Sunday, February 15, 2009

What is it me amour?

Gomez: Has anyone ever told you, you have! the softest brown eyes?
Morticia: No. Besides, my eyes are blue.
Gomez: No wonder nobodies ever told you! Ever since I first started corresponding with you on the computer I had a picture in my mind of what you would be like.
Morticia: Well I hope I can live up to what you imagined.
Gomez: All that and more my dear lady. Let me lavish kisses all up and down your arm. All up and down your body.
Mortiica: I just have one question my dear sir.
Gomez: And what is that me amour?
Mortiza: Do you like to kiss onion rings?
(The Adams Family, 1964)


chickelit said...

Is this about the Althouse meade-up?

ChocolateGodzilla said...

No entiendo, muchaco. Es un chieste grande?