Fiver: There's something very queer about the warren this evening
Hazel: Is it dangerous?
Fiver: It's not exactly danger, it's... oh, I don't know. Something oppressive... like thunder.
Bigwig: I know what it is. It is the lady in garden. I think she has taken a lover.
Hazel: How do you know that? Are there strange noises coming from out of the cottage? Besides that little machine she is always using that she keeps in her night table.
Fiver: I have noticed it too. She seems to be hanging around with this one fellow. I saw him the other day. But my eyes are very blurry and I don’t know what he looks like.
Bigwig: It seems everyone is very curious. It is the talk of the garden. The moles and the badger are fighting about it. It is causing a big uproar.
Hazel: Well why is it anyone’s business but hers? I mean I hope she can be happy. It is much better that way then when she is cursing and hurling wine bottles into the garden.
Hazel: Well why is it anyone’s business but hers? I mean I hope she can be happy. It is much better that way then when she is cursing and hurling wine bottles into the garden.
Bigwig: I don’t know. I think she likes the interest. She likes to be on stage. That’s why she always leaves her windows open and the shades up. She wants everyone to look in. Except there is one problem.
Hazel: What’s that?
Bigwig: Well there is this one Spanish Fly that keeps buzzing and making noise and banging up against the screen. He wants to get in and is very persistent.
Fiver: Well they should let him in. From what I saw of her new friend I think he might need some Spanish Fly.
Hazel: I don’t know about that. Thank God we are rabbits. We never need Spanish Fly. Oh look, there he goes again.
Bigwig: Well there is this one Spanish Fly that keeps buzzing and making noise and banging up against the screen. He wants to get in and is very persistent.
Fiver: Well they should let him in. From what I saw of her new friend I think he might need some Spanish Fly.
Hazel: I don’t know about that. Thank God we are rabbits. We never need Spanish Fly. Oh look, there he goes again.
(Watership Down, 1972)