Monday, September 29, 2014

We have to get the kinks out

Fixing up the new store entails more than just the physical layout.

We have to have the bras ready and easy to get to so people are not standing around and able to change their mind.

Formerly we had them in boxes like the photo above but now we have so many that we have to find another way to store them. Just not like this.


These are all bras I have to return because of a structural defect. Of course the company does not want to take them back. This is a replay of what happened when we first opened the store and started buying from other companies and found out that they were crap.

Problems of a shopkeeper that I am sure nobody wants to hear about.

1 comment:

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Hey....That's how I store my bras. What's wrong with that?
