Friday, February 27, 2009

Tweeting my ass through Tinseltown

Top Cat was one smooth and sexy dude. I mean he was the leader of a gang of cats from Do or Die Bed Stuy and he never went anywhere without his posse. He was a pioneer in the precursor to rap in the spoken word musical area as he was a cat that did some jazzy scat. Tweety was enraptured by his tough guy appeal. His scars from when he was shot. He had nine lives so he had been in some tough scrapes before. So he seemed very sexy to the young and innocent sweet little chickadee. She first met him when he did a scat interlude in her first big hit “Baby Tweet me one more time.” She couldn’t keep her feathers closed around him.
(Tweeting my ass through Tinseltown, The Tweety Bird Story, By Tweety Bird, Warner Brothers Pocket Books, 1989)


blake said...


Tweety Bird's a dude.

That's just wrong!

Trooper York said...

No she's not. She just played a dude in the cartoons. Just like Lassie.

Trooper York said...

And even is she was a dude. What's the matter with you? You have something against same sex different species marriage? This is America for God's sake.

TitusJustShotaLoad said...

What is a knish?

I saw fags walking down the street today. I wanted to bash their brains in. I hate other fags. There are way too many fags in this city.

TitusJustShotaLoad said...

Except if Palladian walked by. I would give him a big hug and let him clean up after one of the rare clumbers.

Trooper York said...

A knish is a tasty potato snack. You can buy one from almost any dirty water dog cart that has pretzels and hot dogs and knishes. There is a paticularly good one right outside Rockafeller Center.

blake said...

I'm ashamed of my homosexubestiaphobia.

Anonymous said...

...he did a scat interlude...

Is that something like a post by Titus?