wonderful Life.

I just love the scene at the gym when they're dancing.

But Miracle on 34th Street has my girl crush Maureen O'Hara.


TTBurnett said...

Ah, Darcy! Great minds think alike.

But, frankly, I didn't want to admit those choices (and for the same reasons, except the crush on Maureen O'Hara isn't girl), because of Trooper's prejudicial remarks. How could I vote for a bank bailout or a Macy's commercial?

But you've shown your usual honesty and gone with your heart. Good for you!

Now, if Myrna Loy had only starred in another heartwarming Christmas story around the same time, I'm afraid I'd think nothing of throwing Maureen O'Hara under a bus.

blake said...

No Die Hard?

No Gremlins?

Tim, Loy was in a version of "Connecticut Yankee" which I associate with Bing Crosby (even though he wasn't in that version) whom I associate with Christmas. Does that count?

She was also in the (non Minelli/Garland) of Meet Me In St. Louis.

blake said...






Er...chastely, of course.

Tank said...

It's a wonderful life, of course.

And you have wrongfully slimed it by associating it with current bank bailouts.

Wonderful Life involved voluntary charity for a good man and a friend. Unlike the bank bailouts, which involve the gov't stealing our money to give to their contributors and friends.

See, one is charity, one is theft.

Geez, get this right.

Oh, Merry Christmas.

PS I also like elf.
Sing out loud for all to hear.

sakredkow said...

A Christmas Carol with Alastair Sim. Love Actually, from the modern era.

Who doesn't love It's a Wonderful Life, or a Christmas Story! But I don't know if I've got another viewing in me of either of them.

Shanna said...

I just love the scene at the gym when they're dancing.

And then afterwards, "why don't you kiss her instead of taking her to death!" Hee.

I love It's a Wonderful life, White Christmas, and Scrooged the best.

I also love the part of Miracle on 34th street when they put all the letters on the judges desk.

Paddy O said...


I refuse to be pigeonholed into a poll.

Though, I do like the original Miracle on 34th Street, the one with Natalie Wood. It probably helps that until the 80s or 90s or sometime after my childhood, Macys was a New York story, that really was entirely fictional as far as I knew. Now, with Macy's everywhere the movie takes on a different feel.

My favorite holiday movie is still Elf. That and Santa and the Three Bears. Also, maybe more than that last one and not quite as that first one, Claymation Christmas.

Though, have you seen the Star Wars Holiday Special, that's something else too? Worth watching the whole thing, just to see how long it takes for you to lose consciousness in a haze of "what's happening?!" Now, had What's Happening had a Christmas special, that too might rank high on my list.

Rerun would have made a great Santa, with Dwayne as his helpful elf (I can't imagine that wasn't an actual episode).

Paddy O said...

Another vote for Love Actually, though it's a bit naughty in parts so I don't recommend it as a family movie. Scrooged also is great.

Watched An American Christmas Carol last night starring the Fonz. Surprisingly good, I think.

The new Arthur Christmas was really good too.

Really bad? Frosty the Snowman Returns. So bad, I think it's part of the atheist agenda to destroy Christmas. Also, Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas, which is on Netflix instant play. Weirdly bad in the same way as Star Wars, the sort of bad that really somehow got on television by both the writers and the audience being high.

Fred4Pres said...

I like Miracle on 34th Street for having Macy's and Gimbels. Unfortunately no more Gimbels.

chickelit said...

I went on record weeks ago, stating my preference: link

chickelit said...

Though It's A Wonderful Life is a close second, for reasons Tank and Darcy state.

Darcy said...

Hey, the mistletoe was totally worth it.

Darcy said...

And I love that scene too, Shanna!

chickelit said...

@Darcy: Did anyone ever tell you that you look like a Hollywood starlet in the photo, Darcy?

Darcy said...

Well, crap, I could have said all this in one post. But "Elf" is becoming one of my faves now, too. And I'm not sure if it is the Alastair Sim Christmas Carol that I love too, but it's an old one, I know that.

Shanna said...

Hey Darcy! The other part that always cracked my family up was when the lady came in at the end and said 'I've been saving this money for a divorce if'n ever I get a husband'. Ha! That movie is just great all around.

OK, I decided to start up Miracle on 34th Street while I finish my baking this afternoon.

Shanna said...

Elf is one of the best of the newer movies, for sure.

Darcy said...

Hi, chickelit! What a nice thing to say! Thank you.

Merry Christmas!

chickelit said...

There's a line in the song "A Little Mascara" that makes reference to a famous scene between Jimmy and Donna in "It's A Woderful Life." Paul Westerberg sings:

For the moon you keep shootin'
Throw your rope up in the air

That's what he sings but whoever transcribed the lines to the song got them wrong if you listen and read along to the first few lines here: YouTube link

Modern (and not so modern) pop songs are filled with these sorts of off-the-cuff references--much the way TY sprinkles and tinkles his posts.

chickelit said...

Merry Christmas Darcy!

blake said...

I like the Albert Finney "Scrooge!"

o/~I like life,
Life likes me,
Life and I fairly fully agree...~\o

Darcy said...

Heh. Saving money for a divorce is...probably prudent these days?

I dunno. lol

Merry Christmas, everyone!

It's A Wonderful Life is on NBC..NOW. :)

The Dude said...

My divorce cost me $40,000 back in '92. That was just the financial cost.

IaWL is an excellent movie, but I don't watch it much these days.

Saw the 1951 version of A Christmas Carol the other day - it was better than I remembered, although Mr. Sims' voice was ill suited to that role. That version included more of the book than the George C. Scott version which had been my favorite for years.

Scrooged is so dated it's funny to watch now. Combined with Zombieland it makes a nice Bill Murray film festival for Christmas eve.

A Christmas Story has much to recommend it, at least for those of us of a certain age.

Elf was amusing but I probably need to see it again before I could render judgment on it.

Bad Santa - interesting premise but a flawed execution.

Do not like Mo34thS, it was a favorite of the ex-, see above.

Darcy said...

I'm sorry Sixty. I didn't mean to make light of it. And yeah, the emotional cost is often incalculable.

The Dude said...

No problem, Darcy, I always liked and quoted that line in my own life. If one can't laugh at such things then one might become an embittered old recluse. Oh, right, never mind...

Has anyone made a list of the worst Christmas movies here? I would nominate One Magic Christmas. Harry Dean Stanton plays the angel Gideon who is sent by Santa... at this point the concept goes from bizarre to hideous. An all around bad movie, and it was filmed in Canada, eh?

I hope everyone is having a great Christmas eve.

Darcy said...



Chip S. said...

No love for "Holiday Inn" here?

"It's a Wonderful Life" is fine, of course, but I never understood what was so bad about Pottersville. You got a full pour at Nick's bar, and there was no chance of a mortgage crisis.

As for "Miracle," I always get Maureen O'Hara confused with Maureen O'Sullivan. Not really a problem, tho.

Anyway, if it's not presumptuous for a newbie at this joint, Merry Christmas to all-- with a special somethin'-somethin' for Darcy.

The Dude said...

Nick hired the great boogie woogie piano player Meade Lux Lewis, and I have to say he rocked that joint. And mocking rummies is always good sport.

The Dude said...

Everything I know about playing boogie woogie I learned from MLL's book.

Chip S. said...

No wonder that joint was totally packed on Christmas Eve! Great place to unwind after last-minute shopping.

Darcy said...

Hee. *scoops up that somethin'-somethin'*


Merry Christmas, Chip S.!