Thursday, September 11, 2014


I spent a lot of time in the World Trade Center. Actually passing through it but I still spent a bunch of time there.

I am a voracious reader and ofter went to the Borders Books that was in the underground mezzanine. This was a hub where all the subways and PATH trains jump off.

I would take the E train to the last stoup p which was World Trade Center. Get off the train. Take the escalator up to the Trinity Place exit and walk past the Fire House to Brannigans and the Pig and Whistle and Volks. I would meet up with Vito and Tim and the guys from Wall Street and we would proceed to have an epic pub crawl through lower Manhattan and Brooklyn every Friday night.

I often went to the New York State and New York City Tax offices when I was working as an accountant. I once had an epic seven hour sales tax audit on the hundred and twelfth floor.

We would go up to events at Windows at least every other month. There was always some investor dude selling shares in gold mines or some other bullshit that they would invite your client to that you could tag along for and get a free meal and a few drinks.

One day Lisa and I took a boat ride out of the South Street Seaport that went in the harbor to the Statue of Liberty and all around. It was a beautiful August day and we wanted to a photo on the boat with the New York Skyline and the Towers in the background. But there was this very unattractive lesbian couple making a spectacle of themselves on the side of the boat and we couldn't get a chance to snap the photo.

Two weeks later the planes hit the Towers.

Life is short. You never know what is going to happen. You have to hold your life and your family close. They are precious. It could all be gone tomorrow.



ndspinelli said...

You remember some of the most bizarre shit. Lesbian couple? No seafood on the other thread. I'm intrigued w/ your hardwiring.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I spent a lot of time at the WTC too.

You can't go home again.

chickelit said...

ndspinelli said...
Lesbian couple? No seafood on the other thread.

You don't see the connection?

I saw the the WTC from a safe distance. My dad wouldn't go anywhere near them on our family vacation ca. 1975.

chickelit said...

I never had an iota of interest to explore or live the US East coast. When I finished HS, I wanted to go to Europe and did. I did it again after grad school. No regrets.

chickelit said...

Perhaps this one reason I am so at odds with Titus. That guy worships the East Coast like it's the center of the fucking universe. It's not.

ndspinelli said...

Trooper also worships the east coast, Brooklyn!!

chickelit said...

Yes, but Troop is indigenous to Brooklyn. Titus is an arriviste transplant who dismisses his roots.