Monday, September 15, 2014

Why the NFL is turning into the St. Patrick Day's Parade

It is not just that they are letting the gays in.

It is that they are selling out to political correctness for money. The NFL is under attack. From the demands that a substandard affirmative action gay loser be on an NFL roster to forcing the Redskins to change their name to the current nonsense about firing the commissioner because some black dude beat up his wife. It is just an attempt to pussify and feminize the NFL. Look if some dude beats up a woman it is up to her brothers and father to take revenge. Or she can go to the cops. If he is convicted then they should throw the book at him.  But it is not the job of the NFL to police other peoples marriage. Or to fire their executives if they don't measure up to the desires of NOW or the Feminazi's or the cocoa sipping nancy boys like Keith Olberman and Bob Costas. Fuck the networks. They are not going to drop the NFL. If they do there are plenty of other networks that will take them on. Lets face it. The NFL is the reason that most people take the networks on their packages. The cable companies is trying to force the networks to not be part of the "bundle" but be packaged in a piece by piece ala carte choice. Without the NFL why would you want to pay for some of these networks? I mean NBC. Seriously. The NFL has the power. Stop being pussies and lay the switch to them like they are four years old.

But like the Church hierarchy and the NFL has lost their balls and are surrendering to the forces of political correctness. We once were led by men like Cardinal Spellman and Pope John Paul II and Vince Lombardi and Wellington Mara and George Halas. Those guys are gone. The ethos is gone. They are selling out for money.


ndspinelli said...

You defend wife beaters and child abusers as the "good ol' days." That may explain a lot. Goodell is a fucking errand boy for your fucking loser owner Mara and other asshole owners. He needs to go and you need to get the FUCK OUT OF BROOKLYN! I will stay away from the Catholic Church nonsense you threw in there because you are too far gone on that subject. This isn't political correctness, this is A THUG/PRISON CULTURE that must be expelled from football.

ndspinelli said...

And, when the fuck did you fall in love w/ Lombardi?

Trooper York said...

Hey if you want to ban black players then that is a different discussion. I think that anybody so commits a crime and is convicted or pleads guilty gets a life time ban. That is not defending them. That is given punishment fit for the crime.

It is the bitching and and moaning and the breast beating and the peeing of the pants that is bullshit. Enough with the politcally correct bullshit.

This douche beat down his wife. He plead guilty. He is banned. Case closed.

The attack on the NFL has nothing to do with wife beating or child abuse or anything other then the desire to destroy football by the forces of the feminazi"s and poncey boys who want to make every thing an episode of Sex in the City.

Fuck that noise.

Trooper York said...

I always loved Lombardi. And Tom Landry.

But only when they were Giant Assistant coaches.

After they left I have no use for them

That goes without saying.

Trooper York said...

Now their answer is to make Condoleezza Rice the NFL commissioner.

How about they make Richard Simmons Pope while they are at it.

rcocean said...

I'd worry more about the concussion lawsuits then the PC stuff. Like you say, the NFL has the product everyone wants. Assholes like Kieth Olbermann and Bob Costas are on NBC because the execs like them and are leftists.

rcocean said...

Look it Michael Vick can play, and Hollwyood can celebrate Scum like Polanski, what's a few wife-beaters?

Besides, these guys are in the NFL because they're big and strong and like to knock people down. They ain't Rhodes Scholars.

Michael Haz said...

Ban a couple of players for life and other players will get the message. Make sure (like NASCAR does) that the players who commit minor off-field behavior infractions understand that they need football more than football needs them, period.

Get rid of the posses and hangers-on that some players accumulate.

ndspinelli said...

Trooper is turning into the honky Crack.

ndspinelli said...

And who the fuck wants to ban black players?? I want thugs out of the NFL who beat women and children. And your church whining is as old as whining from TOP about gay marriage. We get it. The church is fucked. The church was pure as the driven snow until this commie fucking Pope got into power. Where the fuck you when priests were raping boys? Oh I know, going to Mass every fucking day.

TTBurnett said...

Now, nd, we could get rid of the thug culture If only liberals did not oppose arming children. This situation clearly shows the need for four-year-olds to be able to exercise their second amendment rights.

chickelit said...

I am not on the side of the feminazis, the gaystapo, or any of the PC tools. But I think the NFL has gotten too wealthy for its own good and is no longer the league it was. Nobody gave a rat's ass when the industry I was involved with gave up and packed it in. Why should I care about what you guys treasure?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

"But it is not the job of the NFL to police other peoples marriage."

Talk about a flag riddled game.

Trooper York said...

Who are these thugs you are talking about?

Irish guys? Polish guys? Guineas?

You talk about banning "thugs" you are just using code words.

Trooper York said...

The church was never perfect. But it was never afraid to stand up for its beliefs. It didn't surrender to political correctness.

It doesn't seem to do that so much anymore. It seems to worry more about the people who don't go to church then those that do. But that is just how I see it. I don't ask anybody to sign on.

Trooper York said...

I lost basketball this year.

I would hate to lose football too.

But it could come to that eventually.

ndspinelli said...

The thugs of whom I speak are the pussies who beat their wives and children. Their skin color or nationality is irrelevant. Your point about PC is lame. No one is tougher on PC than me. I see the guy you're fine w/, Adrian Peterson, had beaten ANOTHER one of his many kids. You have made your derision of children clear. I love children. And, WTF would be your problem w/ Condi Rice taking over. She is just what the league needs now.

ndspinelli said...

The church has been the antithesis of perfect. If that is your definition of "never perfect" then we agree. And, we GET IT you attend mass faithfully like you were taught. Under normal circumstances I would commend that. Lombardi went to mass every day. But, he did it quietly, he didn't feel compelled to tell everyone, or anyone for that matter. Plus, he LIVED his religion. He drafted many black players. He would not stay @ Jim Crow hotels, ALL his team or none of his team. He stood up to Roselle and other owners who threatened to blacklist a black player of his who wanted to marry a white woman.

ndspinelli said...

I recognize there are black players and black thugs. Most black players are not thugs. There are white thugs. There are Italians and then there are loud asshole dagos. There are Irish and there are Shanty Irish. I always thought we were on the same page here. I'm not certain of that now.

ndspinelli said...

Tim, That was an interesting perspective.

windbag said...

WTF? Why can't we be friends? I thought we were.

Trooper York said...

I talk about the things that interest me. I am not afraid to point who is responsible for so much of the crap that is out there

If you say you want to solve a problem you have to admit who is causing it. If you want to attack terrorist you have to acknowledge they are Muslim. If you want to stop priest who molest you have to realize that it was the gay priests who did it. If you want to end "thug" culture you have to recognize who celebrates and embraces.

But you can not even talk about it. You have to say "oh it is not the people who are doing this it someone else who is doing it."

I don't know who. Maybe Martians or Klingons or something.

Trooper York said...

Anybody who beats his wife or beats his child should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Of the law. After a trail or plea.

It is that simple. All the rest of this is just posing. Politically correct nonsense.

But that is what is demand by the culture these days.

Trooper York said...

Sorry. Writing on an IPad just does not work.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Goodell is a douchebag and should be fired for his general doucheness.

As for the PC stuff, Troop is of course right.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ndspinelli is right too.

And Vince Lombardi has a rest stop named after him on the NJ Turnpike, what greater honor could the guy have?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

RGIII had to change his shirt.

Trooper York said...

Vince Lombardi never had to talk about going to church because that is what everyone did his time. He was normal. Not a freak. Everybody went and didn't think that you had no obligation and should just use the church as a convenience when you had to get married or buried. Like a 7/11. Even so he started some church related ministries to proselytize and to get people to go to church.

Of course now it seems you shouldn't even talk about the fact you go to church because that is somehow something you should be ashamed of or something and not discuss it polite company because you are bragging because you go and want other people to go too. Just go and shut up about it and by the way pay for other peoples abortions and birth control and whatever other bullshit they come up with. Maybe their transexual operations and gender reassignment.

Michael Haz said...

The Catechism regarding gays:

"They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition."

A Catholic either lives life in the faith, or doesn't.

"You shall love your neighbor as yourself" isn't a suggestion, a hint, or a neat-o idea. It's a commandment. It's a seven-day-a-week commandment, not a Sunday-in-the-pew commandment.

A person is either in the faith, or not. There aren't half-measures.

Trooper York said...

You can love you neighbor and still recognize reality. You do not put people in a position of temptation or give them the authority to abuse others because of their essential natures. That is why you do not have an embezzler as the parish treasurer.

Unfortunately the Church has often but people in positions of authority who have abused it and the people who worship there. Often more financially than anything else. There is story after story of priests who use the parish funds to live a hedonistic lifestyle. That is not the vast majority of course. Just as the priests who abuse children are a tiny minority. But you have to recognize the reality of the situation.

Or not as you will.

Trooper York said...

If you want to remove a problem you remove or limit the exposure to the things that generate that problem.

That is why suburbs were created. Just sayn'

windbag said...

When my father-in-law started his career at IBM, an employee could get fired if he cashed his paycheck at a bar. IBM had an image that it fiercely protected. Most government jobs come with an understanding that you can't engage in disreputable behavior or face termination. Something that seems ubiquitous such as sleeping around could cost you your job, if you're a government employee (low level, of course...rules are for the little people).

Anyhow, any organization has a right (some might argue duty) to dictate certain standards of behavior in its members. But, when the NFL embraces the filth and garbage it does, yet castigates Tebowing, and now demanding that RG3 turn his shirt inside out to keep people from seeing a message about Jesus...well, it's not enforcing internal, consistent standards. It's going full-blown PC and it sucks.

Isaiah 5:20 was written for our contemporary culture: Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

We've turned morality on its head and are heralding perversion instead of condemning it. When I was in college, one of the professors made the point that intolerance is one of the key elements of Christianity that allowed it to flourish. Not hatred, but intolerance. I like to call it keeping the faith.

ndspinelli said...

I coached baseball for over 30 years. The first teams I coached were all black, inner city teams. No parent support or even any parents showing up. I also coached upper middle class kids, parents VERY involved and often pains in the ass. Coaching is a thankless job. But, NEVER did I complain. There were many people who didn't do their fair share, but I wasn't a fairness sheriff. That's life, nobody ever said it is fair. The reason I was able to coach for all those years was because of love. I love baseball and I love kids. If other people not going to church and doing "their fair share" bothers you, then you're going to church for the wrong reasons. Lombardi went every day, that was never normal. My grandma and Aunt Louise went daily and would take us w/ them when they were babysitting us. There were maybe a dozen people there on weekdays.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Mark Walberg goes to Mass everyday.

Too bad he is a Red Sox fan though.


Trooper York said...

Nothing "bothers" me. If people don't go that is fine with me. I think they are making a big mistake because I think an vital almost a bare minimum requirement is that people actually go to church.

I just don't want to be lectured that I have to accept and tolerate and celebrate deviant and sinful behavior because it is the flavor of the month. I don't think it is useful to just say "Oh the vast majority of this group or that group does not go along with this deviant behavior you should just shut up about it and lump it."

I hear all the time about how the vast majority of Muslims are not fanatics but I never see them speaking out against the ones cutting off the heads of innocents. I hear all the time that vast majority of people are not thugs and criminals in a place like Ferguson Missouri but I don't see this vast majority doing anything but looting or complaining and bitching that they are not getting more stuff from the government.

I do see videos all over Youtube like the ones I posted a couple of days ago with people laughing about "they got a white guy."

I think windbag is right. We need more intolerance. Less acceptance of deviancy.

But maybe I am all wrong. Everybody seems fine with it. That want to destroy the power structure not the actual deviants. The commissioner. The church. The rules. That is who has to be punished and overthrown and destroyed. Not the miscreants.

ndspinelli said...

Trooper, You're not being honest. On numerous occasions you have complained about the few who attend Mass and carry the load for the many scofflaws. It's on the record.

Regarding Muslims in the US. We have a good resource in Aridog. He has spoken many times of US Muslim shame. Just by virtue of the numbers of radical Muslims, they are the minority. I agree, the reasonable Muslims need to step up. Just like good Catholics had to step up and get the pervert priests shitcanned. There is a new documentary on HBO about the Somali animals that did the massacre @ the Westgate Mall in Kenya. There were Muslim cops and civilians who risked their lives to save people. One guy, who was shot, speaks from his fucking soul about the outrage that people of his faith would do this. And, he vows he would risk his life again w/o a hesitation.

You are being a drama king. The anger we here have toward Obama, PC, etc. should not turn us into nasty assholes. I'm a glass half full guy. I've seen more hatred and cruelty than most people walking this earth but I still KNOW people are basically good. We are a year since your brush w/ death. We are all grateful you're still w/ us. I hope you feel the same. Life is beautiful. Life is a gift from the Good Lord. I pray you are blogging here for decades to come. You are too valuable a person to all of us and your family to go all Howard Beale on us. Venting is good. Obsessing is bad. Find that balance.

ndspinelli said...

Regarding the NFL, I see Goodell as incompetent and now a liar. That's the reason I want him shitcanned. He's a Mara guy and you are loyal. Well, there's a time for loyalty and a time for honest assessments. The latter is what's called for now.

Trooper York said...

Thanks for the kind words Nick.

But venting on this blog is the only thing that stops me from jumping across the counter at CVS and throttling the clerks.

rcocean said...

"I see the guy you're fine w/, Adrian Peterson, had beaten ANOTHER one of his many kids."

Well maybe they need it - the Bastards.

rcocean said...

I guess when you have seven illegitimate kids, its not "Wait till Daddy comes home" its "Wait till you see Daddy this summer".

You gotta cram a lot of Dad like punishment in a short period of time.

ndspinelli said...

rc, I defend your absolute right to make those jokes. I don't find them funny.

ndspinelli said...

Trooper, We care for you, my friend. We all have obligations. People we have to associate w/, although I have a short list. But, we are here because we want to be here and we appreciate your making this a place we want to be. My Jet friends from Jersey loved Lambeau. They thought they might have a victory. Jets are a stupid team.

chickelit said...

@Spinelli: It's 100 degrees here and the humidity feels like Florida. Everybody is cranky because this has gone on all month.

We were in the mountains over the weekend where it was 10 degrees cooler and the humidity was lower. There's no sign of this breaking soon either.

ndspinelli said...

chick, I read the San Diego paper online. I see some schools are closing in the heat of the afternoon. I hope there are no fires. Go to Julian and eat apple pie. It's been beautiful here.

windbag said...

...I still KNOW people are basically good.

That's simply not true. Man is a dark and twisted soul, which is why God had to send His Son to redeem him.

rcocean said...


I do find it funny, that people get all upset over AP's over use of the Switch (evidently a fine old Southern tradition), but no one mentions he has Seven illegitimate kids. I assume he pays child support, but the impact to society in ignoring this kind of behavior, is pretty serious. Not only that, but what kind of childhood are these kids going to have with a part-time father?

rcocean said...


I can't tell you how sad I am that people in SoCal are suffering from a bit of bad weather. Why the high humidity? Usually in California its only hot when its dry.

ndspinelli said...

windbag, We disagree.

ndspinelli said...

rc, I got the hypocrisy about having all the kids. We all have different backgrounds. I worked @ the Juvenile Court in KC and saw too much horrific abuse. You probably have some subject, based on your life experiences, that you are humorless about. Again, I'm not going to lecture you on the joke. I'm just saying I find no humor in it. No biggie. To each their own.

chickelit said...

Why the high humidity? Usually in California its only hot when its dry.

Yes. Please cry us a river. The low humidity California is the "olde California" people used to love. The real question is why was coastal California ever dry in the first place? We are next to an ocean where weather patterns tend to come off the Pacific ocean. I can understand the mild temperatures because of the proximity to the ocean which is a huge stabilizer. But when it's warm over the Pacific, you'd think it would make clouds and evaporate lots of moisture and keep the humidity rather high all the time as it is now as it does further up the coast.

Perhaps the dry days are gone for the foreseeable future. We are caught in one of those jet stream, long term things.

chickelit said...

@Spinelli: If you stepped off a plane today at Lindberg, you'd swear you were at O'Hare in August. It's just gross.

windbag said...

windbag, We disagree.

It's not an opinion, nd. Either man is essentially good or essentially evil. If the former, then God wasted His time sending a Savior for mankind. If the latter, then thank God for a Savior. Since He did, and assuming God knows what He's doing, it's a safe bet that man is a depraved being, incapable of self-redemption.

chickelit said...

Since He did, and assuming God knows what He's doing, it's a safe bet that man is a depraved being, incapable of self-redemption.

This lumps everyone together, no matter their crimes or transgressions. I reject this in part. To say "we are all sinners" is one thing; to imply that we're all Charles Mansons is quite another. It's not even droll in an academic way and reminds me of something some like Althouse would think and muse. Humankind requires relative scales of goodness and badness a filter precisely because we are all imperfect.

chickelit said...

Let me restate that:

It's not even droll in an academic way and reminds me of something someone like Althouse would think and muse. Humankind requires relative scales of goodness and badness -- a filter -- precisely because we are all imperfect.

chickelit said...

In other words, only God could see us all as the same.

windbag said...

Depraved doesn't mean that we're all Charles Manson, which I did not say or imply at all. Depraved means that we are sinners without any means to improve our condition. To misunderstand theological terms, then argue from a non-theological perspective using those terms reminds me of something someone like Althouse would think and muse. Just sayin'.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

As I said Windbag, only God could truly see us as all the same. You are playing God, I think.

windbag said...

Playing God would be judging individuals, which I haven't done. All I did is point out what it appears we agree on, which is that the condition of man, from God's perspective, is that of sinner.

ndspinelli said...

The concept of original sin has always been weird to me. windbag, the irony is I have seen the baddest of the bad in my lifetime. I understand, on a profound level, the dark side in all of us. But, as there can be no light w/o darkness, there can be no love w/o hate, there can be no good w/o evil. Finally, it certainly does come down to opinion. Because, although I am a believer like yourself, that is faith/opinion.

windbag said...

nd, you can stand before the judgement seat and tell God that, in your opinion, you're essentially good, so that redemptive plan thing He cooked up wasn't necessary, so you'll take your chances on your own merit. Good luck with that.

Michael Haz said...

The concept of original sin has always been weird to me

Maybe it is. But there's this (copied from the Baltimore Catechism):

47. Q. What is the sin called which we inherit from our first parents?
A. The sin which we inherit from our first parents is called original sin.

51. Q. Is original sin the only kind of sin?
A. Original sin is not the only kind of sin; there is another kind of sin, which we commit ourselves, called actual sin.

52. Q. What is actual sin?
A. Actual sin is any willful thought, word, deed or omission contrary to the law of God.

ndspinelli said...

windbag, You are an Old Testament mofo!!! And, I live my life always looking to, and helping, others. I am honest, brutally so, sometimes, and faithful to my bride. I sleep really well @ night. How 'bout you?

ndspinelli said...

Haz, Is there going to be a quiz?

windbag said...

nd, your ignorance of theology in particular and the scriptures in general should be humiliating you, if you had an ounce of self-awareness.

What in the world does the Old Testament/New Testament division have to do with any of this? Let me help you out...nothing. And I'm not quite sure what your list of good works adds to anything, except to emphasize the point I've made a couple of times: you're trusting your inherent goodness for your eternal fate.

Again, good luck with that.

MamaM said...

As the Story goes:

The Image of God and the Breath of God were two essentials present within the formed being known as Adam, from the beginning before sin (Original or Actual) entered the picture. A third gift of Choice (freewill) was added, allowing these gifts of good to be used for good or evil. These essentials continue to be present and available to one degree or another in every human born into this world since.

The heart or fullness of Jesus, the center point of the religion being quoted and talked about here, is Grace and Truth, not dogma or the dualism of right/wrong thinking.

When it come to Old Testament/New Testament divisions, it doesn't get much clearer than this: For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ, with this as the transition point: "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth"

No amount of arguing erases the bottom line, which is this: Grace and Truth together reveal the essence of God, Good, Love and Light.

ndspinelli said...

I have said here previously, I am not a scripture person or a fan of organized religion. It's well established on the record. Your intensity, negativity and anger simply reinforce my opinion. Thanks. Your derision for me pops up on occasion, windbag. And when it does, it is somewhat over the top. Maybe you should vent more often. And, I don't need luck and I certainly don't need your fucking view on religion. Live your life as you see fit. To each their own. I hope you find the peace and happiness in the afterlife that seems to be eluding you in the temporal. I concede scripture to you windbag. Can we end the vitriol now?

ndspinelli said...

MamaM, Not fire and Brimstone, or thunder and lightning??

windbag said...

nd, you're the one who turned it personal with the (failed) slam that I'm OT and that you're holier than I am because (you think) you sleep better than I do.

All I did was point out the logical end of your position that the essence of man is good. As far as my intensity on this issue is concerned, this isn't even lukewarm. Believe me, I can ramp up the intensity on theological debates in no time.

Concerning any perceived derision I have toward you, it's mostly in your head. I chose, after our initial blowout, to pretty much give you a pass and not even attempt to break balls, since you would likely overreact. Here's a case in point. You admit you're in over your head in a theological discussion, yet you dig your heels in and, I'm guessing out of frustration and embarrassment, launch a personal attack.

... reinforce my opinion.

This is rich. You admit ignorance on the subject, yet hold firm to your uninformed opinion in light of a few superficial, scattered facts on the matter. Okay, do you also think vaccinations cause illness, despite the evidence to the contrary? Do you think the polar caps are going to disappear, despite evidence to the contrary?

Keep your condescension. It stinks. As far as ending the vitriol, I think you're the one who steered us down that path, so any time you want to feel free to end it.

ndspinelli said...

windbag, People bust my balls ALL THE TIME. I welcome it. Fire away mofo.

I want no part of anything in your religion. You got issues bro, they rear their head @ times. Fuck, we all do, but I never saw you as Elmer Gantry. This is new. I'll remember it in the future and steer clear of your expertise. I keep it simple, like MamaM worded as only she can. Love, truth, good and light. I fucking shutter to think the 4 words to sum up your faith.

ndspinelli said...

And, to compare science[vaccinations, polar cap] and religion shows a fundamental lack of understanding of both.

windbag said...

nick, never speak to me again and go fuck yourself.

Michael Haz said...

The problem with ball busting is that sooner or later you run out of other peoples' balls.

I think Margaret Thatcher said that.

blake said...


I think she did, right around the same time Reagan said, "The problem with our liberal friends isn't the balls they break, but the balls they THINK they break."

blake said...

I've never seen how the concept of "original sin" and "basically good" conflict, myself.

Basically, i.e., basic, at our base, our central selves, our very souls, we are good. How could it be otherwise, being made by God?

But we are most certainly corrupt.

I'm not an expert, by any means, but I thought the point of Jesus was redemption not transformation, i.e., if (as Augustine wrote), "Evil is distance from God", we need to be returned to God not changed from what we are.

Cleansed, not mutated.

I'll go fuck myself now.

windbag said...

It's a little known fact of history, but the guy who invented truck balls got his inspiration from Maggie. She rode around with Gorbachev's dangling from her 4X4.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I thought original sin was Grandpa regretting he voted for FDR.

rcocean said...

I'm all for religion, but it should never interfere with a man's private life - Bill Clinton

ndspinelli said...

A win/win declaration from windbag.

ndspinelli said...

I was taught by the nuns that babies not baptized got to Limbo because of the stain or original sin. Chubby Checker plays there nightly.

ndspinelli said...

Do I go to hell for that?

ndspinelli said...

I guess I'll find out when I "Stand before the judgment seat."