Sunday, September 14, 2014

MY GOD ....THEY OPENED AN ANOMALY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Get Conner and Abby on the phone! It looks like an anomaly opened on Court St and a dinosaur has escaped."


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Is this due to the Giants choking to Arizona?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Off topic: Nick send me your email and I will give you the story on Marriya.

Aridog said...

No fair DBQ...we are all curious now after the stuff at Turley's :-))

Dust Bunny Queen said...

LOL.. I don't want to get myself in trouble by airing dirty laundry in a public forum. Even though Trooper is a closed blog....we still might have some little ears listening in.

Marriya went to elementary and high school with my daughter who is 2 years older. So, they weren't exactly close friends, but did participate in sports, which is a big deal in a little town. We are very good friends with Marriya's stepfather and know/knew her mother, who is now divorced from said stepfather and who has moved away. Let us just say that narcissistic parents are not very good at raising well grounded children.

Aridog said...

DBQ ... Fair enough. I was just craving my allotment of gossip today. ;)

ndspinelli said...

DBQ, Thanks. I have seen too many women get conned by guys like this to be surprised. It has nothing to do w/ intelligence and everything to do w/ being needy. I hope she can recover.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Needy and low self esteem from a dictatorial, criticizing, militarized (California Highway Patrol officer) father and a debutant mother who couldn't face her own aging deb status and saw her daughter as competition. The girl was belittled by her father and could do nothing right, while her mother constantly harped on the girls physical shortcomings pointing out the flaws.

Actually there were no shortcomings as she was an academically smart, athletically talented, healthy, good looking teenager. But when you spend your life being yelled at and told you were just not good enough and constantly reminded by your mother how much prettier etc Mom was and oh, for the umpteenth time.... btw Mom won some sort of beauty queen dealie and never got over it. You grow up with a lot of self esteem issues and some really weird body issues....hence the body building.

Narcissistic parents who just ground her down. She needs counseling and has my sympathy.