Saturday, February 21, 2009

Today's gratuitous bathtub photo askses the question, bourbon and bathwater go together.

Hey just sit there and think about it pal. Don't make a mistake. Take your time and think it through.


An Edjamikated Redneck said...

Well, as long as its a cheap bourbon...

But he good stuff only mixes with a little ice and good friends.

Now if you can get a really good friend into the bathtub, all bets are off.

ricpic said...

What the heck is branchwater, anyway?

dr kill said...

Is that the Kramer dude from Seinfeld? I didn't think he bathed.

dr kill said...

Might not be Kramer, he might be the Manichevitz kind, not that there's anything wrong with that.

ricpic said...

Looks like James Mason to me.

Trooper York said...

Yes it is James Mason. And he is thinking about girls. Very young girls. And how to drown Shelly Winters. Or something like that.

An Edjamikated Redneck said...

Branch water is water taken from the crick very near the spring. Very cold and clear; the only thing better than branch water for bourbon is crushed ice...

Damn it; where's the bottle?

Penny said...

Troop has me making associations now...

James Mason conjurs up images of nubile Lolitas to Troop.

When I see "Trooper York", I think about Dick York from Bewitched.

PLEASE tell me you are not a Dick, Troop?

Trooper York said...

Not really. If you want to conjure me up think Ralph Kramden in the Honeymooners. That's about right.

Or Walter Matthau in the Odd Couple is maybe even closer. We have a similar sensibility although I am a little more cheerful.

Penny said...


We need to work at that "cheerfulness".

Alice and Felix would thank us for that.