Sunday, April 7, 2013

Chickenlitte does chemistry!


Trooper York said...

I can't go forty days without the chicken!

Who is going to email me these cool videos?

chickelit said...

Here's one of Titus at the parky warky in Boston: linky winky

MamaM said...

As a matter of opinion, it's my contention three curtain skirts of indeterminate age trump a closet full of 80's floral patterned wrap dresses every day of the week. And if one of those skirts happens to be beige or camo colored, it's game over, no contest, curtains and kablooey time. With the resulting explosion leaving the witnesses impressed and blinking.

How prescient does one have to be to get credit for: The Blogger Lady and the Baron have both creatively elevated provocation into an art form; maybe that's why they regularly butt heads and lop off each other's ears. Adding "and love to poke in each other's closets" might have done the trick.

Trooper York said...

Oh she gave as good as she got. As did Yoko.

What makes it disheartening is the insipid wombat has to stick her snout into it.

That takes the fun out of it.

MamaM said...

One doesn't "loathe bullies" or become a bully without something from the past rising up to either taint or shine a light on the present. Awareness is everything. Why? Because those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

So when the shouting starts about how decent people are supposed to behave, as in "it doesn't matter who it is the victim, decent people don't stand by and not say a word" it's a safe bet there was a point somewhere in the illusion covered past where someone who mattered stood by and didn't say a word.

Decent people speak their truth. It's all they have. The rest of the twisting and turning is bull shit and happy-land deflection.

windbag said...

Decent people speak their truth.

Agreed. I regularly dump a truckload of truth on close one's front lawn. Rarely appreciated, and rarely refuted.

As a matter of opinion, it's my contention three curtain skirts of indeterminate age trump a closet full of 80's floral patterned wrap dresses every day of the week. And if one of those skirts happens to be beige or camo colored, it's game over, no contest, curtains and kablooey time. With the resulting explosion leaving the witnesses impressed and blinking.

Truth be told, I have no idea what this means.

MamaM said...

The Baron and the Blogress got into a fashion fling over at TOP in which snarky words about colorful, goofball patterned wrap dresses were tossed out by the one who appears to relish pattern, color and goofballs, and is herself the proud owner of 3 curtain skirts bearing a strong resemblance to theater curtains.

They were going at it tooth and nail, singing and slicing off each others ears like Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane when dear old Judas in the form of a Wombat, thought she'd double back and waddle into the fray for another kiss of death and a Moo.

TTBurnett said...

This group started as the Althouse Annex, went through a period of relative independence, and has returned to an outbuilding on the campus of the Althouse School of Flaw, where it has become one of the banned secret societies.

Personally, I withdrew from school several years ago, so the goings-on in the Tits and Twats Society here leave me a little confused. I can surmise some things, because the faculty hasn't changed much, and you know how school cultures tend to perpetuate themselves.

And the Headmistress is still the Headmistress.

But remarks such as MamaM's—worthy in themselves—do not invite much discussion among those of us who have been banned from campus, and who frankly wouldn't think of setting a foot on the place again for love or money.

Having a son who's at a private school, I notice there are alums of some schools who remember them fondly, showering them with love AND money when they do well in life. There are other schools that people regard as representing the worst time of their lives. These places tend to charge high tuition, because they get so little from grateful alumni.

I was expelled from the Althouse School for bad faith, so you can imagine how anxious I am to ever set foot on campus again. As a disgruntled alumnus, the proceedings here leave me a little cold. I hope you'll understand then if I complain about them as being too obscure for some of us old boys who are working hard to forget we had such an education.

MamaM said...

There's other open threads in which to share your wit and wisdom, TT, apart from anything bearing the faintest whiff of The Old Place. It's not an all or nothing world.

Shine forth in your glory with a different story! Expound on barley, or beets or conversations you've been privy to that you wish you hadn't heard. Tell what rang your Easter Bells this time around and chime in on the value or feel of a foot washing. To regard this place as the Tent of Malcontents is to miss a Field of Opportunity.

chickelit said...

I thought they resembled blinds not curtains. Whence my own comment in that thread.

windbag said...

The Baron and the Blogress got into a fashion fling over at TOP...

I've learned (through humiliation) that it's generally a bad idea to argue with experts in other fields. Don't argue with mechanics about your engine. Don't argue with the dentist about flossing.

When it comes to fashion, everything gets tossed because you're talking about taste and preference. Of course, there are quantifiable elements, but it's hard to attack/defend the relative merits of paisley, wool, or belt loops. I hope that doesn't sound like I'm trivializing the issues. Not at all. Brilliant millionaires cash in on those details every fashion season. I'm just saying the blond bitch is a fool to argue anything in that arena, since she would know nothing other than her preference.

Since I didn't read that thread, what I just said may not be relevant at all.

Trooper York said...

The evil blogger lady put up some more chum today but I am going to ignore it.

I am sorry Tim. I am weak I have to admit it. When I am bored I like to smack some of the idiots around at TOP.

No need to join in.

MamaM said...

I thought they resembled blinds not curtains


Use of the word blind in the description qualifies for a Double Zingo.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Always conduct your science experiments in the dining room next to some extremely flammable 1960's synthetic curtains.

Similar in style to the parachute material, Roman shade skirts that EBL wears.

chickelit said...

The German word for curtain is too brutal and too literal: Vorhang.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

"I was expelled from the Althouse School for bad faith, so you can imagine how anxious I am to ever set foot on campus again."

I was expelled for starting EBL. I guess I hit a nerve (but fair enough I was making fun of her). I loved how that Sherlock Holmes Meade thought I was "Mary." But that you got kicked out for "bad faith"? Talk about 1984 terms. You are the complete opposite of bad faith.

MamaM said...

Ousted seems a better fit than expelled. It covers more territory. It was my understanding TT left on his own accord, while others who left were barred from re-entry.

To oust, Middle English, from Anglo-French oster, ouster to take off, remove, oust, from Late Latin obstare to ward off, from Latin, to stand in the way, from ob- in the way + stare to stand — more at ob-, stand