Sunday, April 7, 2013

It really matters who is doing the talking.

My regular priest Father Chris was out sick with laryngitis this week. He had it for several weeks and decided to take a week off to get better. So we had a guest host...err guest priest this week. He used the same hosts.

It really made everyone appreciate Father Chris. I couldn't understand this guy at all.. Which you expect with the African guys in the summer but this guy was white. He mumbled and said the Mass out of order and it was a half an hour longer than usual.

All the young families were really out of sorts. It is hard enough to get kids to sit still for a 45 minute Mass but you have no shot at one that is an hour and a half.

Father Chris had no idea how much he was missed.


TTBurnett said...
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windbag said...

I haven't been to church in over a year. Makes it much simpler.

rcocean said...

Catholics are lucky to have Mass. Protestants usually get just the pastor/reverend gassing for 30-45 minutes. We have some nice songs though.

MamaM said...

The Protestant version I grew up with allowed no room for mystery, mystical experience, and celebration of Christ through the senses, while presenting and expounding on an air tight, every-word-of-the-Bible is true theology based upon the biggest mystery and sensory experience of all, the Holy Spirit coming upon Mary and the Word becoming Flesh.

TTBurnett said...

Today was the Solemnity of the Annunciation, transferred from March 25 because Holy Week and the Octave of Easter take precedence over any other feast.

Hail, Queen of Heaven

Titus said...

My parents who are elderly and attend mass every weekend experience a blackie or spicy every week. They have no idea what the priest said, so sad. They just kneel, stand up, say the hail mary, collect money, go to the bowling alley for a burger and fires and then go home.

Hi everyone! How was your day? Mine was super, thanks for asking. Very strategic and high level and lots of "partnering". Negotiating multiple 6 figure offers as I type.

Have a great night!

Go Michigan!!!!!

Toodles Dolls.

MamaM said...

Thank you TT! I enjoy the unexpected surprise of something new, and this one is new to me. I'm drawn to the look on her face and the fire at his feet.

Titus said...

Hi Mamam! Go Michgan!


Michael Haz said...

If you've never heard or seen the Mass celebrated in Latin, do so.

Doesn't matter if you speak or read Latin, you'll understand what's happening. Breathe, meditate, smell the incense, see the light through stained glass windows, hear the choir sing in Latin, heat the priest chant.

It's very moving. And Protestants are always welcome.

Michael Haz said...

My parish says the Mass in Latin twice every Sunday. The parishoners are traditional Catholics - most show up 30 minutes before Mass to say a rosary, go to confession or say private prayers. No one leaves at the end of the Mass. People stay for more prayers, novenas, and so forth.

It's a wonderful thing, and the time flies. It's not like the post-Vatican II Masses, which are more like a Lions Club meeting.

blake said...


The Latin mass is an amazing thing. I would go if there were one nearby. Hell, there might be one, come to think of it.