Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Dubious Case of the Disappearing Douchebag.

My dear Holmes,

It is your most humble petitioner, Inspector Lestrade. It has been many months since I have last requested your assistance in the troubling matter of the disappearance of Lord Douchebag which you might not recall as it happened several years ago. As I had previously noted in one of  my prior missives, I or my agents had at one time or another have attended many of the salons of the noted conversationalist and dilettante Lady Chatterley where Lord Douchebag was a frequent and much valued guest. In fact it has been told to me that the Lady in question has often referred to him as wonderful. It appears that some not so wonderful things have commenced at this soiree of insalubrious sycophants.

It seems that Lady Chatterley has been quite ill as she has been bitten by a rabid insipid wombat. The wombat seems to have taken over the entire salon as it dominates every interaction and conversation that takes place in this den of intellectual inequity with its fearsome teeth and overpowering odor. The reaction to the bite of the insipid wombat causes the victim to become flaccid and  turgid in social intercourse. This malaise has affected all of the members of the salon except for Lady Chatterley's consort whose natural state is that of one who is flaccid and unresponsive. It is past understanding why Lady Chatterley does not protest these attacks but is seems that she feels this rabid and disgusting wombat is attractive in some way that escapes the understanding of  normal human understanding. Since Lady Chatterley was formerly presumed to be the locus of all drama in her demented salon it is past understanding why this wombat reign of terror is tolerated. Perhaps the Dear Lady's attention has been draw to other quarters or she may finally have fallen into the senile dementia which lurks so close to the surface in many of her attempts at social intercourse.

With your permission I will endeavor to keep you informed since you have expressed a passing interest in these matters. Your keen insights into the demented behavior of lunatics such as these would be most appreciated by the Yard..

I hope all is well with you and Doctor Watson. Please give my best to your brother Mycroft and my hope that he will soon recover from his unfortunate injury. I think it was perfectly plausible that the tusk of the narwhal had fallen off the wall of the club and bounced up and lodged itself in his fundament. It perfectly logical and understandable as was the fact that the unfortunate footman James was naked when the help arrived as he did not want to get any blood or feces on his uniform. It was a splendid act by your brother to get him a job as a footman at Downton Abbey. The only anomaly in the whole matter is that  I must say that I  have always assumed the Mycroft would be an aficionado of the Sperm Whale.

In any event give him my regards and my hopes for a full recovery..

I remain as always,
Your obedient servant,
Inspector G. Lestrade
Scotland Yard
October 19, 1899


MamaM said...

Dinga DINga!

Who's there?


Wombat who?

Wombet I'm gonna bite you?


Dinga DINga!

Who's there?


Spit who!

In the tube,
not on my shoe!

Chip S. said...

What kind of doorbell allows the person ringing it to vary the volume? Is it one of those pull-to-ring deals like on Downton Abbey? Does the footman answer?

MamaM said...


It's Q and A Saturday, with Door Prizes and gifts that keep on giving!

Why wasn't Woods disqualified? He's ratings.

MamaM said...

What kind of doorbell allows the person ringing it to vary the volume?

A Jaun-T-One

chickelit said...

Since Lady Chatterley was formerly presumed to be the locus of all drama in her demented salon it is past understanding why this wombat reign of terror is tolerated.

This is a most important reflection in the house of mirrors.

chickelit said...

I mean, it's common with highly commented blogs that alphas emerge. TOP has a couple three alpha commenters by frequency so why not a female one? It's an interesting dynamic to watch--how multiple male alphas emerge and vie with each other. Females use a wholly different strategy. Commenters like Titus are a third way.

chickelit said...


MamaM said...

The third way, dear "Chickelit, it was just a joke, don't worry" is the Rogue way.

Unprincipled and deceitful.

TTBurnett said...

Obscura obscurantam...

chickelit said...

I don't know much Latin, especially declensions, but I get the gist of Obscura obscurantam. Google translate gives back "dark obscuring." That almost sounds like a term of art (chiaroscuro) but it's much less. It's not a juxtaposition of opposites but rather a reinforced negative.

MamaM said...

1. opposition to the increase and spread of knowledge.
2. deliberate obscurity or evasion of clarity.

Door number 2?

blake said...

Flaccid AND turgid?

ricpic said...


Through a glass darkly
Or by a dinga DINga,
The tease ever snarkly
Obscure and obscura.

Trooper York said...

Turgid in the pompous sense.

Not in the inflated sense.

Trooper York said...

MamaM, sometimes you have to resort to joking because if you are serious you get so angry you will really hurt someone.

I mean that in the beating with a baseball bat sense.

Trooper York said...

So you have to joke or you will kill someone.

MamaM said...

Don't know where you're coming from on this on, TY. The "Chickelit, it was just a joke, don't worry" was the placating response delivered by Inga following a R.I.T Pile-On over at TOP last night in response to him standing firm and exposing their Spin/Sin for what it was: hypocrisy. Similar to the guy who wrote names in the dirt, only in this scenario, the rock throwers didn't turn away, they found another target.

I understand and accept joking as a means of release. What transpired last night was not a joke. Not even close. The real joke is Ritmo and the ridiculing he does with regard Aspergers or Non-Neurotypical behavior, when he presents so close to the standard himself.

Rogue has a number of definitions; a playfully mischievous scamp is one, a dishonest and unprincipled person is another.

The line is not always clear. In this case, it was and Ritmo, Inga and Mr Tits himself crossed over into nastiness that went beyond play or play acting.

chickelit said...

If Inga is the She Wolf of the SS (TY's coinage I believe), Ritmo is Herr Dr. Josef Gerbils--you know, the one who put the "rude" in erudite.

I maintain a certain respect for his ability to turn a phrase and to string words, but I've yet to be convinced of anything by him. And if he's just an act, he's a damned good one.